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Obama may want to, but Romney already did. Obama == Romey. They both suck.3 points
We are left with two choices in any election. Just because I vote for one of them doesn't mean I believe he has our best interests at heart, nor should I be compelled to believe that. I'm picking a Douchebag over a Turd Sandwich. There is a great South Park episode that lays all this out very clearly. I don't like my choices, but I go with the lesser of two evils. That doesn't mean that folks who think like me have the attitude like you're suggesting, of "sitting this one out". All elections are like this and anyone we put in the Oval Office is going to erode our rights. It started with the 2nd President and has occurred to varying degrees ever since. Just because I vote for Romney doesn't mean I have to accept that he is some kind of Messiah. He is just another career politician. You want a solution to put the two party corrupted system into check? Stop reelecting people. I hear all this whining about Paulbots and stuff, but as I see it they are people that are just tired of the two choices, and now are being lambasted simply for saying "enough". If I felt that enough of Americans could get together and reject their parties I'd be in the same boat, but alas, I have no faith that my fellow Americans can do that. They are too easily seduced by divisive issues and flock to party lines in order to hang on to what they got. Well folks, it's a compromise. We'll never get America back to the way it was 50 years ago. Accept it. The only way to get politicians back under our thumb is to stop reelecting them. It won't happen though so we all deserve exactly what we get. Varying degrees of government encroachment.3 points
I agree. I wish that people would stop thinking that any politician gives a crap about them or their rights.3 points
Yes I am. It's called ethics and the rule of law. Our legal system does not provide for the police to execute suspected criminals, and planting evidence is a crime. So it's ok for the police to ignore the law when you don't like the target, but think it's wrong when you do like the target of LEOs? Until the guy is convicted in court, he's innocent. If he was no longer posing an immediate threat, deadly force is no longer authorized. Last time I checked, the Constitution protects all of us, even the worst of us. If you are willing to toss it aside for any single person, then it's not worth anything.2 points
Color me dumbfounded and academia challenged. Has this generation lost its ability to logically reason? I’ve heard examples of mass hysteria, but mass stupidity? Other than the witch trials and superstitious nonsense of the early American colonies, I can think of no other generation in American history where mass’s of people think bass akwards. Of course I’m speaking of the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado. Got up this morning and flipped on the TV to get the local weather and a little news. Went to the Nashville Fox 17 news channel; perhaps someone else on TGO viewed it this morning. There were these talking bobbing heads discussing the Aurora massacre. Among other nonsense, they were stating point blank, Americans need to give up some of their freedoms to prevent more of these same tragedies. Then they went rambling on to say, “that if assault weapons were banned, tragedies like this would be averted. All of law enforcement fear these weapons and want them off the streets. The NRA has the Republicans in their pocket and Democrats fear them, blah, blah, blah.†They even mentioned the theater had no guns allowed signage, go figure? The talking heads more or less implied, assault weapons kill too many people, people don’t. I don’t identify myself as a Republican, Democrat, conservative or liberal. I consider that label a political philosophy and a way of thinking what a group wants you to think and support. That’s why I dropped my Whig Party membership back in the day. As tragic as this event is, the fact remains that more people die everyday from automobile accidents, drug overdoses, suicides, etc. Will more laws, restrictions and less freedoms help? Or would that just be feel good measures? People are going to be people, everyone has their own vices and evil has been around as long as there have been humans. When will our society realize you can’t legislate morality? I’ve even heard what separates us from the animal kingdom is the ability to reason. It defies reasoning to blame an inanimate object for human actions. This same “reasoning†of higher intelligence says the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, Planned Parenthood is a legal right, and I need to work to support those to lazy to do so. Dr. Dennis1209 proposes this way of thinking is a mental illness and we’re all doomed. I can think of no other generation in American history where a large segment of U.S. citizens call good bad, and bad good. What really stood out and scares the heck out of me, when the media and self proclaimed experts with agenda’s spout out that we need to give up some of our freedoms to prevent… Who was it that said something like: those that will give up freedoms for security…? As far as the Second Amendment, how can there be any debate or court decisions on what and whom the founding fathers meant on the right to keep and bear arms? I can’t even spell I.Q. but, the Articles, letters and intent are so clearly spelled out, that even I, an academia whipping boy can understand the exact meaning. Just wanted to rant a bit. Perhaps my brain wiring is under developed and I have it all bass akwards.1 point
there is very little anyone could do. Movie theater aisles are what? 30 seats across maybe. How is anyone going to charge a shooter from that? Maybe if you are on the aisle seat you might have a chance, Other than that you duck and cover, hope to get passed over. I am hopeful my reaction would be to cover my loved ones, I think thats how it would play out. If I take one in the back then so be it.1 point
Good points, especially the last ones. But, Paul is way more isolationist than is healthy. Though I do like the idea of treating our southern border porosity as an invasion and using troops to backstop the border patrol. But he wants to leave some key allies hanging in the wind while taking a reactive rather than proactive stance on countries that really freaking hate us. Iran for instance. It is a nice break from all the foreign crap we do get dragged into but it is a little too head in the sand. If he had pulled back on that he might have been viable too. And yes, the meddling we have done with Iran-contra and Hussein was dumb. In hindsight. Johnson though is farther along than Paul. He wants to pull all the troops out as well as completely open our borders. A recipe for suicide as bad as reelecting Obama. But both of them have great ideas for encouraging companies to come back to the US. Both have fantastic ideas for encouraging growth. And both are awesome from a Constitutionalist, and personal liberties front. But that isn't enough.1 point
