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My wife carries. My daughters bear their own responsibility. If you were to come upon one of my relatives being stabbed in a car, I'd expect you to exercise sound judgement, considering both your circumstances and theirs. I don't expect other people to protect me and mine. That's why we carry.3 points
You can't hold someone at gunpoint unless you're willing to pull the trigger. Also, while holding someone at gunpoint, some other well-meaning citizen/vigilante may come up and shoot YOU.3 points
I see that Bloomberg isn't wasting any time on this one. He is the Mayor of a city that has nothing to do with where this took place. I think the Mayor of Aurora should tell him to mind his own effing business and worry about his own deteriorating sh*thole.2 points
Good thing I don't give a flying f...um...fig about 'society'. I care about me and mine (and I include many of my friends in the idea of 'mine', not just my immediate family.) 'Society' can go to hell. Personally, I'd say that people who walk around being potential victims because they won't even do something so basic as take responsibility for their own defense (be it with a firearm, pepper spray or a stout club) is what deteriorates society. To me, then, 'society' is already pretty deteriorated and I'm not throwing myself on the pyre to try and save it. Some keep saying that this is a 'moral issue vs. legal issue' and that some people are hesitant to do the 'moral' thing because of 'legal' concerns. That is not entirely the case. See, I feel no moral obligation, whatsoever, to take a significant risk of physical OR financial injury to myself to save a stranger. To me, morality (and you can throw religion in there, too, if you want) is sometimes simply a way for 'society' to get individuals to do what 'society' thinks they should do even when it goes against that individual's best interests but, as I said earlier, society can go to hell as far as I am concerned. My morality is my own and my morality does not require me to take such a risk on behalf of a stranger regardless of gender, etc. nor does my morality lead me to expect anyone else to do so on my behalf. Helping someone who needs a hand, if I can without harm coming to me, is one thing. Taking a serious risk for someone I don't even know is quite another. Some here may think that means I am not very moral, at all. Some may think I am 'heartless' or 'not a good person'. I'm okay with that - I live up to my own standards and really don't care whether or not I live up to anyone else's. Along with expectations to do what 'society' says is moral comes the expectation that one should feel guilty for not doing what 'society' says is the moral thing to do. Feelings of guilt or fear of feeling guilty can be a powerful motivator. Such feelings are often used by various people to try and manipulate others into doing what they say is 'right'. However, it isn't all that effective when used on those of us who refuse to feel guilt simply because someone else thinks we should. Oh, I'm 41 and wouldn't shoot.2 points
That simply isn’t true. The Police investigators asked for an arrest warrant from the beginning. The DA chose not to pursue that. A group of citizens got upset because he didn’t do his job; the Governor sat him on the sidelines and put someone else in. If the fact that the group of citizens was black, makes it a race issue for some people; so be it. I don’t see this being a race issue. I don’t know why the DA didn’t pursue an arrest warrant. I would be curious to know how many times the Police have asked for an arrest warrant in a homicide case and the DA refused. When you kill someone there is no guarantee you aren’t going to stand trial. Zimmerman created the situation, escalated it to a chase, and Martin stood his ground. I’ve seen it posited several times that Martin could have got away from Zimmerman. That is exactly what “No duty to retreat†is all about. Martin had no duty to flee what he perceived as an attacker, he had done nothing wrong. He can’t tell us what he felt, he can’t tell us if he saw Zimmerman’s gun and was fighting for his life. Martin was the victim. If a jury decides to their stamp of approval on Zimmerman killing Martin; so be it. As has been said many times, we don’t have a justice system; we have a legal system. Based on what I have seen and read justice would be a conviction. But that is simply my opinion and means nothing. If this goes to trial we all get to see what the jury sees. I will watch that with an open mind, but I still have an opinion, as does most everyone else.2 points
I am sorry people were shot, but freedom has its costs. If fourteen people die because of us having a right to own firearms then so be it.2 points
