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All the good workers will be gone and the only people that will fill those positions are ones that shouldn't be working in the first place.2 points
People need to stop being afraid of religion. Like it or not, since the dawn of modern civilization, and even pre-modern civilization, faith has made its way into societal laws and traditions. Even the Deism from our Founding Fathers has permeated our laws.2 points
Now if you could figure out a way to turn that into a 4,000 page document it would probably pass with ease.2 points
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If it was really IWB then the hole in his pants should give a clue. Glenn1 point
Congrats to you! I lost about 20 lbs with Atkins several years ago, but gained it all back. I just couldn't stick to the diet, I like bread too much. I've since lost about 15 lbs by simply eating less. I basically eat what I want, I just try not to eat a lot of it. Portion control is my key.1 point
Congrats. I lost 30 pounds on Atkins a long time ago. I would just caution you that it will come back very fast if you ever decide to eat a normal diet again.1 point
Religious law is already in the courtroom. It's where we get our laws about right and wrong. We can take the ten commandments off the wall, but there is no denying where the foundation of our laws came from.1 point
Based on her previous profession, understanding Sharia compliant finance is a necessity. She worked in Abu Dhabi, UAE as a corporate lawyer. As far as I know, in the UAE the only court that falls under Sharia is family court (divorces, custody, alimony). I'm not certain that all businesses there have to be Sharia finance compliant by law, but many of those corporations are involved with other nations within the Gulf region that are. Sharia law is nothing more than describing Biblical laws. Remember how much stuff there is in the Old Testament regarding financial guidance by God in repect to loans and such? Well, much is the same in the Quran. The only difference is some countries still abide by it, while places like the US made very clear the separation between church and state, even though there are close similarities between some of our laws and those outlined in the Old Testament. This has no bearing on her current job.1 point
Absolutely. I think the Whiskey Rebellion is a milestone in our post-Revolution history in regard to validating our government's authority while showing that the political process is the way. The mindset at the time was "if I don't like the gov I'll pick up a gun and fight." In reality, that is not how it's supposed to work here. If you don't like the government, vote 'em out. If your neighbor votes 'em in, tough titties. Washington handled that situation like the true leader that he was, not only leading troops to squash the rebellion, but also understanding the mindset of his countrymen and not going after them. Everyone went back to their homes without incident and the couple dozen insurgents that were actually arrested were later pardoned. What was the long term result of this? Well, an up and coming political party exploited the discontent of the people and began to take power, which eventually led to the repealing of the tax that cause the whole mess in the first place. That is how it's supposed to work. Once that political party got a little to grabby, BAM... in comes another one to knock 'em down a few pegs. The rest, as they say, is history. This model seems to work just fine. It ain't perfect, but it works and I like it. Good point to bring up. See, an insurgency doesn't thrive off the the folks that are willing to pick up arms and fight. You can have an effective insurgency with very limited participation. You can also have a very ineffective insurgency with a vast participation. It boils down to support; both idealistic and material. If the population supports an insurgency then the government will have a nearly impossible time trying to fight it. The only way to combat an insurgency is to win the support of the people, and to demonize the insurgents. Using the recent example of Iraq, despite how the news would portray it, there was very limited involvement in regard to the general population. Even with an environment with huuuuge unemployment numbers. Why? Well, the simplist answer is people don't like to die young. Hope that the future might get better is enough to keep most people from making a potentially fatal decision. Conversely, the same reason folks commit suicide; a lack of hope. This can bargained with tools such as money and indoctrination, which both use their own version of "hope" to tempt people into taking up arms. Then, of course, you have the very small minority of fighters that are the true believers; the ones that have probably suffered some loss or personal tragedy that has pushed them over the edge where their only hope is to create destruction... or they're just a born mental case. So how did such a small number of folks keep us engaged for so long? No matter how awful we think the war was, we certainly gave a lot more than what we got. It wasn't as if we were losing by attrition or anything. We just couldn't put the nail in the coffin, so