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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2012 in all areas
Well, I've been convinced of it for a while now, but here's proof positive that white men are the sorriest idiots to ever draw breath.4 points
They found no blood? Perhaps dude missed? I guess they couldn't follow tracks.2 points
48" long and weighs 9.5lbs. 29" barrel by Urban Rifle Supply Receiver by Primary Weapon Systems (manual toggle "Fortner action") Stock is ProMag Archangel Target with adjj butt plated for variable LOP Optic is by BSA 1.5-3 lighted illuminated dot reticle .22 short 10/22 magazine by Urban Rifle Supply Why? To run a quiet backyard gray squirrel assassination rifle without going CLIII Craig in Clarksville1 point
Google shopping was pretty handy. Might as well unload Chrome on the July 1 too.1 point
A St. Louis Police Officer crying and saying they are training to operate with the military against citizens, but he can’t talk about it. Is there a single person on this forum that believes that? You think that the government would operate with a Police Department against the public, and say “But hey, don’t say anything.†Drones with VX nerve gas to be used against Americans.1 point
Yes, you buy the $30 voucher from GearHog for $15. They send you a one time use coupon code by email. Then you input that coupon code in the coupon code box on the shopping cart screen. Hit update and the total will drop by $30. Then you complete the financials and hit submit order. You can only buy one. Dolomite1 point
That barrel gets any longer you'll start losing velocity on that poor little short. ...and if you miss, you reach out and bonk 'em on the head with it.1 point
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If he'd carried a .45, the bear would've been too scared to attack. Just getting that out of the way... I suspect they had food in the tent. Glad the kid got away.1 point
I expressed no point of view, just the facts. The People's Republic of China has a constitution also, and it guarantees that "citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession, and of demonstration." Sure. Words on paper are not rights if they can not be practiced on the society's streets. Our 2A "rights" are infringed in every state in the union; just a matter of degree. - OS1 point
To me, the RKBA is just that... a right, and not a privilege. Driving is a privilege. Constitutionally speaking, the state's permission to carry a firearm for self-protection is not required. It is enumerated in the Bill of Rights as God-given and the government, according to that document, is not allowed to infringe on it. Requiring a citizen to pay the government and be subjected to scrutiny before exercising that right is a violation of the Constitution on the part of the government. That's my take on it and why I posed the question. The government would like for you to believe that it's a privilege. Don't fall for it.1 point
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i will be home later today give me a call also remind me to give you the stock and holster for your c961 point
I remember somewhere seeing an old quote from an Indian chief when asked about daylight savings time. His reply was that "Only a government would be foolish enough to believe you could make a blanket longer by cutting some of the top and sewing it to the bottom",1 point
Whether you are here with the intent to become a citizen or not, if you have jumped through all of the legal hoops to be here legally, then you should be allowed to carry a gun for your protection. Being born somewhere other than on US soil won't protect you from the crapbags who were born on US soil and prey upon the defenseless.1 point
i shot 5.56 in a 223 chamber many times. nothing happen.1 point
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I've always heard you're not supposed to use 5.56 in a .223, because it can blow up your gun. However, I have never seen a case that I van recall of it every happening. It may well be a case of much ado about nothing.1 point
This isn't necessarily my opinion but something to think about. Is having a handgun carry permit (HCP) a right, or a privilege? Should a guest in this country have all the rights, benefits and privilege's as a born or naturalized citizen? Just how does the government do a back ground check on a person who is a citizen of, say, the Republic of Congo?1 point
John, If anything came across as a direct attack, I apologize. It is simply frustration at the lack of common sense and some of the typical and predictable responses withing a certain subset of our culture. Some people want to see conspiracies behind every door. A vast majority of the military are people just like you and me. They are responsible, gun owning people who love their country (which is why they volunteered to serve it). They do not blindly follow illegal orders. We are not thugs practicing to subvert the Constitution, which we swore to uphold, and we are not setting up concentration FEMA camps throughout the US. We are Americans first and foremost. I am, as an American and a Soldier, offended every time I read such blatant nonsense.1 point
