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  1. Another little known fact. Eating them by the handfuls while picking them can give you a case of the screaming trots. Ask me how I know.
    3 points
  2. Caster did not. Yes he made a quote from the Bible, but that in it of itself isn't belittling anyone's beliefs or opinions. He was merely making a point that non-believers could still agree with scripture that applies to the thread at hand. YOU stepped in, highlighted the portion about atheists and suggested they are children and that the scripture applies to them. That is insulting and belittling to those with different beliefs and I don't see why it is necessary. Furthermore, you made these comments and then got your panties in a wad when someone called you out on it, and now in the post above you're all of a sudden claiming victim status for people taking a swipe at your beliefs. Don't start casting stones and then get all pissy when they're cast back at you.
    2 points
  3. Make a farraday cage customers have to go through in order to enter. That way they have to walk through it in order to enter and while in the cage they would loose signal. Not sure if how long the phone needs to go without a signal before it drops though. Dolomite
    1 point
  4. We were there once as well and came out of it. Unfortunately we are there again. We just don't stand in line anymore to get out handouts but they are handouts none the less. And they get that small amount in exchange for not being successful in life. Groups of people have sold their self respect and their success for was is not even minimum wage. If I were in that group I would be upset knowing I have been enslaved for such a small amount of money. The government wants to help everybody except those who want to succeed or are successful. And it is those who have succeeded in life who are paying for the enslavement of others. Amd at some point the successful are not going to support those who are not. Dolomite
    1 point
  5. Always like to put in a good word when a company shows exceptional customer service. My wife recently ordered a Remora holster for her new Sig P238. When it arrived it was a Lt handed version when a Rt handed version had been ordered. She called the Co. to explain the mix up and was told a new one would be sent out right away. When she asked about returning the incorrect holster she was told not worry about it and just keep it! Then, the new holster arrived. Not only was it the correct holster but they included a free mag holster. Hard to argue with that kind of customer service. Jeff
    1 point
  6. I wish in blatant cases like this the investigators could be charged criminally or at a minimum in civil court. How about if an officer accuses you of something and you are proven by a jury to be innocent the officer should be held responsible in civil court for out of pocket court costs. And in egregious cases, like this one, the officer should be help responsible criminally. If an officer knows they stand a chance of loosing some of their hard earned money they will make damn sure they have the evidence to support the arrest. There are officers that arrest people on a suspicion and without proof. In the years I was in LE I heard all the time "I don't care if they are innocent or guilty that is for the courts to decide". And while that is true there were officers would arrest people knowing full well the person wouldn't be convicted in hopes the arrestee would plea out to avoid jail time. I am not saying all officers do it but there are some that do. And those in LE know the officer type I am talking about. The one who makes constant arrests as you have a hard time finding anything close to the numbers they are. I guess I am at the top of the list, ex military, ex LE, I have a well, a pit bull and a "few" guns. Oh and we don't recycle and we drive an SUV. Dolomite
    1 point
  7. Agreed, the bias is frustrating. That aside, the video was a good reminder of some of the basics of firefights - find cover and concealment, place well-aimed shots, etc. Interesting that maneuvering didn't seem to be an option; the participants were expected to stand their ground and fire on the target. Sometimes running is a better choice than fighting. Here's something that bugs me more than the anti-gun slant: the participants were placed in a scenario that could never actually happen. Granted, school shootings happen with disturbing regularity now. However, none of us will ever be armed with a handgun while we sit in what was clearly meant to be a university classroom setting. Why not? Because it's illegal to carry on college campuses. In reality, when you are faced with a school shooter your only option is to run. In other words, no civilian HCP holder trains for that scenario because it can't occur. So these folks put skilled handgun carriers in an impossible scenario, and they performed poorly. Huge surprise. :sarcasm: I can think up violent crime scenarios all day long that: A. can never actually occur, and B. would be virtually impossible to prepare for. What if you were armed with a handgun during a flight from L.A. to Boston and a shooter started firing in the back of the plane? Or what if you were a lawyer carrying a concealed 1911 during oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court and suddenly Justice Ginsburg pulled out a shotgun and starting firing at you? Or what if a liberal media mogul did a TV segment about a violent crime handgun training scenario that actually matters?
    1 point
  8. I don't know but don['t pull the zipper
    1 point
  9. Ahhhh!! Derailed from our ongoing derailment! How dare you!
    1 point
  10. The left cut that up and wiped their collective aßßes on it. Didn't you know?
    1 point
  11. I thought asking for any sort of ID was a racist act (at least according to Nancy Pelosi)??? Maybe that only applies to voting.