I don’t think the defense will make the mistake of opening the door by attacking the character of the victim. If they do the Prosecution will destroy Zimmerman with past bad acts. And they aren’t kid’s comments or drug references; they are acts of violence. Evidence? An innocent citizen was walking down the street committing no crime and bothering no one. He saw Zimmerman come after him and he fled; there was an altercation and he was shot to death. None of that is in dispute. Zimmerman had no business getting out of his truck and chasing him. His reckless conduct caused the death of Martin. That’s my opinion and my opinion only on an internet forum. I am not saying that he shouldn’t get a fair trial, or that he shouldn’t be out on bond. I am arm chair quarterbacking with the information I have just like those that are saying he was justified are doing. The difference is that I don’t care if Martin was kicking Zimmerman azz. Zimmerman’s acts caused that; he put himself in that situation and martin didn’t deserve to die. “Stand your ground†also applies to Martin. He had a right to be where he was and he had a right to defend himself, he was committing no crime when he was chased by a nutcase with a gun (we don’t know whether he saw it or not). Had he beat Zimmerman to death not a jury in the land would convict him; because he was defending himself. Unfortunately all he had were his hands and the bad guy in this scenario had a gun. This would be like if you willfully engaged in a road rage incident, you both pull over and you get into a mutual fight situation. The other guy gets a couple of good shots to your head; you decide you are in danger and pull out your gun and kill him; you are going to prison. Only with the Zimmerman case, Zimmerman was the only willing participant; Martin was chased down and was protecting himself. Do I think Zimmerman did this intentionally? Not really, I think he was ignorant and reckless.2 points
And some people want him to be innocent because the media rakes him over the coals. I don't think that is a good reason either. I also don't think we have all the evidence. A charge of 2nd degree murder tells me there is something we don't know since there hasn't been anything released that it is 2nd degree and not manslaughter. I'm no legal eagle, but I would think the charge would be thrown out without some kind of evidence to back it up.2 points
I tend to believe that hardship is just as apart of life as prosperity, and you cannot have one without the other. Come what may, we will see this through and come out stronger in the end. I do not subscribe to any teotwawki kind of thing, as dwelling on that too much can make a person crazy. Take things one day at a time, come what may, it is all part of God's plan, and a cycle of life, imo.1 point
Ramjo, I too found it interesting he has all the "evil guns" categories covered. Ar15, 12 gauge, and Glock. OS, Agree with the small relief he's not an HCP. Sad situation, prayers for the injured and all families. As I've already said to family: It wasn't the guns, it wasn't the movies, it was the individual.1 point
You're gonna debate a lunatic's logic process? Hell, he didn't even dye his hair the right color. - OS1 point
I think both sides would be wise to not try and politicize this. I don't think American's really want to hear about gun control or anything politically motivated after this.1 point
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It has advertised on the radio all week. I hope it is better than previous Lebanon shows. The ones I've been to were a waste of time and $.1 point
I can tell that some of you guys are just a little too emotional about this based on your punctuation and syntax. That tells me that you have lost the ability to see this objectively. If I didn't know better, I'd think you actually want Zimmerman to get a life sentence at the very least.1 point
Tragic event. I pray for the families. Now, this is another thread that blows my mind. Almost immediately people start speculating about Muslims and terrorism and gun control. When the shooter turns out to be a thug white kid people start blaming the media for jumping the gun. Naturally the lame king ( Obama ) is brought into it and now we are on the way to gun control? One thing that I have learned on TGO from the Zimmerman debates is that we all rush to judgement too fast. This is simply another American tragedy where guns were used. Obama had nothing to do with it. The race war won't be starting during the Batman movie and the Muslims are still working on their game plan for world dominance so you still have time to prep. Good day, Links2k1 point
Exactly. I'm not sure where people get the notion that liberty is free.1 point
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So apparently New York is uping thier movie theater security.I wonder why is that since I thought no one had guns in New York.1 point
And "buckets of bullets". I think someone is at my door, brb. - OS1 point
That would be funny, but we'd all end up on a terror watch list and probably face criminal charges after they freaked out thinking it was a terror attack.1 point
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This is where the rubber meets the road. Based on what I have gathered, I think Trayvon didn't flee. He saw someone watching him, got his gangsta on, approached him, asked if he had a problem, then commensed to stomping Z's ass. This is based entirely on speculation, just like your opinion is. But there is a lot of evidence supporting Trayvon being a gansta (either legit or wannabee). Gangsta's take any opportunity to show how bad they are.1 point
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I’m 58 years old and if I see someone stabbing another person to death, I’m doing the same thing I was trained as a Police Officer to do; I’m pointing my weapon at them and ordering them to stop. What happens after that is up to them. I’ll survive the legal fallout if there is any, but I couldn’t sleep at night if I stood by and watched someone be killed.1 point
