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And considering how old you are your parents are in the category that it takes a special POS to grief them. I would call LE and have them document it. Maybe the same officer that responded before, and had the neighbor remove the fence, will show up again. And hopefully the officer will have a discussion with them to explain the law regarding harassment. Document every interaction with them, even interactions in which you can't prove it was them. And if they make ANY threats go take all your evidence and get an order of protection. And most importantly do not threaten them with court action or anything else. But most importantly do not let them know that you are documenting their actions. People like this rarely play well with LE either. They will generally argue laws with LE and we all know how that generally turns out. The neighbors will eventually get caught up in their own web because it is obvious they have no self control or morals. Dolomite7 points
If Fox had done this with the Obama bus just think at how that would go over. The left would be calling it a hate crime. Funny how they have no problem with hypocrisy on their side.3 points
That's quite a mind reading device you've got there.2 points
Most Muslims would argue that Islamic extremists are not real Muslims the same as you arguing Mcveigh wasn't a real Christian. I've heard hundreds of Muslims tell me that the extremists are not real Muslims. I don't think that every time Islam is bashed that Christianity has to be bashed in turn, but it is going to be compared to make a point that extremism is not something that exists only in Islam. I concede that there is a huge problem within the Muslim world in regards to fostering extremism, but that has to do with socioeconomic factors going on in that region of the world more than the religion itself. High unemployment, low education, low standard of living generally results in a violent subculture within males of a certain age group. We have he same problem in this country. So does Mexico and Colombia. The difference is that extremists are exploiting that. Blame the big/little Satan for the woes of the poor Muslims. Sprinkle a little indoctrination on top then direct them to a recruiter. Now you got yourself a holy warrior. By no means does that excuse our enemies; we should seek to eliminate their means through any resources we have to include removing them from the Earth. But that doesn't lump any and all Muslims into that category. What do you think they think about you? Early on in the war many of the enemy I met really thought I/we were crusaders looking to forcibly convert their communities to Christianity. Some thought we were resettling Jews in Baghdad. They really believed this. This is what they were told and what motivated them to fight us; hate for something that didn't really exist. I don't really blame them for thinking that.... I mean, we had guns, tanks and Apaches. What would you think the intentions would be of a Muslim army showing up on our shores with guns, tanks and attack helicopters? The (very) few Muslims that move here and become US citizens aren't even armed and you have this fear of them overtaking our culture. Now, who is the one with the more irrational fear; the insurgents I mentioned above or you?2 points
I've disliked all elected officials since President Davis, so I will only point out that it is not without precedence. Anyone remember the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986? It was wrong then and it is wrong now.2 points
To answer the question of the OP I would find that obscene. Obscene is tricky to prove though because it is subjective. What one person may call obscene and be offended by another person might find completely acceptable. I think a good litmus test is how a small child would act if exposed to that material. (I'm not in any way advocating doing this.) Would you want your four year old to see that? Didn't think so.2 points
New fence needs to be built and your dad needs to go fall in love at the shelter with a rescue pitt. Hit the supermarket and buy up "reduced for quick sale" meats and the affection will be returned by way of fearless devotion. Works for me. No one around here will step foot in my yard.2 points
2 points
I'll be a half wit. I'm not here defending anyone; Dolomite is a big boy I'm sure and can defend himself. I just have a pet peeve which happens to be folks that go out of their way to say they can't say something because it's classified/confidential/secret/TS. I rank that up there with folks that claim combat exploits that aren't true or are a gross exaggeration. It gets under my skin and so I can't help but throw up the BS flag. Beyond that I'm just amused by your first and second post on the thread lobbing accusations then saying you don't have time to back it up. It makes the answer here pretty evident. If you weren't prepared to back up your claim you shouldn't have posted the thread in the first place. What did you think was going to happen?2 points
