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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2012 in all areas

  1. I have too much fear tied up in flesh eating bacteria to volunteer any to some pretend militants. Not that I was ever impressed with Sunni militants in Iraq, but at least they'd shoot at us from time to time. The fact that NBPP is so many tiers below a bunch a sheep raping cavemen makes them a non-threat. If ever aggressed by any of these fools I would go out of my way not to shoot them because it would be way more satisfying to witness them evacuate their bowels into their overly clean looking fatigues as they look down the large diameter barrel I have presented them with. The NBPP does nothing but provide comic relief to tense situations like the one in Sanford.
    3 points
  2. Scared? That's what you got from this thread? Your pills ain't workin'
    3 points
  3. Reminds me of an ol' boy up home who got tired of teenagers stealing his watermelons so he put up a sign that read: ONE OF THESE MELONS HAS BEEN INJECTED WITH CYANIDE - YOU GUESS WHICH ONE! A few days later he went out to his watermelon patch to discover that someone had added at the bottom of the sign in pencil: Now there are two!
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Coonan should make a long slide in .357 maximum. He could call it Coonan....The Barbarian
    2 points
  6. With all the complaining about the new classified section... Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  7. Seems to me from that moment on, he will never be able to create that type of excitement. Marriage maybe a big let down with the sameness of it ..
    1 point
  8. if you can eat the xxx hot at princes you are very yough indeed
    1 point
  9. I'm not arguing with YOU harp, but how the hell do they know that? Lot of articles written by beheaded people on the subject, yeah?
    1 point
  10. That too. Go to sleep. Don't wake up....at least not here.
    1 point
  11. Just wake up dead one day.
    1 point
  12. I'd get some metal trash can lids, paint them green and lay them in the yard.
    1 point
  13. Try some of this... http://www.midwayusa.com/product/1339583430/black-hills-remanufactured-ammunition-223-remington-69-grain-sierra-matchking-hollow-point-boat-tail
    1 point
  14. Sounds like a guy with an unlimited source of free lead . They aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, but I doubt they're dumb enough to head for a gaggle of heavily armed rednecks. If they do anything, it will be cities in the commie states, where people can't shoot back. EDIT: LA is a great place to have a riot. Nashville... not so much.
    1 point
  15. Who is freaked out??? What's the word, Caster?
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Blaming traffic cameras for speeding tickets and accidents is kinda' like blaming the spoon because you're fat. Don't wanna' be fat? Don't eat so freakin' much! Don't wanna' get ticketed by a speed camera? Don't speed! Don't wanna' have an accident? Turn the stereo off, throw your gawd-damned cell phone out the window and PAY SOME FREAKIN' ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH YOUR 2,000 POUND PERSONAL MISSILE!!! :wall: "But I got a ticket I didn't deserve!" :cry: Bull####! You let your attention lapse and got caught doing the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time! "But cameras are an invasion of my privacy!" :cry: So don't do anything in private that you shouldn't do in public and you won't have to worry about it! Come on people! I know it's politically incorrect, but grow some balls and start taking some personal responsibility! Your sucky life is not the world's fault, it's YOUR fault! Don't like it? Pull up your big girl panties and change it! Or leave it the way it is, but quit blaming everyone and everything because you lack the back bone to exercise some personal pride and initiative!!! Ok, rant off.
    1 point
  18. Maybe he just needs to go steal it back? I mean, after all, if the local constabulary isn't going to go after these jackasses for stealing his property in the first place, then they couldn't very well get their panties in a wad if he stole it back, could they? And before I get flamed for the previous statement, I'm not really advocating this as a serious course of action - it's just that I get damned tired of the "system" that always seems to work either in favor of the bad guys or at least against the good guys. This poor guy had his property STOLEN and now, to get it back, he's gonna' have to do the equivalent of paying for it TWICE? WTF is wrong with this picture?
    1 point
  19. So let me get this right..... Police write tickets and check out drivers during stops for warrants, drugs and being under the influence, etc. Their tickets cost a driver points on their record. Too many points and you are a habitual offender and your license will be suspended. But with the government revenue generator (red light and speed cameras), it does not add points and it is cheaper? So a person can pay their cheap ticket by mail or online and keep on driving like an ass? How does this do anything for public safety? It also can't catch drunks, DWI's, drug runners, warrants, etc.The DWI drivers would be the more likely people to run redlight and drive recklessly. I just see this as a plain revenue generator and it does absolutely nothing to make the road any more safe, slow down drivers and catch crooks. Another scenario is, what if someone has a medical emergency, hazards on, driving a pregnant wife to the hospital, etc., and gets a ticket whereas cop would let them go on unticketed? I'd much rather have uniformed officers doing this job for obvious reasons. But I understand we'll all never agree on this issue.
    1 point
  20. Get a pan of water, stand your cases up in the water. You want the water level just below the shoulder. Heat them up with a torch, I use mapp gas. There's a line of thinking out there that says knock them over in the water once heated up. This is lunacy because quenching induces hardness. The heat relaxes the molecular structure of the brass. You want that to cool slowly. Knocking them over will cause the excited molecules to lock into place quickly. There's more to the science but that's the quick and dirty of heat treating. You quickly reduce temperature to harden, you slowly reduce the temperature to anneal.
