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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2012 in all areas

  1. I don't think there's enough interest to separate "gun news" from "interesting news to gun type people news". I agree with ya, even though I'm a news junkie and use other sources, I do find first notice of a lot of events of interest in this forum. Think I myself would just remove the "firearms" part in the group definition, or not, and just leave alone. It's David's call of course. And I wouldn't mind being mod for something or other, but to maintain a "gun news" forum as separate from another "news news" based one just seems like too much busy work for little gain in structure/clarity/whatever. - OS
    3 points
  2. Sounds like a publicized slap on the wrist to Zimmerman to appease the race-card crowd to me.
    2 points
  3. Massacres to follow. There's only one reason to disarm the public.
    2 points
  4. As has been said several times before, obummer has been the best promoter of the firearms industry. Every month I try to increase the amount I have in storage.
    2 points
  5. don't matter what the 75% think. Only matters the intent of who wrote the TN constitution. Does not take much to guess that the writers of it answered to a Christian God and could not imagine any other.
    2 points
  6. Muslims are not different than Christians. Most are peaceful people, but a certain element of the religion has corrupted its holy scripture and use it to justify hate. In case people have missed it, people have done the same thing with Christianity. What some people here are doing would be like saying that the Aryan Nations and their Church of Jesus Christ-Christian or Westboro Baptist Church are representative of all Christians in the world and should be discriminated against as such.
    2 points
  7. They may be trying to screw him the same way they screwed Scooter Libby, on an after-the-fact unrelated technicality because they couldn't find any real crime.
    1 point
  8. It was exactly what needed to happen. The crappy manager is gone, and you got your gun fixed. Hopefully, it wasn't an accident.
    1 point
  9. At times in the past I've eaten so much pemmican that I can't even stand to hear the word. I'll probably make up another batch sometime in the next couple of years, but the gastronomic statute of limitations has yet to expire for the last 40 pound batch I made.
    1 point
  10. I’m a Tennessee resident. What "right" would I be standing up for when I told a cop I’m not showing ID if someone should happen to see my gun and call it in?
    1 point
  11. Nobody is disputing what their rights are. Not cooperating with police is their right, but "exercising" and "standing" up for is different. I have the right to tell a cop I nailed his wife. If I tell him that am I "standing" up for my right to free speech? The police have a job to do. If someone calls a MWG in to 911 the police are coming in large numbers. It's that simple. Why not just be nice about it? Why is that so hard? Nobody is "trampling" anyone's rights by simply asking.
    1 point
  12. Just got a call from On Target. The "New Manager" informed me that Shawn the other manager I was dealing with was no longer with them and that my rifle is ready to be picked up. Dunno if the change in management has anything to do with my rifle or this thread.....I doubt it. I will let y'all know how my rifle is and how everything goes when I go pick it up.
    1 point
  13. Alot of people seem to think it would be "easier" to just show the police their ID. Alot of people think it would be "inconvenient" to stand up for their rights. I am glad that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and James Madison and all their buddies did not concern themselves with what was easy or convenient.
    1 point
  14. Purty much. Amazing how blatant it is yet you don't see any media outlets covering it.
    1 point
  15. Correct me if I am wrong, but folks didn't start donating to the Zimmerman defense fund until after Zimmerman was actually charged and arrest right? if so then at his bond hearing Zimmerman probably had no clue as to how many donations would come pouring in, I fail to see how there is "fraud" in stating that they were broke at the time?
    1 point
  16. In my experience the Pmags are tougher. I've trashed around a dozen or more aluminum mags over the course of several deployments, as I wore my mags exposed across the front of my kit. Climbing over walls and such managed to dent/crush some of them to the point of being unusable. Also, I took a few epic spills which damaged them. I have a box full of at least 20 jacked up/unusable GI mags that i just use for springs and followers. I was issued Pmags before a particularly busy deployment that involved a lot of building climbing/urban movement. I still have those Pmags and they look like a chew toy for a rabid badger, but they function fine still. Does this matter in the states? No. If its a matter of going to the range and putting a few rounds through your rifle it doesn't matter what kind of mag you got. But if you have them strapped to the front of you getting beat up everyday, I'm gonna go with the Pmag.
    1 point
  17. When it comes to the sanctity of my home and the safety and security of my family, then yeah.... the name's Billy... Billy Bad-@ss.
