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  1. Fighting Pistol Class Tactical Response Camden, TN June 2/3, 2012 Instructors: Jay, Chester, Steve, David, Kayla All the instructors were very professional and extremely knowledgeable. It was very evident that they all practiced what they were preaching. That was very comforting to me. I have nothing but good things to say about them all. The class attendees consisted of a variety of occupations such as policeman, fireman, lawyers, mechanics, security contractors, engineers, students, musicians, doctors and businessmen. Men and women whose ages varied from late 50’s down to 14. Everyone got along and enjoyed each other’s company and always ready to lend a helping hand. I recommend attending any cook outs, meals or gatherings that are offered. The Fighting Pistol class itself was outstanding. It was the perfect mix of technical explanations broken down to dumb-ass terms that I could grasp and hands on application of the techniques. We all met up at the gear store at 0900 and started promptly. Short roll call and introductions at the beginning then straight to the safety rules and medical personnel identification. Before we knew it, we were off to the range. I’m not going to spend lots of time explaining the training and instruction that was given (take the class!). My past experience is like many others. I grew up around guns, hunting and shooting all the time. I spent six years in the Army. I thought I was confident and fairly familiar with handling weapons. I was sadly mistaken. I quickly realized that I didn’t know jack squat and was completely unprepared to handle a weapon in a proficient manner. The training was laid out so that a common, less than intelligent man such as me can grasp and comprehend the information the first time. I rarely had to ask a question for further explanation about the task they were trying to teach. When I did ask a question it was answered right away and I never felt like the instructors thought my questions were stupid or silly or a waste of time. The training taught from start to finish was as if I was learning how to walk all over again. They walked you through each step until you were running and jumping and rolling around. Do not think you are going to get away with doing it wrong too. There are eyes on you almost all the time. They catch things you are doing wrong and correct you right away and sternly. I like the way they are trying to keep the stress level up for us all. Twenty eight students split into two relays of fourteen. One relay ran at a time so five instructors for fourteen people. Perfect ratio for catching things you are doing wrong. Gear-bring it all, it’s on the list for a reason. Make sure it is not broken. Be prepared. Have your magazines loaded and for God’s sake……BRING YOUR GUN AND HAVE IT LOADED!!! You wouldn’t go to work without your tools of the trade. Don’t show up at a gun class without a gun loaded and ready to go. Sounds simple I know. You will be surprised how many folks are not prepared. I was using my daily carry S&W M&P .40 compact with a Don Hume J.I.T. Slide holster at 330-4 o’clock position. I was using Aguila ammo FMJ 180 grain. The gun ran flawlessly and shot like a dream. I had the required five magazines with pinky extenders (factory S&W). I carried two magazines on my weak side in a single Blackhawk! double magazine holder. I kept my last two magazines in my pants (Vertx) pockets and during training I would transfer those magazines into the mag holder when it was empty. My belt was a Galco instructor’s belt 1.5 inch double thickness reinforced. Bring sunglasses and a ball cap. Expect to take some rib jabbing if you’re not running a Glock 9MM, or a 9MM of any make. I was told I was compensating for a shortcoming in other areas. Kayla will be sure to let you know what she thinks about that for sure. I do have to say this. The only guns that were having problems were NOT made by S&W or Glock. After shooting for two days, that became very obvious. Will I take this or any other classes from Tactical Response at Camden again? Absolutely. I have made a list of which ones already. I highly recommend this training to beginners and so called “expertsâ€. The thing that impressed me the most was the adult environment and setting of the class. They treated you like a grown adult that is responsible to handle a firearm. There was no safety nazi’s screaming about this or that. They laid out the four rules of safety with a firearm. Honestly, they are the only four you really ever need to follow. They didn’t waste time treating you like a fool with a gun like a lot of training classes or ranges do. I love the “an unloaded gun is a dangerous gun†philosophy. It will be hard to be around a safety nazi from this time forward. For any nay-sayers out there that wants to cry and whine about their safety procedures…..1.) TAKE the class then whine!! Don’t whine about something you have not experienced. 2.) Tactical Response has trained over 15,000 students and has had 0 accidents. ZERO. That is impressive to me. Think about all the schools and workplaces that can’t go one week without someone getting hurt. Thank you for what you do Tactical Response. I will return. www.TacticalResponse.com
    3 points
  2. Yes, I agree he screwed up. He probably would too. "Chasing" is your word. "Following" was the word used on the tape.We don't even know that Zimmerman stopped him. It could have happened the way Zimmerman said, since there IS evidence that Martin was into street fighting, and other elements of thug culture. Martin scared crapless??? Nope, can't picture that. No, I don't think he saw the gun. Zimmerman may have been confused about some stuff, but not about that part of Florida law. Defending himself from what??? Zimmerman's face beating the hell out of his knuckles?
