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For what it's worth, I've seen about 5 more election cycles that you, and really DO believe that this one is unique in my life. It may well be too late anyway, but if not, 4 more years of Obama and whatever legacy continues after that will seal it for both your own progeny and the extended posterity. Certainly, Mitt is by far an imperfect standard bearer, but what's unprincipled with supporting him over what may for all practical purposes be the frigging AntiChrist? You DO have "skin" in this game, and the stakes are very real for them. - OS1 point
Please explain how a vote for any loser, regardless of the margin, benefits posterity, your direct own, or in general. By the way, it's "principle" on which you wish to stand. Henry Clay said, "I'd rather be right than President". That proved to be true, 5 times, but he didn't affect posterity in any way as much as did the various folks who beat him. - OS1 point
I'm voting for ABO (Anybody But Obama) so Romney it is as nobody else has a chance.1 point
He's gotta make a huge profit so he can take all those helicopter rides out to people.1 point
+1 I hope people understand just what the campaigner in chief did buy gutting welfare reform. His thinking is the more people on the government teet the more votes for him, same with his gay rights and immigration moves. Shameless low-down skunk this idiot is. Now here's a story where he plays dumb to just what he did. http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama-after-gutting-welfare-reform-americans-cant-be-looking-for-handouts/article/2502100 .1 point
Armyveteran37214 REALLY needs to seek treatment for his OCD because judging by the content of his posts that's exactly what he has. No, it's not dissen because I have OCD too - just not this kind. RP lost; get over it! You either support the Communist In Charge or you support Romney...period!1 point
after looking over the numbers of deaths/homicides via gun in USA which is in the 9-10K range it seems to me like banning guns is a waste of time ,the numbers a low !! Deaths via auto crashes were in the 50K range per year but the over whelming winner in all deaths per year is Heart Attacks with over 500k deaths a year I think the UN needs to go after McDonalds........That Clown has alone killed hundreds of thousands just by himself1 point
Yep, it is not very wise to "ascribing(e) traits of a group to one individual." How do you feel about Harry Reid? He is a mormon, and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.1 point
My friend, you and I have had that argument before...multiple times before...I don't agree with you for what I believe are valid reasons and I'm not going to agree with you and I'm okay with that. With regard to the Safe Employee Commute bill, virtually the same laws are operating in 16 states and have already survived the "private property" Constitutional challenge so our arguing about it is sort of a wast of time anyway. But whether the Constitution applies to business property is not germane to the issue of defeating Maggart anyway; Debra Maggart engaged in secretive and underhanded maneuvers to keep the issue from coming before the people's legislature for an up/down vote; a vote that both proponents AND opponents of the bill wanted to come to the floor. She did it, I believe, to placate her big business pals (and keep their campaign contributions coming in)...she did it so that she wouldn't need to actually vote on the measure and expose the fact that she wasn't the friend of the Second Amendment she has claimed has always claimed to be and retain her favorable NRA rating. The NRA is absolutely right to take her favorable rating away and to let the people of her district know where she really stands on 2A issues. Most importantly, any politician that would put money ahead of principles she claims to believe in is a politician we can do without because she has proven that she cannot be trusted to what is right if someone dangles enough money in front of her.1 point
There is a disabled guy at my local wally that is hillarious and gives me and my kids a high five everytime we come in. I wish all the people at wally had his outlook on life. He is in a wheelchair and has one of those machines that he types on to talk. Despite all of that he always has a smile and makes sure he says hi to everyone. Gerald Rocks!!!!!1 point
Had my last Republican savior not lied to me, signed the patriot act, Tarp 1 and a myriad of other things, I may would be more likely to listen 6.8. I'm not saying other people are stupid and never have. The only thing I've ever meant is that people should vote for who they want and not who they think has a chance of being elected. It's ok with me if others want to compromise. It is not for me to judge them, but I do have to live with my decisions. If I give an inch, they will take a mile. I've given enough inches already.1 point
I, for one, would love to see you post something original with you rather than internet videos day after day. If you actually stated your views and debated issues instead of just posting videos you might actually sway people to your positions...hell, I might even agree with you once in a while.1 point
Not me. He'd be too busy doing donuts and trick driving. The cops would catch him before he ever made it out of town.1 point
I hesitate to call myself a Conservative, b/c of the baggage that comes with it. Some people fail to see a distinction b/w fiscal policy and social policy. I'm VERY fiscally conservative, but I want to stay out of peoples' business. That doesn't mean I want their business shoved in my face either, though. Most important, though, is that the gov't has to quit picking winners and losers in the economy. They punish success through the tax code and that makes me furious. I'm sick of the class warfare crap most of all.1 point
Yup. Zero guilt here too. If the Rs or Ds wanted me to vote for their guy they would put someone up I could get behind. I reckon I'm a 1%er as well.1 point
I've said it once and I'll say it again. A crap load of crap from crap town. Scripts, actors, and bad production, these guys give reality tv a bad name and that's pretty hard to do. If any real money actually changes hands it's happening twice. Once from the producers to the actors, and again from the actors back to the producers. Remember if $1000 is sexy $10,000 is sexier. I go back and forth on what's more upsetting, the writers low opinion of the intelligence of those watching or the fact that some people actually believe that crap. While I'm ranting, another thing that chaps my a$$ is the people watching sons of guns and going online spouting crap about Vince leaving everyone in a lurch. Come on people he was under contract. He wouldn't/couldnt have up and left the way they portray it happening, the Hollywood lawyers would own his house, all his possessions, and his new business. His leaving wasn't a surprise to any one except the viewers. OK, rant officially over, god I hate tv sometimes.1 point