    1 point
  12. Nope, not me: God. You have a problem with it then take it up with Him. I didn't quote the Bible and make reference to atheism; Caster did.I'm getting tired of some of the people on here thinking it's ok to take a swipe at my beliefs. I do believe religious discussions are not permitted on here, yet swipes go unnoticed? If you or anyone out there don't believe in God then that's your choice, but don't take swipes at others who do. Period! Respect works both ways.
    1 point
  13. Who began belittling other's beliefs here? You suggested that atheists are children and should get the rod.
    1 point
  14. Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but the rod of correction will drive it far from him. Even the atheist would have to agree that Solomon was right on this one.
    1 point
  15. Actually the more resistance the higher the velocity. I now it sounds counterintuitive to everything logical but it is true. The key to velocity is pressure. The more pressure the more velocity. I know if I load into the throat on my bolt guns the velocity increases but when I have a jump the velocity goes down. As far as accuracy from the 5R, it has more to do with the individual barrel and how it is made than the type of rifling. But the 5R barrels are sought after for a reason. I have never used one and like my standard rifling but those who use the 5R barrels seem to think they shoot better. Also, just because something isn't milspec doesn't mean it is junk, just means it doesn't meet the criteria for the military's standard for that item. Magpul magazines are NOT milspec. Noveske barrels are NOT milspec. Monolithic uppers are NOT milspec. The majority of muzzle brakes and flash hiders out there are NOT milspec. The majority of the furniture for AR's is NOT milspec. The majority of BUIS's are NOT milspec. And the list goes on and on. But as I said milspec is the minimum standard for the military and doesn't means something is junk because it isn't milspec. I have a problem with manufactuers claiming something is built to milspec standards when in reality they are not. And any maker out there can say it is even though it isn't and as long as the military isn't the buyer they have done nothing wrong legally. And I honestly believe there are makers who intentionally mislead people by using the milspec term. Also what is funny is the mispec standard for government rifles is not public knowledge, only those who actually HAVE a government contract to produce them have the milspec "technical data package" in writing. And any maker who is going to use the TDP must sign a non disclosure agreement before receiving it. All other makers making guns to "milspec" are just guessing. And there are very few who have the TDP, Colt, FN and now Remington. And as a matter of fact Colt is no longer the supplier of M-4's to the government, Remington beat them, as well as 4 other bidders, in the recent contract bid for 24,000 rifles. So we are about to see Remington be the gun our troops are carrying rather than Colt. There are probably 10x the stocks out there for commercials tubes than for milspec tubes. Now granted a milspec tube can take either but the commercial stuff on a milspec tube will be a little loose. I am no engineer but I do believe a larger OD tube (commercial) is stronger than a thinner (milspec) tube roviding the wall thicknesses are the same. It is all semantics anyways realistically neither of them are weak enough to be an issue. As far as resale all the Sport rifles I have seen sell in the last 6 months have brought more then the purchase price. Now that may not be the case when the supply cathces up with demnd but I do not see that happening for at least a year, maybe longer. Having a castle nut not staiked just makes life easier. Almost everyone wants to put a sling plate on their gun and with a staked castle nut it can be a huge PITA to loosen the nut. Not sure if that is why they don't stake them but I would like to hope so. Feed ramps are not that big of a deal. The military did fine without them for decades. Barrel material is irrelevent with the melonite treatment. People love and rely on the Magpul isghts every day. And there are thousands of commercial Colt AR's out ther that DO NOT meet milspec standards. Every single large pin Colt AR is not milspec. And I do believe milspec for the FCG pins is .155" but a lot of rifles that Colt made commercially have .170" pins to prevent installation of FA parts. Check your rifle's FCG pins and if they are .170" then your Colt isn't milspec. And along with Colt's choice to use .170" FCG pins came a huge reduction in the selection of aftermarket triggers and hammers available. ' I am not saying the Sport is the greatest AR out there. I am saying for the money it is the greatest AR out there. Dolomite
    1 point
  16. We aren't talking about someone with a cut on their hand. It's less refusing to be sterile and more a time issue. The more time you wait while you scrub up the more blood that person loses. They only have a finite supply so every second you waste is costing them blood they can not afford to lose. Me personally, I'm gloving up to protect myself, not the patient. They can fix infection at the hospital relatively easy. Keep the blood in the hurt guy, keep them from going into hypovolemic shock, keep them from exsanguinating. Time is the game, quick the word. Mike
    1 point