    1 point
  18. Within the extent of its intent and without conflicting evidence that you were at some point no longer in fear of your life or serious injury. It does not however, grant you the right to execute the intruder. Example: Perp falls to knees with hands up, you walk up to him and put one in his forehead. Example: You drop the perp with shot to pelvis, he writhes on floor helplessly. Then you walk up and put two in his chest. Example: etc. Any number of cases where forensic evidence alone might get one charged. Not to mention some witness who was there and told the exact truth. - OS
    1 point
  19. Where ya get that? Just a little factual exchange about historical sequence of things. Unless you want to contend that Paul/Saul of Tarsus wrote the Hebrew Bible or something. As far as the "bloodthirsty" nature of Islam, as I mentioned early on in thread, it's in about the same place as Catholicism was in the 11th-14th centuries. So given roughly the equal amount of time to evolve, it'll likely defang its own more radical elements, just as Christianity did, rather than continuing to focus on the more violent exhortations found in abundance in the Old Testament that fostered little episodes like 300 years of Crusades, controlling the thrones of several countries, the Spanish Inquisition, and whatnot. Likely already would have, if the average Muslim had a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of. The next world don't look so bad when you ain't got squat in this one, or worse, any hope of getting it. As far as ultimately in The 'Boro (or NYC or anywhere else in USA): if a Christian church or Jewish temple is allowed to occupy a given space, so must a Muslim mosque. They break the law, charge 'em. They violate the political provisions of 501c3, tax 'em. There are a lot of politically activist Christian churches shouldn't be tax free under 501c3 either. - OS
    1 point
  20. 4:00 PM Opening Flag Burning Ceremony 4:05 PM Singing of "God Damn America" led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright 4:10 PM Pledge of Allegiance to Obama 4:15 PM Ceremonial 'I Hate America' led by Michelle Obama 4:30 PM Tips on Dodging Sniper Fire , Hillary Clinton 4:45 PM Al Sharpton Leads Castrati Choir in Singing, "Great Balls of Fire" 5:00 PM UFO Abduction Survival , Joe Biden 5:30 PM Eliot Spitzer Speaks on "Family Values" via Satellite 5:45 PM Tribute to All 57 States 6:00 PM Joe Biden Delivers 100,000-Word Speech Featuring 23-Minute Question and 2-Hour Answer 8:30 PM Airing of Grievances by the Clintons 9:00 PM Bill Clinton Delivers Rousing Endorsement of Obama Girl 9:15 PM Tribute Film to Freedom Fighters at Gitmo , Michael Moore 9:45 PM Personal Finance Seminar - Charlie Rangel 10:00 PM Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners, Rosie O'Donnell 10:30 PM Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for Iraq & Afghanistan 11:00 PM Obama Energy Plan Symposium/Tire Gauge Demonstration 11:15 PM Free Gov. Blagojevich rally 11:30 PM Obama Accepts Tony and Latin Grammy Awards 11:45 PM Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish, Obama Presiding 12:00 AM Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher 12:01 AM Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and Savior 12:05 AM Celestial Choirs Sing 3:00 AM Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech
    1 point
  21. Bloomberg will get my Big Gulp when he pries it from my cold, dead hands.
    1 point
  22. It's not so much that He changed. Our conception and understanding of Him changed. IMO
    1 point
  23. Eternal damnation for refusing to upgrade. Even worse than Microsoft.
    1 point
  24. Depends on who you talk to. The only agreement you're gonna find is that at least 75% of the rest of the world has gone and picked the wrong God.
    1 point
  25. and doesn't the two words "Almighty God" refer to the christian God? I am not so sure Almighty God refers to any other.
    1 point
  26. So far, Westboro hasn't killed anyone. The muslims talk about it all the time, threaten to do it all the time, and do it all the time, even to their own wives and daughters. I WISH that all they did was yell and call names like Westboro does, then we wouldn't have a problem.
    1 point
  27. I have the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of my own happiness. Apparently large sodas make me happy... and awake. Which is sometimes a good thing. LOL
    1 point
  28. Seems that lots of folks' opinion on Islam is based on a vocal minority faction of that religion. How would Christians feel if folks based opinions on Christianity from the teachings of Westboro Baptist? As EastTNPatriot stated earlier, the teachings of most any established religion can be taken out of context and/or otherwise selectively interpreted to suit most any sort of motive. Rather than form your opinion based on how the media portrays Islam, why not seek out some Muslim folks and educate yourself from first hand experience?
    1 point
  29. Actually, he's only trampling on New Yorkers' freedoms this time. Maybe they'll wise up and throw the little prick out of office.
    1 point
  30. I didn't read the article because I'm sure it'll just upset me, but I figure I know what happened. My 4 yr old asked to see daddy's guns over the weekend. I opened the cabinet and let him see a few, all the while trying to reinforce that if he ever finds a gun to leave it alone and go get mama or daddy. I try to appease his curiosity and emphasize no touching guns without mama or daddy. I hope that sinks in. http://www.corneredcat.com/Disarming_Kids_Curiosity/
    1 point
  31. Yea it is unnecessary, but even at 3 a child can be taught hands off. My grandchildren have known since they were old enough to get around that my guns are off limits under any circumstances. I feel for the family, but its all training, if you can teach a child to use a toilet then they can be taught hands off of any thing that they are not supposed to touch.