It wasn't specifically directed at you but if the shoe fits.......a better option would be to scroll down to post #8. Then you'll see what I was preemptively talking about. If you were looking for information on why the Reserves are training in St. Louis, you could've worded it better. The Reserves are soft skill MOS's. About the hardest people they have are the CA and MISO (formerly PsyOps). During the summer, they actively go into the surrounding communities to perform their yearly 2 wk AT. I know this b/c I flew in tonight from CA after my AT time. The Reserves is filled with people who only associate with the Army 2 days a month....hardly the populace assaulting, gun stealing, Constitution burning shock troops the idiot crack pots fear (Coincidentally enough, those same crackpots are almost certain never to have served their country in any military branch ). I would be VERY, VERY surprised if those guys had any sort of weapons on them. That's not how it works. In the Reserves, you draw your weapons for ranges (typically 1-2 times a year) or specific training events. Not 2wk AT's. Probably not a universal rule, but solid enough. Primarily made up of students (hence why AT is almost always done during the summer) and other working professionals, they're normal citizens who desire to serve their country within their work/school schedules or wanted to keep their feet wet after leaving active duty (like me). People like to create drama in their own little make believe worlds and read WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY into normal things.1 point
Take off the tin foil hat. It's Army Reservists doing their annual AT. It's not like their practicing kicking in doors taking away your 10/22, Natty Light, and torching the King James while shooting the family cat. I'd be VERY surprised if there was armed trucks rolling about. That's not how it works.1 point
Hmmm, okay. Legal for sale here does not mean legal for use. Well then, for academic purposes in my study of cool James Bond gimmicks, does anyone know if the theory behind these devices is sound?1 point
Also worth mentioning, the "assailant" always went for the teacher, then the concealed weapon carrier right away because they knew who had the weapon. In real world, you wouldn't know who had the gun. If you ask me, the video is proof that anti-gun nuts live in a dream world.1 point
Repost, but good piece none the less. Well bad piece to those who don't think but good for others to see how biased the media is.1 point
Glad you just edited the verbiage of your post. This is a better way to ask your question. Any carry laws apply to government buildings and property, however private businesses are supposed to be posted properly with the proper sign to communicate their desires to not have legal guns on the property. If you don't see a sign or have prior knowledge that the area is posted and you carry there, usually the only thing that's going to happen is they could ask you to leave. As long as you comply there are rarely any issues. It is very common for places to not be posted properly. I, like many gun owners just choose not to do business there, personally not because I can't carry inside, but because of the principal of it.1 point
i have had a 300 whisper for years with a 220 grain round nose bullet it makes a very quiet deer rifle1 point
i have 2 glock20s i really like them if you ride on one of those small plans in alaska more than likley the pilot will havw one as well. i use aftermarket barrels in them so i can shoot lead bullets but when la. highway patrol changed to 40 i bought about 30 cases of ww black talon for less than 5.00 for a 50 round box1 point
they shoot very well and are very robust not too easy to carry but they do shoot good1 point
i have been shooting one for 40 years from the wrong side still doing it bought a lefty one time scared me to death1 point
i clean lots of brass i buy plain corn cob ground up in 50 pound bags .to use i put in either tumbler or cement mixer yes i use a cememt mixer rubber drum from lowes .i add new car wax it makes the best cleaner and polish i have ever used.when you cant find media go to the pet store and get lizard beding works good too1 point
hornady recalled lots of it for overpressure loads i think it was loaded by privi.1 point
i like lyman myself as far as presses go .lee makes great dies and at the best price you might br able to pick up a good used press .get all the reloading books you can i like lee first because they sell no powder brass or bullets so they dont tell you to use their supplies lyman next for the same reason .sierra imo is the best put out by a bullet mfg.but most all reloading stuff has both good and bad points you will enjoy it but take it slow read the books then reload1 point
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if you want to shoot some and see what you like i have several large rifles i like 416 rigby myself but there are several others that work just as well1 point
well i am at a gunshow in oklahoma city and picked up a krag 30 /40 for 200.00 there have been some great buys walking around out here1 point
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check with brad richardson i know he sets up at knoxville gunshows .he is a mfg and has very good prices i just bought 3 from him and i usually make my own but he makes a very good suppressor at a very fair price1 point
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