This exactly is what's wrong with America. We have become a nation of flighters instead of fighters (minus a few of us.) I understand that a woman may not want to take on a man, but there were no men there that tried to take him down? I feel like we've become a nation of wimps and the American spirit of fighting evil is gone. What's most ironic is that it took place in a movie where good is fighting evil. I know it was dark and smokey, but it was also dark and smoky for the shooter too. We need more flight 93 type people and less Jersey Shore types.1 point
You'll know before you leave the room whether you've passed or not. If you pass, you should have a call sign issued and be able to be on the air within a week. The paper license will follow in the mail.1 point
I'm not too worried. If the government can't round up 40 million illegals, how is it going to find 300 million guns?1 point
You do have people who have simply lost the ability for critical thinking - such thinking needs to be modeled, taught and we seldom do that any more. This leads to people who really think that banning "assault weapons" and or that "non guns allowed" signs are effective because, in a lack of logic and critical thinking, emotions usually win the day in the minds of people (of course, I'm not talking about those who have an agenda to concentrate power and see individually owned weapons as an impediment to their agenda). No one who thinks through the issue logically would ever conclude that the problem is "the gun", be it an assault weapon or simply a weapon that looks like it's an assault weapon - no one tho thinks through the issue logically would ever believe that "No Guns Allowed" sign is going to stop someone who is intent on massacring innocent people. No one thinking logically would believe that taking firearms out of the hands of decent, law-abiding citizens is going to sole the problem...what gets me is that these people will claim that you can confiscate and ban ALL weapons in the U.S. (estimated to be somewhere around at lest 270 million firearms) and often will concurrently claim that it's impossible to find and send some 14 million illegal aliens back to wherever they came from because there are just too many of them. Last time I took a math course I'm pretty sure 270 million is a much bigger number than 14 million.1 point
Agreed. "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car"1 point
guns are used in these types of crimes because it is the most readily available tool suited for the task. Ban guns, remove every gun from the face of the earth then some other tool will be the best available tool for killing. Banning guns is not going to stop or solve anything.1 point
1 point
I didn't vote, left it for you guys to decide. And y'all chose Mitt, so gotta go with him myself now. - OS1 point
I have been into guns for over 40 years and they have been talking about gun bans the whole time. I still have all the guns I can afford to buy and they are all legal. No one is going to take your gun; but stay vigilant.1 point
1 point
Exactly, me too. I think it's funny to see folks who are always suggesting using the 2A to "take back our government" when there is a much easier, less painful solution. I don't see how it is easier to accept an armed conflict over simply abandoning your party and not reelecting someone..... or, God forbid, having to elect a Democrat to oust a Republican that has gotten too comfy. The same attitude of capitulation to the two parties is what we have to blame for every right we lose or have slowly eroded. I'm committing myself to never reelect anyone until our country is back on track financially, because if we collapse the Constitution, gay marriage, abortion, green energy, 2A won't matter anymore. Romney gets 4 years to undivide our Congress. If he fails then I'll vote Democrat in 2016. We might have to go back in forth for a decade, but if we just didn't reelect anyone we'd see a dramatic change in who rises in the parties.1 point
Yep. I welcome discomfort if it will change people's thinking and teach the politicians a lesson. I hate both parties equally.1 point
Ain't it though? I'm not riled up...not in the least...you may have me confused....maybe you should settle down a bit too....check your pressure guage! Dave1 point
Big Bad John throws open the saloon door, screams, "All you lily-livered weak-kneed sons o' bitches clear out!" Mad scramble ensues as 50 folks all vacate the premises. One old codger remains at one table with bottle of rye. Big Bad John approaches, says "Didn't you hear me, old man?" Codger hands him the bottle, says, "Sure wuz a lot of them, eh?" - OS1 point
That guy had his weapons in his hands when they caught him in the parking lot. They should have put a couple hundred green tips in his ass. He planned to survive, get arrested, and have his name in lights. Leave it to our society to play into his hands, just as we do with all terrorists.1 point
You know I really don't get where all the animosity twords ArmyVeterans posts comes from. Do I agree with everything he posts? Nope. I do however applaud the fact that he recognizes certain issues and tries to spread alternate view points in regards to them. What ever happened to the rule Thumpers father taught him? "If you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all." Keep in mind this is not directed at anyone, it just seems like alot of times he goes out of his way to post something he feels passionately about just to get the $h@t end of the stick handed back to him. Anyway. Thanks for the vid AV, like Sam I'm pretty skeptical but interesting none the less.1 point
I think both sides would be wise to not try and politicize this. I don't think American's really want to hear about gun control or anything politically motivated after this.1 point
I see that Bloomberg isn't wasting any time on this one. He is the Mayor of a city that has nothing to do with where this took place. I think the Mayor of Aurora should tell him to mind his own effing business and worry about his own deteriorating sh*thole.1 point
Just my policy, but I never buy firearms to look at. I buy firearms that are quality shooters. If it were me, I'd say adios to any anniversary show pieces and go with a pistol to go have fun/train with at the range.1 point
My door doesn't have a peep hole, and do you really think the cops are going to have a conversation with you through your door when they think you are an attempted murder? That could be a scene in a comical cop movie. I could just see these guys itching to bust down a door say, "Hang on, Spanky. He's going to "call it in" real quick to make sure we are the people we never said we were." Not going to happen.1 point
Actually, I get great reception out there and have occasionally even been known to call a friend or relative on a reeeeeally hot day just to tell them that "I'm waist deep in crystal clear water and boy oh boy it'd sure be nice if you were here, but you're not so I thought I'd just call and rub it in..." Oh, and it's very peaceful. Maybe the most peaceful river I've ever floated. I love it!1 point
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