    3 points
  3. Nope, I wasn’t there anymore than anyone else. Like everyone else I have made decisions based on what I have read in media accounts that were biased both ways. I think Zimmerman deserves a fair trial, I don’t agree that the state revoked his bail, I think the state is responsible for his safety while in custody, and I am appalled that both the state and the Feds refused to act when outright criminal threats were made against his life. However… the cops wanted to arrest him when they first had him, they ask for an arrest warrant and it was refused by the DA. The Governor has seen fit to sit that DA in the corner and call one in that can handle the case. A crime was committed and the victim and his family deserve a trial. I know very well we don’t have a justice system, but I hold out hope that justice is served in this case. I know my opinion on this case is not popular on this forum, but I can’t help from join in on the discussion. I am simply discussing the case as I see it; I respect the opinions of others and hope no one takes my comments as a personal attack, they certainly are not meant that way.
    3 points
  4. Zimmerman was charged with resisting arrest with violence and battery on a Police Officer. The two felony charges were dismissed when he agreed to enter an alcohol treatment program. His girlfriend accused him of Domestic Violence and had an order of protection against him. Is the jury going to be allowed to hear that? If the defense starts attacking the victim for past bad acts they will.
    2 points
  5. We know who got out of his truck and started chasing the victim in Florida.
    2 points
  6. Nope. I believe that in my heart. You can’t kill someone over a fight you started. You take your azz whipping and learn to either keep your mouth shut, or call the Police and let them deal with it. You don’t get to murder someone when you figure out you have bitten off more than you can chew. And I’m really surprised you don’t agree with me on this.
    2 points
  7. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/school_silences_patriotic_song_xdunXcLPbE8S2rAEcZoUiP another communicado from the NannY state. I'm so tired of multi culturalism being shoved down my throat. welcome to America where I don't have to tip toe through the freakin tulips to tell you i love you too get out of my way. This is z'America! You must speak z'English!
    1 point
  8. i like kroger they send me a check every month
    1 point
  9. and a fine looking young man he is
    1 point
  10. What botched investigation??? AFIK, all the core evidence came from the original investigation by the Sanford PD. The rest is ALL politics.
    1 point
  11. Wow…. And they let her be a Principal? They should have fired her to let the kids know what happens when you are a racist.
    1 point
  12. Most of them are pretty good, even the cheaper ones.
    1 point
  13. No worries. I was prepared for the haters. I did a lot of research prior to making my decision to go. I've seen the so called edinborough ambush video and have read the aar's about that incident. I also asked the instructor Jay about that in the class. He gave a simple answer of "everyone not doing their part". So all the arm chair critics who were not there but want to pretend they know all the facts and circumstances that took place are silly in my eyes and have no credibility to me. Those people always seem to know all the answers to events that transpired outside of there presence. I have gone through life enough to understand that when the heat is on and things go bad, normally honest, nice people will lie out their ass to save their own skin. Also, the one guy who is getting the blame and telling a different story than the rest is usually the only honest one. That whole situation stinks of lies and deceit. Those who base their entire judgement over something they really have no knowledge of are missing out on superb training in their on back yard. I know this first hand. The training I received was worth every penny. I will continue to go back and learn more.
