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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2012 in all areas

  1. Ugghhh... if we're gonna start throwing stones about who got off topic then you should look at my first post. It is very clear. "Are these Americans?" They are. They have rights. I don't care if they're worshipping Satan, Hitler or Joy Behar. They are still Americans. If they step over the line into sabotage, espionage, terrorism or what have you, then by all mean, lets throw 'em in jail and shut the operation down. I believe that internment camps during WWII that held Japanese-Americans absolutely prevented acts of sabotage. However, I would gladly prefer that we would put American lives at risk before we violate the rights of other Americans. On paper that doesn't make sense, but I believe in freedom, and deciding who gets to be free and who doesn't based soley on race, culture or religion is such a dangerous and slippery slope that I can't fit it into my head. If that is the country we become then the flag on the front of my house will come down until such time as it can be flown honorably again. If we want to have a bash Islam thread then by all means, have a go. But let's not play the "I'm taking my ball and going home because you guys can't play by the rules" when you are the one that made it about the Mboro mosque. That's what we're talking about. The lawyer stirring the s*** pot is a xenophobic POS that wants to control the religious practices of others. If I thought for a second that there was a remote chance of being about codes I would stop participating in this thread. However, I use the Googler and there are so many sound bytes on this guy making it clear that this is a Christianity vs Islam issue that no reasonable person could conclude that this has anything to do with code or poor notification. That is disgusting, un-American and a whole bunch of other things that can't be adequately articulated via keyboard.
    3 points
  2. Good post. It won't be well received by the fear and hate mongers here, but still very good.
    2 points
  3. LITTLE JOHNNY The kids filed into class Monday morning. They were all very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on salesmanship. Little Sally led off. "I sold Girl Scout cookies and I made $30" she said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success." "Very good", said the teacher. Little Debbie was next. "I sold magazines" she said, "I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events." "Very good, Debbie", said the teacher. Eventually, it was Little Johnny's turn. The teacher held her breath. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher's desk. "$2,467", he said. "$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?" Toothbrushes", said Little Johnny. "Toothbrushes", echoed the teacher, "How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?" "I found the busiest corner in town", said Little Johnny, "I set up a Dip &Chip stand and I gave everybody who walked by a free sample." They all said the same thing, "Hey, this tastes like dog ####!" Then I would say, "It is dog ####. Wanna buy a toothbrush? I used the President Obama method of giving you something really ####ty, dressing it up so it looks good, telling you it's free and then making you pay to get the bad taste out of your mouth."
    1 point
  4. http://Dad won't face charges in alleged attacker's deathDad won't face charges in alleged attacker's deathDad won't face charges in alleged attacker's deathDad won't face charges in alleged attacker's deathDad won't face charges in alleged attacker's death Looks like the right decisison was made to me.
    1 point
  5. when i bought it from my surplus supplier that is what i was told to use cfe223 data.he was not right in my testing it is about 15-20%faster but once you figure that out its a great powder very clean and easy to light very stable if anyone bought and doesnt like it or dont want to use it just bring it back cause like everything else i sell i stand behind it
    1 point
  6. Yeah the headline was misleading. This has nothing to do with the Pledge of Allegiance, this has to do with reciting the school's alma mater. They will still recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. They are not required to recite either. I think it is being blown out of proportion, and I didn't see a problem with either pledge. When I was a child I attended over a dozen schools being in a military family. Some schools were different. At one school I attended every morning we said the Pledge, and then sang half a dozen patriotic songs. As a youth, I found it bothersome, but I did it. I don't have an issue with it, and they don't make it mandatory. Damn straight, that is why I am proud to be an American, we don't force our patriotic beliefs down the throats of those that refuse them. However, I feel that if they can't show love for their country, they need to get their damn hands out of the purse so to speak. I also think this would be a good time for someone to post the video of Red Skelton's version of the Pledge of Allegiance.
    1 point
  7. Don't know about that. This scandal shows clearly that Obama has no qualms in supporting the killing of Mexican citizens by funding the transportation of weapons to drug cartels there. If I were Mexican, I'd think long and hard about that before entering the ballot box. As a rule, the Mexican people aren't stupid.
    1 point
  8. Here is more of my results. *LC Primed brass *LC *SMP-842 - 26.6g as dropped *OAL - 2.235 *53 GR SMK Highest velocity - 3,383 FPS Lowest velocity - 3,382 FPS Average for all shots was 3,383 fps ES - 2.83 SD - 1.73 Warning: This powder tends to be a bit fast. With 53 grain SMK's I would consider 26.7 the absolutely maximum charge regardless of weapon platform. I would consider 24.0 a good starting load with the 53 SMK's. But that is in my weapon with me shooting it. You need to work up your own loads accordingly. It is an amazing powder. This is going to be the powder I will use when consistency and accuracy matters. I have used it and shot smaller groups with it than with Varget. Dolomite
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Whose the idiot? It's all over the internet.....
