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I had the pleasure of meeting one of the survivors of the USS Indianapolis of WW2 fame today. On June 30th 1945 a Japanese sub sunk the Indianapolis leaving the surviving crew of 900 (out of the original 1196) floating in the Pacific in shark infested waters. After almost five days only 317 men survived. I was truely humbled to meet such a man. Words cannot express the respect I have for him and those that served, and currently serve, in our armed forces.2 points
Just cause the regular one was boring... If anyone wants a higher quality version for printing just let me know and I can email them to you. Have the copyright, so feel free to use them for whatever(Just ask that if you do sell stuff with them, that you donate part of the $ to Wounded Warriors or DAV)2 points
2 points
I like what a guy said at a boat show one time "Hey buddy thats a $30,000 boat your fixin' to buy if you don't get your kid outta of it" I know he couldn't have made the guy buy it , but did get kid out and moved on.2 points
I haven't had a 1911 in a while and then ran across this in the classifieds on another forum, stared at it for about 60 seconds and then wrote, "I'll take it." It will be a few days before I get it but am already plotting which trigger I am going to put in the thing. Hey its a 1911, they have to be tinkered with.1 point
To bad the bad guy died quickly. I can think of a lot slower ways to die that would be more fitting for scum like this. Hopefully because the girl is so young she will be able to get past what has happened. Probably the best thing for her is for everyone else to never mention it again in her presence so maybe the memory will fade with time. And for that dad, good going. I know he is having to deal with taking a life but hopefully he realizes by doing so he saved his daughter from further abuse as well other children. His actions are how all child abuses should be dealt with. Dolomite1 point
have almost 11 pounds of rods, plates and screws holding me together. I had so many broken bones that they didn't find one severe one until 2 months after my accident. This xray was taken in July, and my accident was back in May. The therapist kept telling me that the pain was normal when I said there was something wrong with my arm... Unfortunately I listened to her advice instead of talking to the surgeon again. here's my hip This is the stuff that was in that xray, they had to remove it and install different parts because they were incorrectly installed and were the wrong degree of angle knee lower leg femur So.. yep, I'm technically "disabled" but I usually don't even mention it to anyone because people start thinking that they need to cater to your needs and stuff (they usually just think I had knee surgery or something light since I walk with a cane). I may have to work twice as hard now, but can still pump out the same amount of work as before the accident. Before this I never understood how people like David's friend could do what he does, but after being in the situation you understand that giving up and going on a pity fest is just not an option that would even be remotely considered. If anything, it causes subconscious dedication to show everyone that you can do it just so they don't think differently of you.1 point
1 point
Nice AAR. Glad you are out there training, regardless who it's with. I've taken a good majority of the classes Tactical Response offers and I have yet to be disappointed.1 point
5 Year Old sings it on TV - http://www.theblaze....ou-see-all-day/ "that canned its students' planned performance of the patriotic "God Bless the USA" over concerns of offending others." LET others be offended! There is absolutely no 'right' or protection against being offended. BTW, if you are offended by America or anything American, GET THE HELL OUT! Thanks to an American soldier, you are free to leave at any time. ------------- These poor atheists are offended. Too bad! Go form your own country somewhere if you don't like it. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/atheist-family-loses-lawsuit-to-have-under-god-removed-from-the-pledge-of-allegiance/1 point
My point is you can start a confrontation and still be clearly justified in using self defense.... The case in this news article doesn't seem to be an example of that... But you can't say just because somebody starts a legal confrontation they loose the ability to claim self defense. As for the Zimmerman case... I don't think we know enough about what happened between the end of the 911 call, and the shooting, to say who was the aggressor and who started the physical assault. But, I will say at the end of the 911 call Zimmerman had not done anything illegal up until that point in my mind. Following somebody is not a crime.... Walking up to somebody and asking them what they are doing in your neighborhood late t night isn't a crime... The key to that case is the couple of minutes between the end of the 911 call and the start of the 911 call where Zimmerman is screaming for help. Until we hear testimony or see evidence relating to that timeframe, it's hard to say if Zimmerman is guilty or not... I will say I'm leaning towards not guilty, because I don't see likely scenarios where Zimmerman broke the law.... While Martin a known drug user who appears to have been suffering physical effects from purple lean abuse - including brain and liver damage is much more likely to have been the aggressor in my book.1 point
There's something funny in this story. The guy doing the shooting and videotaping is a "former firefighter" and victims are a fire chief and another firefighter. Just gut reaction on my part, but perhaps these folks had an ongoing prior beef? Also, on a side note. When someone walks into your party armed, don't say like "don't think when I come back out here I won't be equal to you, baby." It's not going to sound as cool as you intended it in the paper the next day.1 point
