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Sgt. Joel Morgan and anyone else that has served should be proud of the service they have given their country. But you can’t fix ignorance and hate. This woman has the right to refuse to rent to whoever she pleases as long as they are not a protected group. We all served to protect rights; even the ones we don’t believe in. Unfortunately we are not a protected group. When our troops came home from Vietnam they were spit on in airports and on the street. Sgt. Morgan, if I were you I would hold my head high and drop this lawsuit. This woman doesn’t deserve your time or energy; she is a moron. Don’t let her be a martyr. I’m sure since this story was posted you have had many offers of a place to rent from decent Americans who appreciate what you did. And although people like this woman would never serve, they are the type to scream the loudest when they think someone has violated one of the rights you served to protect. Thank you for your service.2 points
Based on what many attorney's have said after looking at the indictment, I suspect that the prosecution needs that time in hopes of finding evidence that actually supports the charges.2 points
If it was a Glock, it would still work. It would have shot him in the butt when he reholstered it, but it would still work.2 points
Not by right of birth, or gender, or color of skin, or just walking in to the registrar's office of any random institution, agreed. But by the fact that it was earned (earned) by fulfillment of the necessary requirements and was at the point of actually being presented, and then suddenly witheld, by some logic, you believe that is ok? It's no use going further on this subject as we can not come to a mutual understanding of the facts of this situation.1 point
Hopefully someone will let him stay in a house for free, and maybe.. just maybe it'll be in an area where the HOA won't threaten to sue him for flying our flag from the the porch. Most people who do this kind of bull#### have never side how the rest of the world works, troops have been there done that and that's why almost every single one of them love this country so much when they get back. I hope that woman's car gets stolen and when she calls 911, they respond with "sorry ma'am, we don't get involved in political situations you need to write a letter to your city council which meets next month"1 point
I'm thinking there was an exchange of bodily fluids between those two at some point. Folks don't usually get that crazy unless they've been in each other's britches.1 point
It's ALL about the handcuffing. Last killing I attended, they detained all of us for 3 hours, but they didn't handcuff anybody.1 point
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" -Thomas Jefferson-1 point
The day the government starts screwing around with my food is the day the pizza ovens start flying. I say this in all serisousness, the fastest way to make me angry is to mess with my food. People who are full of crap have no right telling me what I can and can't cram my face with.1 point
1. This doesn't surprise me. 2. Just one more reasons why I don't visit the communist state of Illinois and have driven many, many miles out of my way to avoid passing through any part of it.1 point
Like everyone else I enjoyed his videos and commentary. I never got to meet him, but I am saddened by his passing. Thanks for posting this picture. The Glasses, Mickey Mouse shirt, purple AK mags...the burning car...Perfect. Looks like he was having a really good time. Brought a smile to my face. That's how I would want to be remembered... laughing and doing what I love.1 point
First, the entire class system is make work... corporate welfare for ranges, instructors, and the finger printing companies... and make work for TDOS, a way to add employees without having to get more money from the legislature. How do we know it's make work? Because 99+% of people who take the class pass. Second, I'm not worried about HCP holders... There is a little know stat about shootings, an average citizen (and we know how little firearms training the average citizen has had) is 5 times less likely to shoot and kill an innocent person in a self defense situation than a police officer. Third, the VAST majority of adults can pickup a handgun and hit targets at 3 yards all day long with little or no training... That is why we all want handguns they are the great equalizer, they require very little training, and work for just about anybody with 2 brain cells to rub together. I see the argument for keeping the permit system in place to allow people who want to to carry in other states, but we should adopt constitutional carry, if you can buy it, you can carry it.1 point
I agree Hard working black people don't give these clowns the time of day. If you are sitting on the porch waiting for a handout Jackson's shenanigans sound like a good idea to you. As a matter of fact, I have never been around a black person that mentioned a race war. Most blacks are tired of and embarrassed by the crap that goes on in the so called black community, because no matter how hard they work to be productive they are still lumped in with June bug on the corner.1 point
My wife said she'd kill me if I brought home a pink AR. She doesn't believe in girly lookin' guns. She's not fond of the pink Cricket .22lr I have stashed for the little girl either but we both know she'll absoutly love it.1 point