I'd save the ammo for squirrels and bunnies. An 8 ft by 6 ft trench surrounding the home would do the trick. Once there are a few hundred of them start launching balloons filled with fuel/gel mix into the trench in crowded spots. Add flame. Problem solved.1 point
As much as I would welcome the demise of both big parties, I understand that this is something that just won't ever happen. This has nothing to do with the parties; it has everything to do with my fellow Americans. I realize that not enough Americans will ever vote for their convictions but they will vote for whomever is most likely to win that supports the majority of their ideals. I tend to always vote Republican because my priorities start with fiscal conservatism and there will never be a Dem candidate that will want smaller government. I would absolutely love to vote my concious in the primary, but I know that most Americans won't. Conservatives are most likely to vote on beliefs which is why the Dems will always sweep an election with a third party candidate. Not to say that Dems aren't capable of standing by their beliefs, but they're much better at closing ranks than the Republicans. Since the average voter makes their decision on either media coverage, commercials or "that's how daddy voted" I don't see any hope of ousting our two party system. The only possible way to reign them in is to send a clear message to Washington that they're going to be fired if they don't work together to pick this country up out of the gutter. I think this is a very possible goal to achieve. A very small percentage of voters can sway an election one way or the other. If only 10 percent of voters agreed to vote out every incumbent on the ballot it could change the race by a margin of up to 20 percent. In a two party race 20 percent will decide who goes to Washington and who doesn't, since we know everyone else will vote party lines. Of course, that would presuppose that all those votes would be coming away from one side or the other, but even a 5 percent defection from one party could be a nail in the coffin, and could you imagine in a 50/50 split presidential election with a sitting Republican if 10 percent defected and voted Democrat making it a 60/40 landslide? What clearer message could be sent to the Republican party to get their sh!t together and stop with the career politicians and pandering? I dunno, this model I consider the "knock some sense into them" model. Perhaps it would be messy at first, but it would remind the two parties that we are still in control. Many folks would consider this to be "too messy" as voting in Dems would compromise so many conservative gains but these are the same folks suggesting some kind of armed revolt. Well, which do you think would be more messy? At least if the two parties had to deal with 8 years of 100% non-negotiable turnover they'd get the picture. At that point they'd have to realize that it doesn't matter what party you belong to or what commercials you put on the TV.... you're getting fired at the end of your term. It'd be a lot easier to clean up that mess than one that would involve revolt or a coup which would be 10 times more corruptable in the unlikely event they were successful. Use any modern day revolution or coup as a model and see how well things went when they were successful at attaining their goals. The most successful ones involved a tyrannical dictator taking charge in the end.1 point
Here's a couple of questions for you ArmyVet, if you can't find it on a video please type it out. What are GJ's polling numbers along with Ron Paul's? What percentage of the vote do they need to have to continue their run for the WH? (I'm assuming of course they have set a % goal in which they think they can actually win and not be another Ross Perot.)1 point
I am glad to see that. Unless you are breaking a law they should not even try to detain you. Welcome to the new America where you have to show your papers. It will only get worse.1 point
As much as I hate Comcast you couldn't get me to go with satellite. Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 21 point
Actually, by the results of a whole season worth of primaries, he lost.1 point
1 point
If you shoot that 1K times in a day I will kneel in the presence of your awesomeness.1 point
Hell, they should just carry a .44 if penetration is what they are worried about...knock out those engine blocks haha.1 point
Whenever you have a situation like the Miami shootout or the Bank of America shootout; you will have controversy. In both cases the bad guys had superior fire power and were playing offense not defense (state of mind). Had the LAPD had .308 rifles the shootout would have been much shorter, had they had 50 Cal Barrett’s it would have been over in two rounds; but they didn’t. Why would anyone think that THP buying .357 Sigs means they are a better round? There are Police agency’s using 9mm, 40S&W, 45ACP, and .357SIG. “Someone†thought all of those rounds would be the best for the application they have; that doesn’t mean they were right. Penetration? I want my handguns round expelling all of its energy in the body; not passing through it. Since I can’t fit 15 rounds of .45ACP or .357Mag in a duty size gun; my choice would be .40S&W. If I want barrier penetration I would pull my .308 AR out of the rifle rack in the squad and use it; that’s barrier penetration. If 5 gang bangin’ thugs open fire on you on the street with .380’s; you are going to die on the street full of .380 holes regardless of what caliber gun you are carrying. Superior firepower. You can talk all you want about shot placement but in many circumstances you would never get the chance or have the time to place an exact shot. Everything is application driven…. Nothing has changed. You are picking the gun and the round that someday may be called upon to save your life or the life of a family member. It is your responsibility to make the right decision; because the rest of us are only going to read about the aftermath.1 point
Consistent compression of a spring does not make it wear. The compression and decompression or movement of the tempered material, or the movement of the molecules is what causes the breakdown of the microscopic structure of elements. In laymens terms,, load em up and keep em loaded as long as you like. You will be long gone in a pine box before you have to worry about single compression breakdown of tempered spring steel.1 point
There are clips, and then there are magazines. In any case, it should not damage either one to keep them loaded. Springs wear from being cycled, not from being compressed.1 point
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