And most would stand around in wonderment at the amazing contraption. I wonder how well an annealer would work to cook those little smokie sausages? Dolomite1 point
Are you two really interjecting facts into an emotion-based argument? Sheesh.1 point
Spank, I too work retail and have employers rules in place to prevent carrying of a firearm on company property. A LCP in a pocket holster and keeping my mouth shut about it is my preferred solution. If things go south, I can find a new job, my family doesn't find me so easily replaceable.1 point
1 point
the best show in knoxville is thr expo hands down better vlighting more room better unloading area i do well at both shows i have very good help in knoxville i dont know what i would do without them as this weekend i was feeling not too good there have been several vendors missing last few shows but several new vendors have shown up i dont buy stuff at the door as others do but i have to go outside for my phonr to work and noticed a lot of buisness outside the doors i did pick up a new in the box ruger mk1 target pistol for 250.00 yesterday made it all the way back to me there are lots of good deals to be made right now i saw stuff at great prices last few weeks1 point
I like going there if I need a good laugh. Their prices make me laugh out loud.1 point
The Ruger SR1911 is the only one I've ever shot or owned. I know they get better as the price doubles, but it's everything I hoped it would be. I hope I never have the misfortune of shooting a high-end 1911 like a Nighthawk or a Les Baer. It'd ruin the whole 1911 experience for me, since I'll never afford one.1 point
No worries. I was prepared for the haters. I did a lot of research prior to making my decision to go. I've seen the so called edinborough ambush video and have read the aar's about that incident. I also asked the instructor Jay about that in the class. He gave a simple answer of "everyone not doing their part". So all the arm chair critics who were not there but want to pretend they know all the facts and circumstances that took place are silly in my eyes and have no credibility to me. Those people always seem to know all the answers to events that transpired outside of there presence. I have gone through life enough to understand that when the heat is on and things go bad, normally honest, nice people will lie out their ass to save their own skin. Also, the one guy who is getting the blame and telling a different story than the rest is usually the only honest one. That whole situation stinks of lies and deceit. Those who base their entire judgement over something they really have no knowledge of are missing out on superb training in their on back yard. I know this first hand. The training I received was worth every penny. I will continue to go back and learn more.1 point
Yes, I agree he screwed up. He probably would too. "Chasing" is your word. "Following" was the word used on the tape.We don't even know that Zimmerman stopped him. It could have happened the way Zimmerman said, since there IS evidence that Martin was into street fighting, and other elements of thug culture. Martin scared crapless??? Nope, can't picture that. No, I don't think he saw the gun. Zimmerman may have been confused about some stuff, but not about that part of Florida law. Defending himself from what??? Zimmerman's face beating the hell out of his knuckles?1 point
I know it's just a discussion. Again, we both have our mental picture. Since allowing your gun to show at all in Florida is illegal, those folks are pretty good at hiding them. My money says that Trayvon never knew it was there until he <maybe> felt it after the fight started. It was a PF-9... one click above a mouse gun. I don't agree that what we absolutely know about Zimmerman's action's, there was justification for a violent confrontation. I do believe you made your mind up pretty early on, and that you're ignoring some of the information because of it. Arizona Iced Tea (a lie... was actually Arizona Watemelon Juice drink) and Skittles add to the innocent 12 year old image until you realize that they're common ingredients in a drug cocktail. Not dragging Trayvon's virgin image thru the mud. Just stating facts that show the makup of that guy. They're also facts that punch big holes in your image of the story. No disrepect to you either. I would feel much better if you weren't wrong about the whole thing1 point
1 point
Respecting the authority has nothing to do with respecting the person, or them caring if they “earn†your respect. Some people have problems acknowledging any kind of authority. If a person comes to your home they may or may not respect you as a person, but they are going to respect your authority as the home owner, or they are going to leave. When I deal with a Military person or a Police Officer they don’t have to earn my respect; they have already done that by wearing the uniform. They can then do something that causes me to lose respect for them as a person, but I still respect their authority. I respect the authority of a business owner. I may not agree with the way he does business, but if that is the case I will not do business with him. I don’t pick up guns and start handling them without asking the owner’s permission, I also don’t pick up guns that I have no intention of buying; that is just courtesy. You are right, if someone is demanding your respect in a disrespectful way they probably don’t deserve it. Unless you are in the military and then we know how that goes.1 point
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1 point
I never heard anything about chasing in FL, I heard following and I heard watching.1 point
1 point
obviously, only open to Glock shooters. would to be nice have one open to the other major brands (Springfield, S&W, Ruger, Beretta, Sig) I currently don't own a Glock, so i will miss out.1 point
1 point
I like the up and down buttons better. It is nice to click the red one so i don't have to call anyone a dumbass1 point
Why is teaching children safe gun handling practices never advocated by anyone but me?1 point
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