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I'm torn by this one. On the one hand I laughed. On the other hand I thought how lucky this dumb-ass was that he didn't get shot. Timing is everything.1 point
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As entertaining as that may be I wish the media would just find something else to cover. IMHO the last thing either side needs is another long drawn out "Oj Simpson" style trial.1 point
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Sorry, but I can't resist being a smarta$$. Everyone need the French Army Knife.1 point
Vanderbilt usually has tons of Mexicans waiting for their free healthcare, while the taxpayers have to wait. It's sad, but true.1 point
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They ain't got time to work, they gotta crank out the next generation of democratic voters. *Spits in disgust* hysterectomy/vasectomy should be mandatory for SSI recipients.1 point
When I told my wife we should have a codeword if we encounter a dangerous situation so we are both on the same page she said ok "fish on!" We enjoy watching Jeremy Wade's River Monsters & he loves to say that right when he starts big time reeling. Lol I love my wifes brain. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 21 point
Plenty of free time to go march about every little thing since they aren't working anyway?1 point
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One thing I envy of the other side. A leader with enough balls to speak. Say what you like about them, they do speak up. Just once I'd like to see a leader rise that would voice our opinions. I would dearly love to hear him say: Greeting fearless leader of Amerikan ghetto trash......Do your worst, for we shall do ours.1 point
The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. Good night America.1 point
I'd be interested to know if the neighbors of the OP do indeed present a danger, or if he is just nervous because he can hear them shooting? Common courtesy can also involve NOT moving into a rural area where people like to shoot from their back deck. Then deciding that one is frightened of that activity and calling the law.1 point
I don't think there's enough interest to separate "gun news" from "interesting news to gun type people news". I agree with ya, even though I'm a news junkie and use other sources, I do find first notice of a lot of events of interest in this forum. Think I myself would just remove the "firearms" part in the group definition, or not, and just leave alone. It's David's call of course. And I wouldn't mind being mod for something or other, but to maintain a "gun news" forum as separate from another "news news" based one just seems like too much busy work for little gain in structure/clarity/whatever. - OS1 point
Speed cameras are a joke, as are speed limits on a good portion of roads. The biggest problem that I have with speed cameras is that there is no way to face your accuser and contest the ticket. I've gotten out of the majority of speeding tickets that I have gotten from actual police officers by pleading my case in front of a judge. There is no avenue for defending yourself from the accusation of the camera, the camera says that you are guilty so you are guilty. I don't want to live in a country where an electronic device decides my guilt or innocence. Driver education is fundamental, it's not speed that causes crashes the majority of the time, it's distractions and incompetence. Do we not all know of a piece of road that is a speed trap? I can think of several 4 lane highways where there is no cross traffic and not lots of businesses or houses yet the speed limit may be 45 through that stretch, you can travel the same road for a few miles and everything is the same but the speed limit is 65. I try to stay within 10 mph of the speed limit if there are chances that it could be patrolled, I don't feel that I'm endangering myself or anyone else. As a society we bow down to the speed limits and we do not question them. (Some speed limits I can agree to, 70 on the freeway works, because most people are moving 80 or so, move it up and triple digit speeds will start to become common, American drivers are just not ready for that.) Why should we never question a rule imposed on us by our government? Will we take this same mentality of "don't question the rules" when the government decides to remove our hunting rifles from our possession because they hold more than one round, or they don't like the caliber?1 point
I just looked through all of the forum categories. Where would story this go? Urgent: CDC Says Airborne Virus Carried By Winds Has 3-Day Life Span - Urges All Citizens To Stay Inside Next 72 Hours Newsworthy, or General Chat? Certainly not Knives and Bladed Tools or Carry Prohibited Locations. Seems best to just leave it alone as is.1 point
Just one song for me. I would loop "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit. Game over!1 point
Saving that one for the afterparty should we survive long enough to have one.1 point
Wouldn't the correct order be I Am Legend was based off of Omega Man and Omega Man was besed off of Last Man on Earth? Sorry those are just some of my favorite movies of all time!1 point
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