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me too i usually when i buy something on a form 4 be it a gun or whatever put a seal with a number on it or in the case of a gun take all the partd and put a seal on whats left1 point
Hmm. I don't see what anyone's race has to do with this. Nobody has brought it up, or accused you of being a racist. However, you know yourself better than anyone, so............1 point
i loaded and shot some this evening in 223 with 62 grain ss109s . it shot pretty good with pulled bullets and was very clean1 point
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Seeing crap like this really ticks me off. Honestly, it makes me yearn for a time when a few concerned neighbors would have politely talked to this neighbor then proceeded to beat the ever luvin' s**t out of them. Problem solved, and I doubt he would be a repeat offender.1 point
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I was trying to figure that out too. The only thing I could figure is that it was a racially motivated comment suggesting that the towns he was visiting were mostly white. It would be the same as pointing out any time Barack Obama goes to a mostly black community as something sinister. Neither is appropriate, especially for a "journalist". Once again, if this was reversed there would be national outrage and the Secret Service would be soliciting the hookers in Bill O'Reilly's home town.1 point
So the drones can't see him. --- I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?nlgb431 point
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Assuming that it's 4WD, all you'd have to do is slam it in reverse to clear the spikes. Then you could grind'em under the wheels....1 point
up/down votes are more like girls than lightbulbs... ...you can unscrew a lightbulb1 point
+ a bunch I've had similar neighbor problems that resulted in a few police visits and the neighbor being charged. As much as I have wanted to "handle it", my level headed wife has been the voice of reason. We have a packet we keep full of court documents, police reports, witness statements and letters from the a-hole. It all came in handy the last time the cops came around. Haven't heard a peep out of him in over a year now. When I do he'll get another LE spanking and potentially a harassment lawsuit and restraining order. I'm guessing he doesn't want either since he's been good lately. The moral high ground has better fields of fire.1 point
Sorry, Have two brothers who are NYC cops and another who works in an office building right there, and they've all told me how it's a bit more F-ed up than normal, like for other 'normal' Presidents. I guess I'm a "racist" then. That's fine with me.1 point
Eventually. Like will be required of everyone at some point, comply or die. That is what I said. Go ahead and keep thinking that. Those who defend islam love to keep mentioning that. Interestingly, Jesus preaches love and peace, mohammed preaches kill your enemy. I have not seen any news stories of christians strapping bombs onto themselves and walking into pizza restaurants, onto buses or in other public places and blowing up their enemies. That act is exclusively reserved for muslims. They raise their children to kill themselves. Christians love life. Muslims love death. Saddam Hussein even paid bonus money to families of suicide bombers who would go to Israel and blow themselves up. Islam is a society of death. Stick your head in the sand if you like, that's your business. If you're referring to the middle ages, the spanish inquisition, the conquests, try to come up with something more recent please. Today, it is muslims who are killing people. Are all muslims terrorists, no (not yet), but all terrorists in the past several decades have been muslims. Then we bid you good bye.1 point
If I buy a barrel, I'll buy reloading dies too. Calibers like this are the reason I got into reloading. I don't own a set of 9mm dies, and probably never will.1 point
More progressive horse poo getting spread around... First, we didn't have a pledge for over 100 years... because it violated many of the principals of our founding fathers. Second, the pledge was written by Francis Bellamy, a Christian SOCIALIST (aka progressive), who believed in "the rights of workers" and "equal distribution of economic resources"... Does that sound familiar at all? Couple little facts about the pledge, in the beginning you didn't put your hand over you heart, you did a Nazi salute. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/65/Bellamy_salute_1.jpg A picture of American school children performing the pledge in May of 1942. Oh yeah and Bellamy, a complete racists that didn't believe that all men were created equally The Pledge was 1 part business idea to allow the paper he worked for to sell more American flags to schools... and 1 part progressive agenda. Third, It was only during WWII that Congress in a propaganda move, added the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Act... Fourth, 12 years later, adding 'under God' as a propaganda move to help fight communism. Go back and re-read Jefferson's, and Adam's... read the transcripts from the Amistad where John Q. Adams (former President) represented some Muslims... Our founding fathers were well aware of the issues with radical Islam, having fought our first war against it, yet still believe in true freedom of religion.1 point