  17. Just look at the safes at the safe house and write down the prices of the ones that fit what you are looking for. I went to the Safe House and decided that $2000 was a more logical budget for a 24 gun safe. Also, start thinking of a way to get the safe from where you buy it to inside the house, whether you do it yourself or pay someone (which can be up to another $200). 800lbs is going to be a nightmare unless you have four friends, but even then stairs and doors suck and what would you do if your friend pulls his back while helping you out (beer doesn't fix backs)! If I bought another safe my rating scale would be: Gun Capacity and Layout: Get a safe that can fit the guns you want with accessories on. So a 24 gun safe in reality will maybe fit 12 and so on. Also look for good layouts that are changeable in the future (height or placement) along with door storage systems that you like. Also measure the area where you are putting the safe so you don't buy one that won't fit. Don't try to fit a 36 gun safe in a closet, its not realistic. Burglar resistance: Just make sure the safe is heavy, particularly the door, and that the door matches up well with the safe. Most burglars in police cases I have seen have taken the entire safe or used some object to pry it open (which is why I would never buy a gun vault because they would just take the little box). Fire Resistance: Read the labels on the doors but most are impossible to compare unless its made by the same company. The reason being is that the temperatures are usually different which makes the "burn time" impossible to compare. Rust Resistance: Make sure you get one that seals well and has the capability to place a dehumidifier rod in it (you can always get someone to drill a hole for the cord if you are comfortable with that, or if you didn't bolt your safe down you can place the cord through the bolt holes). I used to place EvaDrys in my safe till I bumped one causing it to hit the ground and release TONS of little beads. Speedy Opening: Make sure you get one that you can open quickly just incase of a fire where you want to empty it or if a burglar enters your home and you happen to be by the safe. I love digital locks for this reason, when you are stressed they can easily be opened. Some new digital locks allow external power sources that plug into the digital lock in case the internal batteries are dead. Some digital locks also have the ability to program two seperate codes where you can give your significant other or best friend a code and disable or change it later. Interior Lighting: Whether you can add it later or have it built-in, interior lighting is a must for bigger safes in order to see inside! Price: Of course this will be an important item in determining your safe. Where its made: Lately this is a topic of debate among this forum so if you want an american made safe do your research and get one. I honestly don't care about where mine was made since I value function above all. Sometimes different models are outsourced so if this is important make sure you research the model and Brand of the safe. Weight: Weight should be a last concern, but it should still be a concern. Placing 800lbs (EMPTY) in a spot in the house should be a well-thought plan. Also note, that the more options and the better fire ratings come with a heavier safe. Questions for the place where you buy it: Shipping: Ask if shipping is included in the price. They will normally ship it to your house (well the outside of your house) within a 4 hour time period so make sure you or someone close can be there for delivery. Inside Delivery: Ask how much to unbox the safe and place it inside your home at your designated resting spot. Warranty: Ask them about warranty procedures on the safe if the lock or other part of it does malfunction (most places will fix it within the manufacturers warranty, but some places will say you will have to deal directly with the manufacturer). Also, ask if they have a discounted service to customers to open the safe in case a burglar did try to pry it open. So my advice is to write down the information to these questions for each safe that fits the size you are looking for. Then debate it when you get home and compare prices and debate it more. The safe house (av88tor) is a premier sponsor and many here have dealt with him. Safes has also been here for a while and he is an authorized vender and a great guy to deal with.
    1 point
  18. gotta figure i booked the gunshow in gray anybody know how to get to the place
    1 point
  19. lee is a great way to reload as long as you stay away from the loadmaster.i think they make as good of a die set as anyone
    1 point
  20. i just got to joplin for the ofast shoot there are tanks big cannons 2 choppers looks like its going to be a great time here hope the machine gun shoot in cookeville is good as well
    1 point
  21. I need to tell my 24 year old nephew about this. Then maybe he'll quit working at our store (I can't fire him, my mother-in law [his grandmother] is the owner of our store, my sister-in-law [his mother] is a part owner), and he can be a lazy hippie somewhere else........ But, then he'll get tired of this experience, and whine to his mama, who'll pay to get him back home, and he'll plead for his "job" back at our store, and his mom and his aunt (my wife), along with his grandmother, will offer him his old "job" back.........Leaving me to deal with a lazy, whining hippie who's afraid of anything resembling real work. What an ass......... :shake: Wait, I just reread the story. Maybe I'll join the hippies, I need a vacation.....And I saw the mention of a topless woman in the story........ I may check out renting a nice motor-home, and stock it full of beer..........