    1 point
  11. No matter how you slice it, this is gonna look bad for him in November.
    1 point
  12. Neither do I. Until it affects me. But islam eventually affects everyone, not just those involved in it.
    1 point
  13. It shouldn't feel wrong. Everybody gets to die, some people should get to cash in that privilage earlier than others. Folks that prey on the weak are on that list.
    1 point
  14. It would be hard to find a better pistol than a SIG. I have a number and am acquiring more. They are infectious. I've had almost every major brand at one time or another but most have gone by the wayside in favor of the Sigs I carry and shoot. Why? I seem to be able to shoot them better than the others I've tried. You couple that with the fact they all seem to go bang every time I pull the trigger makes them the best choice for me. Others may have different results.
    1 point
  15. Perhaps what we've been discussing lately should have been in a separate thread titled something more like - The Problems With Islam In America - or something to that effect. It appears that many of you are taking issue with my, and others, issue with islam due to it being in this thread about the mosque. Fine, let's move it out of here. I don't give a hoot about their stupid mosque, they can have it if they want. Want I have been discussing is the creeping infiltration of islam into christian countries and its clear and declared intent on taking over. It is done the same way termites eat an entire house, slowly and from within. Many are blind to what is going on. I feel a duty to expose the danger to people and sound the alarm. If this discussion bothers you, then, by all means, don't participate. That is your choice. However, it seems that some people wish to silence the message, just as the NYC PD has been silenced by CAIR and the ACLU and others are being silenced to accommodate political correctness (which is very dangerous). http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jun/20/inside-the-ring-military-hit-for-correctness/ http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/20/us-usa-defense-islam-idUSBRE85J0XJ20120620
    1 point
  16. Gimme a break, i see no problem with a pledge to the schools etal. It should help build a sense of community and local pride. It is similar to the cub scout promise in ways. And i am sure someone has bitched about that too.
    1 point
  17. Well...that's been known to happen before even though I try not to.
    1 point
  18. You need to fondle them and pick based on YOUR preferences. There are former M&P guys that are now Glock guys, and it goes the other way too. It's hard to go wrong if you like it. If you do go with Glock, avoid their extended mag release. That thing will poke your eye out. Get the Vickers mag release instead. Ask me how I know
    1 point
  19. i hope that we as a nation can pull together in order to keep this man from being re-elected. that is my hope. unfortunately it seems to me this man doesnt uphold the law but yet he bully's his way through it. i am almost positive that all these new "workers" will join unions too.
    1 point
  20. There's tons of choices. Your best bet is to find a range near you with rentals and try a bunch to see what suits you best.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Should we obey the law only if the law is enforced/people are punished when the break the law?I don't know of anyone who has actually been charged but does that really matter??? I ( at least when I notice them) won't walk past an improperly posted/out of compliance "no firearms" sign because, as I just indicated above, in that I don't want to support businesses that don't support my right to carry arms. However, when the sign is properly posted, while the "financial component" is still there, I also don't carry past the sign because it IS illegal, enforced or not. Now, I don't think is should be illegal but at least for now, it is. Also right now, our ability to legally go armed is predicated on us being law-abiding citizens - if we are truly law-abiding then don't we have an obligation to obey the law whether it's aggressively enforced (or not enforced at all); perhaps even more obligated given that this signage law applies directly to the arms we carry? Certainly, everybody is free to do what they believe is best for them but that's (above) is how I see it.
    1 point
  23. Predator Tactical Dry Fire Drills Just make sure you're unloaded so you don't blow away your computer! I hooked my laptop up to my TV and played with these for a little while, got the "WTF are you doing" look from my other half, but it was fun for a little while at least.
    1 point
  24. The Constitution limits the government, not private parties.
    1 point
  25. The US paid 1/10 to 1/5 of its entire yearly budget in tribute and ransom to the Muslim pirate states for over 15 years. Ever wonder why "shores of Tripoli" is in the Marine Hymn? - OS
    1 point
  26. Okay, if you want cheap, I'll stick my neck out and suggest a Phoenix HP .22. A few of my friends have them and they say it's a great pistol with a great warranty. Although the safeties take some getting used to, it eats all kinds of trash. But it's the kind of pistol you would want to carry in a plain brown bag.
    1 point
  27. @ Patton, no the 1911 was designed to accomodate the .45acp round. I believe you may be thinking of the .38acp in the colt model 1900 and later models and the .38super was developed in late 20s early 30s to combat the lack of power in the .38 special and the need to penetrate the new automobile bodies that criminals were starting to use. Of course when the .357magnum came along, .38super wasnt as hot anymore
    1 point
  28. And one more reason, it makes you look cooler than the Marlboro man. Dolomite
    1 point
  29. Well...I can't have people thinking I'm a respectable fella.
    1 point
  30. Please don't bet your paycheck on your statement! Dave
    1 point
  31. I will let ya know in a few days what I will bring.. due to the weather it will be something chilled..I think that would be wiser than a big pot of soup or something in that heat..