I have fired Tula ammo in guns that are known performers. My main AR runs Tula just fine but that is about all it can do. My AR is a solid 1/2" at 100 yards performer with handloads. It is a 1" performer with factory ammo it likes. When I feed it Tula the groups are 4"+ at 100 yards. Here is a thread where I disected some Russian ammo: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/43882-i-found-out-why-your-ak-is-so-inaccurate-with-wolf/page__p__711858__hl__tula#entry711858 And don't think that because it is 7.62x39 that it is any different than their 223. Tula or Wolf the problems are the same. Dolomite1 point
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I remember the thread. You said your "dealer" told you not to worry about 922r compliance. And I responded that I would not use a dealer who made those recommendations to a customer. Of course that is the short story. No, you said the dealer told you not to worry about 922r. And to that I said a dealer telling a customer not to worry about federal law is a dealer I would not use. I am paraphrasing but that was the short of it. I have looked and cannot find the thread now but if you can please post it up for all to see. I stood by my words then and still will. And here is the gas block thread you referenced, please quote me where I bashed you. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/48990-ar-parts-recommendation/ Please, everyone read this thread and find where I said something hurtful to him. Please agt.dealer, I beg you, find somewhere where I bashed you. Dolomite1 point
Time with my children and grand children....the BEST GIFT a man could get!!!! Dave1 point
They do this and more sometimes.....has nothing to do with Obama,,,,,I have seen multiple closures for Bush and Reagan.......nothing new bro.....It sucks ballz1 point
There is a fundamental difference between Christianity and Islam. Jesus preached peace and love while Mohammed ordered extermination of male population of most tribes surrounding Medina at his time. The mission of Crusaders was to protect and defend prayers. The mission of Jigits (warriors of Allah) was to fight unbelievers. Generalisation: Christianity assumes moral behaviour toward every human being Islam does not require any morality toward unbelievers (keep in mind however that Mohammed considered the followers of prophet Moses and followers of prophet Jesus as believers) The number of people killed in the name of Christ is irrelevant, because the murderers misinterpreted the Christian scripture Christian scripture comply with our constitution Muslim scripture (Hadith in particular) contains some statements that contradict US constitution1 point
We just paid almost $5k between application and legal fees for my wife... maybe we should apply for a refund and tell them she has been here illegally for years so she gets a freebie Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 21 point
I honestly don't see how people can say that Bush was the worst president we've ever had after three horrible years under this pathetic excuse for a POTUS.1 point
1 point
Stopping traffic and transportation in NYC makes me think of the time my sewer backed up. All that poo and no where for it to go. I wonder if it'll look and smell the same there? Oh wait...1 point
I'm working in a (government) facility that does not allow any weapons, and don't worry about incidents once I'm at work since it's pretty secure. Of course, the rules also state that I can't even keep a weapon locked in a lockbox secured with a steel cable to the frame under the left side of my rear seat completely out of sight for the commute to and from work, so I don't.1 point
So, should I only hunt deer with factory ammo in case I have a dispute about some regulation with the game warden? Should I only let the dealer change the oil in my car in case I am involved in an accident? The article is ridiculous. I'd like to read of a real world example where handloaded ammunition was the determining factor in a shooting trial.1 point
i would have him get me another one yes i know cit takes a long time.i would also report him to the atf .also to the mfg.1 point
I usually wear my gun everywhere. If I go into a carry no no place I have a lock box in my truck. The only exception is when I am on campus for classes. cant even have it your car there. I attend NorthEastState and a month or so ago a teacher ratted out someone for having a gun in his car. Security locked his butt up and handed him over to Sullivan County. I make no secret that I have a carry permit. I can't wait until security wants to search my truck, and they open that safe and its empty. I'm just going to stand there and say "Now don't you feel stupid? "1 point
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