    1 point
  22. The more I hear about this case, the more I think Zimmerman acted in self defense. If he gets off, I hate to think about all the blood in the streets.
    1 point
  23. Just another crap load of crap straight from crap town. Wouldn't it be neat if the media would report on both sides of an issue instead of just telling us how they feel about it? I think that would be great.
    1 point
  24. This is propaganda. Playing the "what if" game doesn't prove squat. That is about as scientific as proving you don't need a seatbelt by driving a test dummy into a fully loaded fuel tanker.... "what's the point of having a seatbelt? You're gonna die anyway." This doesn't account for the deterrent factor. Nor does it take into account that active shooters are generally cowards and will run away from somebody equally armed whether they are shot or not.
    1 point
  25. As far as budget goes, my current favorite folder is the Ontario Rat 1. They are around 30-35 shipped, come in lots of colors and plain or serrated. I carried one for months and converted several people to them before I got my XM18. Highly recommend it.
    1 point
  26. Trying to figure out what the extra $400 is getting you over the Sport. The Sport comes WITH sights and this one does not. Also, chrome lining is not as good as melonite. The surface treatment is not as good as melonite. The 5R barrel is known to be more accurate than any other type of rifling and the Sport comes standard with the 5R barrel. The only thing this gun has over the Sport is a forward assist and the ejection port cover. Honestly you will probably never use them. But if you decide you must have them you can have a new upper receiver swapped in for $100 in parts and less than $100 in labor. So for under $900 you can have a gun that is leaps and bounds about the one you linked. Again the gun you linked should cost less than the Sport. Then on top of that you are going to have to spend another $100 just to fire your first shot because it doesn't come with sights. It is your money and you are going to get what you want but as far as the best value the Sport cannot be beat by anything on the market. And one more thing the Sports tend to keep their value and even command more in most cases upon resale. Dolomite
    1 point
  27. Some of my rifles shoot better with the bullet seated where it touches the lands when chambered, while others shoot better with a deeper seated bullet. I find no rhyme or reason for it. I suppose it's just a difference in the particular guns. You'll want to try loads with progressivlely shorter to longer OAL's, just as you tried loads with different powder charges. A 1/2" group is nothing to sneeze at. If you keep at it, you'll likely shrink your groups, but you'll put in a lot of effort for very little gain. But hey, that's part of the fun of reloading. Another thing you might want to try is a flat base bullet. I often find that boattails sometimes do not stabilize well until out past 100 yards.
    1 point
  28. when i shot ipsc i shot a 38 super i had to usr srp's
    1 point
  29. how many small pistol primers do y6ou want i just got in 400,000 but supplier said that would be the last for a while
    1 point
  30. I guess maybe my sickness would be called Glockoma???
    1 point
  31. Glad you just edited the verbiage of your post. This is a better way to ask your question. Any carry laws apply to government buildings and property, however private businesses are supposed to be posted properly with the proper sign to communicate their desires to not have legal guns on the property. If you don't see a sign or have prior knowledge that the area is posted and you carry there, usually the only thing that's going to happen is they could ask you to leave. As long as you comply there are rarely any issues. It is very common for places to not be posted properly. I, like many gun owners just choose not to do business there, personally not because I can't carry inside, but because of the principal of it.
    1 point
  32. Dickerson road. All you gotta do is wave. Wear a backup.
    1 point
  33. Hike for a 24 hour period with naught to eat or drink but water. You'll change your tune. Some of the swill I eat in the Scouts would turn a pigs nose. It was some of the best chow I ever eat. I remember a trip to Virgin Falls. We walked the whole trail. Dinner consisted of left over breakfast food. The aluminum mess kits SUCK, everything sticks. Eggs - scrambled, pancakes - scrambled, even the dang bacon got scrambled. Dump it in your tray, give it a meager dousing of kayro syrup and by God we were all licking the pans clean. Good times.