    1 point
  32. In Tennessee, TDEC works the EPA calls like TOSHA does any Occupational Safety and Hazard situation. I made the call and offered the video as soon as I was aware of the situation. The Case Officer of the clean up on that site has been appraised. They are to be on site tomorrow. The last time they were there for a record check (3 weeks ago) the neighbor threatened the workers. The Case Worker called the Sheriff and reported the action, but the sheriff said he could not do anything unless the offended party swore out a warrant. Case worker said they would NOT come back without LE in attendance. They have alerted the Sheriff that they will be on site tomorrow.
    1 point
  33. Trijicon. I love em. I like to wake up in the middle of the night for no reason and see them glowing.
    1 point
  34. Among other things, it sounds like you and your father need to be working on a plan to replace the sherrif there as well.
    1 point
  35. I have contacted the local EPA when I had issues with someone. I will say that the EPA will check their body cavities looking for polluting substances. I would immediately take that tape to the local EPA and demand the neighbors pay for the removal of the contaminated soil. That will bankrupt them just in labor costs not to mention the fines. I would do it now before the neighbors contact the EPA and say your father was the one dumpoing oil on HIS property. Once the EPA has it in their minds that your father is the bad guy they will not look at any tapes or evidence to the contrary. Sounds like this might be another tactic of the bad guys. The EPA is one organization I would never want on my bad side. They can make life miserable for years. Dolomite
    1 point
  36. Maybe its time to find out why both are on disability but are able to ride a bike..seems to me if you ride a harley..you can sit in an office and work?
    1 point
  37. What charge did you use? I am trying to compile some data for you. Dolomite
    1 point
  38. Seeing crap like this really ticks me off. Honestly, it makes me yearn for a time when a few concerned neighbors would have politely talked to this neighbor then proceeded to beat the ever luvin' s**t out of them. Problem solved, and I doubt he would be a repeat offender.
    1 point
  39. Where ever you end up will be better than where you are now! Anything south of Stuart, I wrote off a few years ago.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Mine is marked WC 842 and my jug is quite a bit off (hotter than) the CFE223 data. Data below for .223 using 77g Noslers and CCI Military Small Rifle primers, 2.260 OAL, light crimp, 16" barrel: 21.0g 2477ft/s 21.5g 2569 ft/s 22.0g 2650 ft/s blew out a couple of primers started seeing case flow into ejector hole 22.5g only fired a few, every primer blew out and pronounced case flow into ejector hole The CFE 223 data for a 77g Sierra is 22.5 starting load and 24.3 max with velocity range of 2627-2811 from a 24" barrel. Adjusting for barrel length looks like I was around max pressures below the recommended starting load.
    1 point
  42. OK, here is where we stand. The Chancery Court issued a Restraining Order 30 days ago, precluding the neighbors from harassing in any way, my parents. (By the way Father is 85 and Mother is 83). Neighbor has been arrested numerous times, once two years ago for intent to resell. (he has felony convictions). Both he and his wife are on disability, neither work, yet he has the nicest Harley of anyone I know, and a big nice double-cab Ford to pull his top-shelf bike trailer with. He is 45 years old. Also, they have made a point of video taping my parents every time they step out of their house, be that to water the flowers or mow the yard, and the barrel has been setting in the side yard just outside my Mother's bedroom window for the last 30 days. They have poured broken beer bottles out in the yard, painted 2-3" rocks green and tossed them into my Father's yard, and driven up rebar leaving it sticking just shy of the grass so that he will hit it with his mower. Sheriff says he can not prove THEY did any of it. TDEC is working an old abandoned gas tank, (their house used to be a country store that had gas pumps, when they sold out and converted to a house they pulled the pumps and left the underground tanks, which failed and allowed the gas to seep into the ground water) to get the petroleum out of the soil. They told them last time they came in to check their wells that they had "boobie trapped" the land on my Father's side of the line, where the old driveway is, we have a deposition of that statement int he Sheriff's possession. Sheriff says that the barrel does not rise to the level of obscenity, General Sessions Court Judge says that it is "Protected" activity under the 1st Amendment. I tend to disagree, under 39-17-308, I consider their actions to be harassment, and I deem the statement on the barrel to be a threat, not simply a display of obscenity. The further explain the situation, three weeks ago, my father was out in his garden at daylight, sitting in a lawn chair with his shotgun, waiting for the moles to start "working' in his strawberries. Guy rides by the front of the house and sees him sitting there with his shotgun, goes over to the county Seat later in the morning and swears out a warrant for assault against my father, and names me in his presentment, (as having been on the property the weekend prior with "two guns" which was one and a spare magazine), includes the fact that here is a Chancery Court case pending on a disputed property line, and has his wife sign the paperwork. Sheriff calls and