    1 point
  32. People, please make sure anyone in your household know the dangers. This tragdey was preventable, and I don't mean by locking up your only mean of protection. MY grandchildren will have yet another safety class tomorrow. There is no excuse for allowing your loved ones access to your firearms without proper training. My heart goes out to the family of the child, no one but bad guys should ever know what the business end of the gun feels like. That said, training is the key. make sure anyone in your family knows what to do in that situation and accidents like this can be prevented. Please, everyone. Have a refresher course with any children in your household or any that may even be in your house. (any misspelled words can be blamed on the wine I have consumed tonight.)
    1 point
  33. I simply can't imagine how I would feel if that happened to me, but the thought is gut wrenching. I don't know if I could keep going with that on my conscience. Now that my son is old enough to walk around and reach for objects, I keep all of my guns locked up. Even my nightstand gun is in a lockbox in my nightstand drawer.
    1 point
  34. Law enforcement better make damn sure they announce themselves before they enter my home at 3am.
    1 point
  35. When I was 6 years old my Father and I lived in Applewood apartments in Oak Ridge. One spring day I was sitting in our apartment watching cartoons while my Father was next door talking to our neighbor. I heard a loud scream come from next door so I went to see what was going on. As I stepped out of our front door I was almost run over by a guy holding the side of his face with blood pouring from around his hand. My neighbors ex-husband had shown up and didn't like the idea of my Father being there so he attacked him. The x was much larger than my Father and had him pushed into the kitchen up against the counter. I don't know who was getting the better of who at that point, but my Father was able to reach a glass 1 liter returnable Coke bottle and whacked the guy on the head with it. Fight over. I remember my Father sitting me down and explaing what had happened and why he did what he did. The one thing he said that I will never forget is "Son, there's no such thing as a fair fight." I have a wife and two small children in my home. When it comes to their protection I will follow my Fathers advice.
    1 point
  36. Hmmm. Would seem to entail mainly moving posts to General Chat, Politics, merging some, but a lot of that. Probably make General Chat the fattest forum by far. How important to ya is it to actually keep it as "firearms" related only? Maybe just change the topic forum description to better suit the general wide open "News" area it has become? Do a poll? It actually doesn't mean much to me one way or the other, just noticed the disparity 'tween stated intent and actuality. - OS
    1 point
  37. None of that has anything to do with this construction. People want a Mosque. I don't see the correlation between that and terrorist training camps and forcing children to participate in Muslim rituals. Those incidents sound like they should be addressed, but aren't related to the case at hand. If this is all about zoning that's one thing. But when folks start arguing about how this shouldn't be allowed because of the proliferation of Islam in the US then you're looking to squash the rights of your fellow Americans. I've had plenty of my share of dealing with Muslim extremists. I would consider myself somewhere in the expert category. Building a Mosque doesn't raise an eyebrow for me. Americans saying it shouldn't be built because Muslims are trying to take over the country does raise an eyebrow.
    1 point
  38. Apparently that part didn't trickle down to the Muslim doctor who saved this heathen's dying ass.
    1 point
  39. Much as we like to tout our 2nd amendment freedoms, it's quite telling to see some folks so willing to trample the 1st amendment. If due process wasn't followed, then that should be addressed.
    1 point
  40. I also hear that Tennessee is the "laughing stock of the country" because we are supposedly one of the states with lax gun control, but the only ones really saying that are the "enlightened" progressives, so it really doesn't mean anything. Usually, the ones who love to slam Palin hate her because she has strong conservative values. Says more about them than it does about her.
    1 point
  41. The method of this being blocked is far from the reason. I remember when this all started and the interviews with area folks on the news. They don't want it built because its a mosque. There is no "reading between the lines" here; the aim of the opponents is very overt. If this was a super-church people wouldn't care. That just doesn't seem right to me. Not in this country.
    1 point
  42. Okay I feel the same way about liberals but they still have rights. How scary to have our laws turned against free Americans looking for a place of worship. If this was a church I would feel just as strongly. I am surprised that good Christians don't see it that way.
    1 point
  43. They're renaming Lombard St.? It's the only one there that's twisted enough to be appropriate.
    1 point
  44. Are these Americans? What's the problem with them having a place to practice their religion?
    1 point
  45. Good, we can do without the Republik of Kalifornia, or maybe they will repeal all their gun laws after the zombies attack.
    1 point
  46. Post #2. I think that says it all. We're being infiltrated by a kool-aid swigging zombie. Own guns, drink American beer, buy American car???? Doesn't add up, I don't buy it. HuffPo is where you need to hang out dude.
    1 point
  47. Because they make ugly chrome handguns with fake mother of pearl grips and gold accents.
    1 point
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