    1 point
  14. I'm not on the jury. I'm on TGO . Sure, I've looked at those two, and tried to speculate what happened. Scraps with girlfriends and off duty cops don't matter to me, especially since the charges were dismissed. Thugginess matters. I've seen lots of it. You see candy and iced tea. I see the crime scene picture where it wasn't tea at all (Crump and the media polishing the evidence again). I don't even care that Trayvon was catching a buzz. It is important to me that abuse of that particular drug can cause psychosis. We'll just have to see how it shakes out when Angela Beefalo gets her reelection trial.
    1 point
  15. Not necessarily. He will have the power to rescind all of Obama's execuctive orders, even though he is unlikely to do so. I am reaching on this one, but Romney may be able to work with Reid since they are both Mormons. A sort of brothers in faith if you will. Still, any compromise reached will probably suck, but it will more than likely be better than anything from our most Omniscient Beneficent Altruistic Magnanimous Auspicious dear leader.
    1 point
  16. I agree, but the crime may have been assault and battery, or even attempted murder on the part of Martin. You can't say, and neither can I. The liberals have already decided, but as usual, it's based on all the wrong things. I'm not calling you one of them, BTW. The victim ain't always the one that got shot. The tough part about the whole case is the fact that there's no evidence to decide the case conclusively. Who really started the violent confrontation?
    1 point
  17. I don't know that it's a bad thing do compare the Zimmerman case, since the bedwetters certainly will.
    1 point
  18. It really depends on the layout of the house. As far as the shot spreading, from my testing and patterning, even at what would be long range self defense ranges of 20-30 yds 00 buck did not spread enough to worry about a wide spray pattern out of my 500 with a 18.5 barrel and IC choke. My personal opinon, there is no fight stopper in the world like a short barrelled shotgun loaded with reduceded recoil 00 buckshot. A handgun is to give me a fighting chance at getting to a long gun, not a primary self defense weapon given any other choice.
    1 point
  19. But what about?...... wait , I forgot that you were there.
    1 point
  20. I know it's just a discussion. Again, we both have our mental picture. Since allowing your gun to show at all in Florida is illegal, those folks are pretty good at hiding them. My money says that Trayvon never knew it was there until he <maybe> felt it after the fight started. It was a PF-9... one click above a mouse gun. I don't agree that what we absolutely know about Zimmerman's action's, there was justification for a violent confrontation. I do believe you made your mind up pretty early on, and that you're ignoring some of the information because of it. Arizona Iced Tea (a lie... was actually Arizona Watemelon Juice drink) and Skittles add to the innocent 12 year old image until you realize that they're common ingredients in a drug cocktail. Not dragging Trayvon's virgin image thru the mud. Just stating facts that show the makup of that guy. They're also facts that punch big holes in your image of the story. No disrepect to you either. I would feel much better if you weren't wrong about the whole thing
    1 point
  21. I do to, but he didn’t take an azz whipping. What, the cut on the back of his head? I’ve cut myself worse shaving (Not on the back of my head though). I’m trying not to speculate; I’m looking at the facts that are not in dispute, and those facts show that Zimmerman started a confrontation that was not legally justified. Did Martian jump him and start beating his azz? We don’t know. The only other witness to this is dead. But what if he did? What if Martin saw the gun and was scared to death? Fight or flight. Maybe he thought he would get shot in the back if he ran and so he STOOD HIS GROUND AND FOUGHT. His hands were the only weapon he had, and that cost him his life because he was being pursued by a man who took out a gun a shot him to death. Mike I’m also not trying to argue with you or trying to disrespect you, I respect your opinion; I’m simply having a discussion.
    1 point
  22. I'm hoping the Supreme Court is going to tell Obama that.
    1 point
  23. Speaking of stupid, President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/06/president-barack-obamas-complete-list.html
    1 point
  24. Some people just need to have eggs thrown at them... brick shaped eggs... made of brick...
    1 point
  25. As a Vietnam veteran I'm already on the potential terrorists lists of some govt agencies. Red Cross and other groups also recommend having supplies stored for emergencies. FEMA has some useful information available, but I don't like having to give my personal information to them to access it.