tells me there has been a Criminal Complaint filed, and that he does not want to have to send d squad car out and bring my Dad in, would I pick him up and bring him in for the paperwork? I agree, and take off a days work. We get to court at 9:00 A.M. as summoned, and it is 3:30 P.M. before his case is heard. The D.A. refused to prosecute, as the distance from the disputed line to where my dad was sitting is a measured 137 yards, and under 30-17-1308, a property owner can be armed on their premises. Judge however, decides to preclude my Dad from being allowed to be armed on his property until the start of next Sept. 1st., as that is the beginning of hunting season. The wife stands up and ask him to include me in the injunction, which he grants. I asked to be heard, (our attorney not making the issue that the judge has no power to control me in that manner, though he did argue that the judge could not preclude my father from being armed on his own property), make the statement that I do not believe he has that power over me, and the judge said it was his court room, he could do as he pleased. I begged to differ and left prior to being charge with contempt. I contacted my own council, and we decided to file complaint with the Judicial Ethics Committee, and in Tennessee, that has to be handled by a State Representative. I made the call and got that working, and contacted the Sheriff, (which it should be noted, i have known all his life). My intention to file charges got his attention, and he had the judge contact me direct, at which point we were able to redirect the injunction by establishing a "buffer" zone along the disputed property line, where my Dad would be disallowed carrying openly, (though it was agreed that he could carry concealed) so as to not "inflame" the situation, and, that he had no power to control where or how I carried, open or concealed, on my Father's property. Yesterday, I delivered his Father's Day present, (enough 3", 1/4" wall thickness 8' long fabricated fence post to set hem at 4' intervals along the disputed property line for when the Chancery Court hearing is done). As we are unloading the post behind his barn, they have the binoculars out and are watching our every move, of course, I have my handgun in its normal inside the waist band holster. After getting the post off my trailer, we walk up to the area where we will be setting the fence, making sure to stay back beyond the prescribed buffer zone. Guy steps around the edge of his carport with his camera, and makes the statement "Nice gun", I replied "Thanks" and kept walking away, at which point he informs me that the "law" is on the way to arrest me. Deputies show up and we discuss the situation, them telling the neighbors that I have a permit, and allowed to be armed on my Father's land, but that they can file charges in the morning if they choose to do so. I went over the Sheriff's office this morning, and as I suspected, the neighbors were there attempting to swear out a warrant for MY arrest. The Sheriff took the opportunity to explain again to them that I was not party to the civil suit, and was not under direction from the court to remain unarmed, and that it would do no good for them to call if they saw me armed. They have until today to answer the civil suit. They made the statement that they would not be contesting the property line, and wanted us to drop the civil suit if they would drop the criminal complaint against my Father. I politely declined to drop anything.
    1 point
  43. + a bunch I've had similar neighbor problems that resulted in a few police visits and the neighbor being charged. As much as I have wanted to "handle it", my level headed wife has been the voice of reason. We have a packet we keep full of court documents, police reports, witness statements and letters from the a-hole. It all came in handy the last time the cops came around. Haven't heard a peep out of him in over a year now. When I do he'll get another LE spanking and potentially a harassment lawsuit and restraining order. I'm guessing he doesn't want either since he's been good lately. The moral high ground has better fields of fire.
    1 point
  44. I have some .204 Ruger data that I worked up and am willing to share privately on Barnes 26, Dogtown 34, Berger 35, Hornady VMAX 32 & VMAX 40. It is second stage testing. In .204 Ruger, over the five projectiles I am testing, WC-842/SMP-842 (mine has both, WC over top of SMP) is a minimum of 15%-20% *hotter* than CFE223 data. Contact me via PM if you need a place to start on these projectiles. Be careful working up new calibers in this one. It surprised me on the Dogtown 34s. It was 25-30% over what I expected (I was using reduced CFE data for Berger 35 as a starting point). I STRONGLY SUGGEST USING A CHRONO ON THIS. Bert
    1 point
  45. A mosque is meant to be a temple, a place of pray and place of peace. It should not offend civilised people of XXI century regardless of their beliefs. Koran and especially Hadith were written in violent language. It is responsibility of Imam (prayer) to accommodate the teaching of Mohammed to nowadays society. If the prayer takes the route of Omar mullah, such practice violates the law of our land. And then the mosque should be taken from the followers as a place of conspiracy and the leaders should be prosecuted according to the law. Acting in advance by revoking construction permit is the way of bureaucrats and cowards.
    1 point
  46. Is posting this akin to posting a cartoon of moe-hammed? Will black vans be parked outside my house?
    1 point
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