to speak. The trick was winning over the people, which is something we didn't have. You can't find out who the bad guys are or where they are without human intelligence. All the fancy schmancy gadgets in the world won't do you any good without the key element of human interaction. There are huge limiting factors there if you don't have the support of the people; money only goes so far. So reconcile with the local leaders.. the pillars of the community who not only have access to all the inside information, but can also influence the opinions of their people. At the same time turn the table on the insurgents. Highlight their atrocities against the people in every manner of the media you can. The attitudes of the Iraqis towards the Sunni insurgent groups changed so drastically and suddenly that many of those groups were left with little choice... quit or face embarassing defeat. So what did the US and Iraqi government do? Well we tried to bring them into the fold by legitimizing those groups and giving them a stake in the overall security, thus allowing them not to lose face and participate in the Democratic process. Many of those groups took the easy road. The ones that didn't kinda just withered into obscurity, not really able to make much of stink anymore. People wanted no part of it. So the point being, without the support of the general population an insurgency can't be successful or survive for very long. Even in a country that experienced regular revolutions and coups like Bolivia, the leftist movement couldn't make any significant progress because the people didn't support it... and that's with the involvement of Che Guevara and the fame he brought to the fight. Exactly. Folks aren't going to support anything that threatens their way of life. Right now, despite our economy, things are still good enough. People aren't going to support any movement which will destabilize all the comforts they currently enjoy. No support from the people, no insurgency. I think secession would be handled today in much the same manner it was handled before. Furthermore, I believe that our armed forces would stay true to their duty and fight against any state that seceded. Besides that, the state would turn third world practically overnight, which would lose the support of the populous and, ultimately, those that do the fighting. Kinda like the Civil War, but on a much more advanced timeline. Our politicians couldn't lead their way out of a wet paper bag. They are weak minded puppets compared to those that founded this country. However, if such a scenario occurred, the leader would be swiftly defeated militarily at the great cost of human life and suffering of the populous he represents. He would be remembered in history as the anti-Christ. I don't have much of an imagination, but the line I draw for armed revolt is somewhere around an illegitimate coup of some sort or foreign troops on our soil to exert control for what ever reason. I don't see this happening any time soon; probably not in my life time. Much would have to change economically, socially and globally for that to happen. If Obama gets re-elected in November he will continue to erode our rights. Anyone sitting in that chair will; Obama just does it more efficiently. If that's the case then we'll have another four years of the pendulum swinging to the left, which will most assuredly result in it swinging back to the right in 2016. I don't like waiting that long, but that's the country we live in and that's the country I love. Oh yeah.... WOLVERINES!!!1 point
That's not even mentioning prior service personnel who have the same skill sets.1 point
cough, you mean Jack Rocks, 2 bent nails tac wielded together. Not that I would know anything about that. 3 points on the ground, 1 always up. They look allot like Caltrop. Not that I would know anything about these other then I remember a coal strike where both sides used them on a public road. Everyone not involved in the strike was mad at both sides. No I am not saying to use them either. I got one in a motorcycle tire.1 point
I got no problem with Glocks. They are fantastic weapons. The only problem I have is with people you meet at the range, or dealers that drank the Glock-aid. They can be quite annoying. They seem not to understand that if Colt sucked they would not be in business for over 100 years, and if Beretta sucked they would not be in business after almost 500 years. People, in general, are narrow minded I think.1 point
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Hell, that's nothing, from same site, here's feller with two guns and no arms at all!1 point
That's exactly what I do - for some reason, you seem to have a problem with that.1 point
Bullets can easily change direction in mid-air. Just ask the Warren Commission...1 point
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Wiki is the most useless, illegitimate source of info for anything. Did you see the news story where dozens of off handed edits were made to "forward" references in the first 24 hours after Obunghole used it?? It's as useless as a set of Britannica encyclopedia that's been scratched through by a horde of 5th graders.1 point
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