    1 point
  26. I have a built-in mechanism. I'll pass out before I can drink THAT much tequila.
    1 point
  27. Seems like a self correcting situation to me. Idiot who confronts and taunts neighbor while brandishing goes to jail. Other idiot who decides to physically attack someone who is armed is dead. If someone shows up on my property while armed and starts making a scene I'm calling the police, I'm not going to start a firefight in my front yard unless it's the last resort.
    1 point
  28. Another thing that bothers me about it is how hard is it to ask someone to be respectful and turn the music down? If they tell you to pound sand then call the police. If someone came on my property brandishing a gun and making threats/demands they'd be getting a 5.56 injection before it got to where it did. At the same time, if someone came to my door and asked me to turn down the music I would be embarrassed, mortified and apologetic. I just don't get folks. Seems like everyone is to the extreme these days.
    1 point
  29. I never heard anything about chasing in FL, I heard following and I heard watching.
    1 point
  30. Same thing they should say in Florida; SYG doesn’t apply to someone that started the confrontation.
    1 point
  31. I get hugged by women quite a bit when I'm out, whether I'm with my girlfriend or not. She gets hugged by guys a lot too, whether I'm with her or not. Doesn't mean we're gonna go off bumping uglies with somebody else. I guess it's just the crowd we hang with.
    1 point
  32. We did an event once, and booked David Allan Coe as the talent. Part way into the show, some redneck hurled a beer bottle, and it smashed on DAC's microphone stand. DAC stopped singing, pointed at the guy, and said "somebody kick his ass". A couple of boys from his entourage ran out from behind the stage and kicked his ass. the show continued with one less redneck in the audience. DAC should have been manning the gun counter that day.
    1 point
  33. News flash…. There are animals in woods that will kill you and eat you. Then there are humans that will kill you just for sport. Carry a gun.
    1 point
  34. "We believe this was an isolated incident." Wasn't very isolated as far as the victim was concerned. National parks aren't any safer than any place else as long as the general public has access to them.
    1 point
  35. I wouldn't fly (commercial) across the state if they were giving away bars of platinum and paid for my ticket. I'd charter a Cessna before I'd ride AA again.
    1 point
  36. Just got my confirmation for the 2012 IDPA National Championship earlyer today any body else put in to go?
    1 point
  37. Well, that just compounds the craptastic treatment you're getting here. Doing all that for him and then his total lack of respect for you in return.
    1 point
  38. I don't believe there was more than a mag or two ran through it. I will definitely check it out better when the forms arrive. I don't believe there was any harm to the suppressor. I don't see it any differently than if a neighbor would have taken my studebaker out for a ride and brought it back. It's a boundary issue. The gun he used has been sold so my fingers are crossed. If he wanted to hear it shot all he had to do is call. I have subsonic 9mm ammo. He did not. I got all the forms from the ATF for his business, showed him how to fill them out, and set him up to sell class III. I've been called down to the shop to answer questions for customers and they give out my number for unique questions. I don't ask for discounts, but do expect to receive my toys unmolested.
    1 point
  39. Awesome parents = awesome kid. Just stands to reason. He's your baby - grab him and hug him and hold him tight and cherish him. Then let him go be the MAN you raised him to be...
    1 point
  40. As a strict interpretationist, I think requiring permits is a violation of our rights. Too few people agree with me, so I'm stuck with the laws we have. However, I can't help but wonder why the SCOTUS struck down poll tests, but not HCP testing. Seems like any test used to grant rights we should already have are just plain wrong. If the argument is about public safety, I'd be in favor of dropping the HCP testing and require parenting tests. Afterall, stupid people are much more likely to botch child-rearing than they are to shoot somebody. I see it every day.
    1 point
  41. It's amazing how much I have forgotten since orienteering classes at Boxwell. GPS has really made people soft. It's something I need to reinvest in as far as study and practice. Call it foil hat nonsense if you like, it IS possible to track an electronic device. A sheet of paper and a lensatic compass cannot be tracked.
    1 point
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