    1 point
  21. Any prescription drug but especially depression(make me want to slit my wrist). Any feminine care, shampoo, bodywash, deodorant, toothpaste (it's called PERSONAL hygiene). Any class action (mesothelioma, etc.) But that's all why I have a mute button on the t.v. & just switch on radio. I especially hate when people don't turn down a commercial volume but instead talk louder over it...we have the technology dumbass. Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  22. Speeding is a crime is it not? If so, how can you face your "accuser" if your accuser is a computer tied to a camera? Law enforcemetn is something law enforcement officers (i.e. human beings) should do, not machines. Maybe I'd feel diffenrently if I wasn't sure that these things have ZERO to do with "safety" or "law enforcement" and 100% to do with revenue generation (but I doubt it )!
    1 point
  23. You don't read any of the news, politics or a significant portion of the general discussion threads do ya? It is all there if you can read between the lines.
    1 point
  24. Biden's the best insurance policy he could have bought.
    1 point
  25. Let me put it in more mainstream language and remove the politics for you guys. I would rather have a uniformed officer do the job rather than the camera. At least then, if there are no speeders he can also scan with his eyes for slow moving drunks, actual crime, etc. I don't really see traffic cameras as making anything more safe than a cop can. I respect law enforcement, not traffic cams. Better?
    1 point
  26. Jest if you will, but it's coming and they're getting people accustomed to the idea.
    1 point
  27. yeah, It will just take but one to train you. Get a shaving, bit of dust, off center, hair or thread, about anything can jam it. That rim will yank off a lot easier that you expect. Lube them. Takes a moment, saves hours to days of repair. The frankfort stuff can be put on finger damp, wipes right off and a bottle will last for several years. Pull a patch through the die once in a while.
    1 point
  28. Always lube or you risk getting one stuck.
    1 point
  29. I like that. If some random person asks me about the bulge under my shirt, I tell them it is a colostomy bag. That pretty much ends the conversation right there.
    1 point
  30. I agree, HCP holders shouldn't carry past a properly posted sign so long as the law says they should not. However, anyone who has not lost his/her constitutional rights through proper adjudication should be able to carry their weapon on their person anywhere they are legally allowed to be...their car, their home, their place or employment, a school...ANYWHERE. If I knew ahead of time where I might actually need a firearm to defend myself I'd be happy to only carry it then. If I had 24/7 armed security to protect me, like many of those who advocate a complete ban on firearms, I'd probably not carry. If I had a cop within earshot of me 24/7; same thing as above. If 99.9% of all dangerous criminals stayed locked up until they were too old/infirm to be a danger to society I might feel better about not being armed. However... I don't have a crystal ball that works. I can't afford 24/7 armed security. Cops take 5-10 minutes on average (if I'm lucky) to respond to a 911 call, and Most criminals, if they are caught at all, spend less time locked up than I've spent earning my next Master's degree. That's why I carry - that's why I NEED to carry - that's why I should be allowed to carry anywhere I am required to or allowed or invited to be without my God given right to own and carry arms infringed by worthless politicians, fear mongers and brain-dead bureaucrats and liberals. In fact, using the phrase "allowed to carry" is one that should never need to be spoken as it's repugnant to the meaning of the Second Amendment.
    1 point
  31. Best use I've ever seen for a treadmill...
    1 point
  32. I'm new to reloading brass and decided to go the SS media route. I got most of my build ideas from ARFCOM. I did buy some walnut shell media to try out and thought it was dusty. I figured puring some dirty water down the drain and laying out the brass to dry was a better way to go, at least for me. Here are some pics of my set up. This is 900 9mm cases.
    1 point
  33. For me it's easier to shop elsewhere rather than to be a test case for the screwed up law. If they don't want my money then I know there are others that do! Sure there are ways into most of these malls but who knows what some idiot judge would do if you had to appear before him/her on this type of charge. Not me!
    1 point
  34. at least you are 200 miles away and the oder will stay there
    1 point
  35. find a member of thr davidson county sportsmens club to take you yo yhe range there thry have a very nice 250 yard range off eatons creek road
    1 point
  36. privi makes good stuff some times its cheaper to buy there ammo than the brass
    1 point
  37. 577 nintro cost about 65.00 per round if i have the brass and use a cast bullet it cost about 40 cents thats a no brainer sometimes you can find cheap cheap ammo for less than reloading your own but why would you put that crap in your gun when you can load much better ammo for less money than you can buy if you are going to compare handloads with cheap store bought ammo dont compare good brass cased ammo with steel cased crap or something else
    1 point
  38. i have been using guns in one form or another most of my life. i love my 1911s but if for some reason i could only have one it would be a sig p220
    1 point
  39. tzz 45 acp used to get lots of that shot very good but very dirty
    1 point
  40. davidson county sportsmens club usually has a 4th of july get togeather open to all with a nice range and a shooting contest
    1 point
  41. i think palin would be great for this country but will never get the ghance to lead it. both parties are scared to death of her wouldnt a cain -palin ticket be nice
    1 point
  42. i use j &j plastic ammo boxes that hold 50 then i put those in a large temp controled locker i also store my powder in a temp controled locker
    1 point
  43. what ever is in you gun if you need it badly
    1 point
  44. mile 357 come by my tables at the zoo i will bring a machine gun for you to play with
    1 point
  45. john farmer in dickson has them he has a store on main st and will be at goodmans nashville show next week
    1 point
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