    1 point
  34. I guess one could have some chicken bullion cubes or bullion powder on hand - heat some water, add the dry bullion to make a broth then drop in a few hard tack. Would be just about the most disappointing 'chicken and dumplings' in the history of Southern humanity but I imagine it would be better than starving to death. While at UTK, I checked out a Native American cookbook from the library there. I think many of the recipes must have come from Native Americans after the Europeans came or else were 'adapted' for modern kitchens. One recipe I tried was acorn biscuits. Going by the recipe, I gathered fresh acorns and peeled them. The acorn 'nuts' were then boiled with enough changes of water until the tannins were removed and the water remained more or less clear. Then the 'nuts' were roasted in the oven on a very low heat. Once dry enough, I pounded them into what was basically an acorn meal (I wanted to really go 'old school' so I found a long, slender river rock, cleaned/washed it well and used it to 'grind' the acorns by hand.) The recipe called for adding the acorn meal to all purpose flour then adding baking powder, etc. and more or less making a normal biscuit. They actually smelled great while cooking but unfortunately my baking powder must have been old because they really didn't rise and came out more or less like hard tack. What little I could eat of them actually tasted pretty good. I was so annoyed with the failure that I haven't tried it again, yet (that was almost twenty years ago) but there is a good chance that I will, one of these days. I'll make sure to use good baking powder next time, though. The point is that you could probably grind dried nuts or even dried acorns (if you want to go through the process to remove the tannins, etc.) into a meal to add flavor to plain, old hard tack. I don't see why you couldn't add a little garlic powder, onion powder or other dried/powdered herbs and spices as long as they were things that would not hurt the 'shelf stability' of the hard tack. I also just thought of this - I sometimes make a quick bread that is called 'beer bread'. It uses self-rising flour (so that is where the leavening comes from) and uses a beer for the liquid - three cups of flour, a teaspoon (iirc - I don't think it is a tablespoon) each of sugar and salt and one, twelve ounce beer. The beer, while it probably doesn't do much in the way of leavening (maybe a little) still gives it a 'yeasty' flavor. I wonder if beer could be substituted for the water in standard hard tack to create a hard tack with a bit of a yeast flavor. I also wonder if the carbonation would leaven the bread a little and if all that would hurt the shelf stability. Aside: Some friends and I rented a cabin in the mountains together once. I was going to make beer bread but once I started I realized that all we had was all purpose flour and there was no baking powder, etc. I thought about it and it came to me that Alka-Seltzer is largely sodium bicarbonate (baking soda.) Well, as consuming alcoholic libations was a big part of the agenda for the weekend, I had brought a big box of Alka-Seltzer along. The outcome? Yes, you can make quick bread (beer bread, at least) with plain flour and leaven it with crushed up Alka-Seltzer. The bread turned out just like it does when I use self rising flour.
    1 point
  35. i put m16 extractors on all my remingtons .a few years i killed a big bear at about 35 feet in tall grass if i ever get to go back i will take enough gun.i also load it with 325 grain hornady bullets made for 45/70s it realy is a great rifle shoots cast bullets goood too. i had it built by druys custom guns in san antonio tx
    1 point
  36. i havent bought meat in years i am lucky enough to harvest an elk and a few deer every year used to buy pork but have been killing lots of hogs as of late
    1 point
  37. be hunting in the same pair of danners for over 15 years .when i fish in cold weather i use ll bean pac boots
    1 point
  38. do what i did i made a 458 ultra mag a mans gun
    1 point
  39. if it ever cools of again i will have to cast this winter you can come over and cast some
    1 point
  40. they are also very tastey when fixed like a roast
    1 point
  41. i buy 22 hornet brass even though i have a life time supply of ammo go figure
    1 point
  42. dan the machine gun man from cleveland tn is the best with fals i have ever known.i have several including 1 i bought in 79 i think from an importer in birmingham al its on a form 4 back when full auto was cheaper
    1 point
  43. sell all you want in nashville as long as the primer is shot
    1 point
  44. i had an ok show i like the fact that the county put it on.i do about 75 gunshows a year all over the country all the others are by prometers.sure there was lots of stuff there other than guns but the people that came seemed to have a good time and the bbq was great .i hope to be there again next year .
    1 point
  45. nashville melts them down about 2 times a year i cried along time after watching a boss double being thrown in the foundry
    1 point
  46. i think knoxville expo is 20-21
    1 point
  47. i think it has been a pretty good show so far .i really like the fact that it is put on by the county .with as many cities that want to do away with gunshows i think the its great
    1 point
  48. i like winchester 101s they are a little harder to fimd but imo worth the effort
    1 point
  49. i bailed out a long time ago bought ammo and powder it has been a good investment for me as cash just keeps droping more and more
    1 point
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