Well that's life sometimes. No one can control the future or predict it, so it is not a deciding factor when making a decision based in morality for me. Perhaps I just haven't had enough bad experiences from intervening into situations. I've never had to pull my gun out in the states before, but I have become involved. In fact, the times I became involved I wasn't even armed. I think the fact that we carry is kinda inconsequential here. Whether or not I'm armed would not stop me from intervening in someone's brutal assault or murder, nor would the legal ramifications be going through my mind at the moment. The question, as I understood it from the OP was one of morals: would you or wouldn't you? Some believe that it compromises their morals to put themselves and family in financial danger, as could potentially happen. That is a valid concern. Me, I feel I've risked it all for a lot less before, and in one case for two people I should have been compelled to let die. The same morality that causes me to do the right thing for my family is the same that causes me to do the right things for others. Whatever is most immediately in need will get my attention.1 point
Some young ladies just have no appreciation of the finer points of dark humor and melodrama. You'd think being married to Dolomite would've given her an better perspective on great gun humor.1 point
I wouldn't worry much. S&W will fix it. Their customer service is great.1 point
OK I'm officially on the short bus. It looked to me as though the gate was closed with a notch cutaway. Upon reevaluation the gate is in fact open and what I'm seeing is the frame. Sometimes viewing on an iPhone has it's advantages, this was not one of those times.1 point
I will be willing to bet...that the "Unknown 3rd party" you saved, will not give you a dime in your legal defense either! Will leave you hanging on your own! Dave1 point
Well, I get all warm and fuzzy to see the report's title prefaced with "GUN CONTROL".1 point
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Oh, I am certainly open to the evidence, and can be swayed with any new that comes up. I am basing my beliefs off the 911 tape, and from the eyewitness statements. There may be security tapes out there that shows it clearyly that we haven't seen yet. What we do know is that the media tried to convict Zimmerman as soon as they got ahold of this. They used pics of Trayvon when he was a 13 year old kid instead of a 17 year old HS Defensive Lineman, doctored the 911 tapes to make it sound like "Z" thought Trayvon looked suspicious only because he was black, and tried to paint "Z" as some sort of vigilante. They even had expert after expert try to convince us that "Z" called Martin a "Coon", when it was obvious to everyone but the MSM that the word he used was not that. It always sounded like "Punk" to me. NONE of the media biased is in dispute. NBC employees were fired over the doctored tapes. I have learned that when the MSM goes ape#### in support of something, I usually find that is exactly the opposite of what I believe to be best...so naturally, I expect this to be no different. Again, I don't think Trayvon was a criminal or in the wrong. As I said before, I just don't think either guy could see the other's "white hat" because of the rain and the dark.1 point
One part dihydrogen monoxide per one part dehydrated water Sent from my LG-P999 using Xparent Red Tapatalk 21 point
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There are two definitions of 'assault rifle'. The first one is the one commonly used by reasonably knowledgable people who actually use firearms. "An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle or carbine typically firing ammunition with muzzle energies and sizes intermediate between those of handgun and more traditional high-powered rifle ammunition." The second definition is the one used by gun-control advocates and media. "Anything that looks scary to an ignorant hoplophobe." Your DPMS .308 does not fit the first definition, but most certainly meets the second one.1 point
Without Hannity and some of the other "loudmouths" on Fox, the liberal point of view would be the only one presented, at least on television.1 point
Also, it's not "going Zimmerman" on someone. For goodness sake, we have enough struggles getting reasonable media treatment. The last thing we need to do is call something what it is not. It is up to us as a community to not create controversy with the way we talk and converse among ourselves. It is defense of a third party, not "going Zimmerman".1 point
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Think numbers man. That rifle has high "Manly Factor" but can you shoot that all day? The fatigue would bad. I'm not a big rimfire fan at all but a rooftop zombie kit includes the following *(2) reasonably accurate, extremely reliable .22 rifles. *Dozen "bricks" of .22 ammunition *Coleman cooler with beer, water, some turkey sandwiches, BBQ chips and some twinkies *A large parasol, or umbrella and some sunscreen *Solar charged iPod with plenty tunes that make you happy.1 point
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Soros has been at this for years NRA made it public on him years ago, Soros only backs canadates that are anti-gun1 point
Doesn't ratification take 2/3 of the senate? That won't happen. Obama has to know that. Bet he's just throwing a bone to his libtard supporters.1 point
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