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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2012 in all areas
Gee...I guess I'm really getting old because I can remember when we picked heros to memorialize who actually did something worthy of being memorialized and celebrated...I guess that's just too old-fashioned these days. From what I've learned, Travon Martin was either a full-fledged thug or at least training to be one and while he may or may not be a "victim", I'm damn sure that he's no hero.3 points
This thread reminds of a tweet I saw recently..."I long for the days when you could push someone in the pool and not ruin $1000 dollars worth of electronics."2 points
Let me put it in more mainstream language and remove the politics for you guys. I would rather have a uniformed officer do the job rather than the camera. At least then, if there are no speeders he can also scan with his eyes for slow moving drunks, actual crime, etc. I don't really see traffic cameras as making anything more safe than a cop can. I respect law enforcement, not traffic cams. Better?2 points
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I agree with Lester, sounds like a combination of things. The rounds may not feed due to a case with too much bell at the mouth. FTE does sound like a weak load. As for the 1.169 that's maximum length.1 point
Excessive speeding IS reckless. If someone can explain to me how using a camera to document a person breaking the law on public property is violating the Constitution I would appreciate it. Lots of other crimes that are caught on tape are used in the court of law as evidence so I don't see how this is different. If it isn't legal then I should be able to rape someone in a public park that has video surveillance, then fight charges in court claiming the camera is a machine and, therefore, isn't a valid witness. At the end of the day this only affects those that are breaking the law. So long as the government isn't breaking the law in their collection of evidence I don't see the problem.1 point
Not surprised. There's no accountability in this country anymore. It sux.1 point
Had a buddy that did that - they mailed him a picture of handcuffs. (He paid the fine!)1 point
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Obama Calls Romney's Words 'A Cow Pie of Distortion' http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2012/05/24/iowa-obama-calls-romneys-words-cow-pie-distortion President Obama Won’t Be Returning His Donations From Bain Capital http://politicker.com/2012/05/president-obama-wont-be-returning-his-donations-from-bain-capital/ I've got to say, this guy is the biggest hypocrite and liar that the world has ever seen next to the devil. It simply amazes me the b.s. that tumbles from his mouth every time his lips move.1 point
NOTICE: This idea has been rejected by your govenment due to its potential for effectiveness.1 point
You don't read any of the news, politics or a significant portion of the general discussion threads do ya? It is all there if you can read between the lines.1 point
"TSA Guy: You can't take those on the plane. Soldier: What? I've had them since we left country. TSA Guy: You're not suppose to have them. Soldier: Why? TSA Guy: They can be used as a weapon. Soldier: [touches butt stock of the rifle] But this actually is a weapon. And I'm allowed to take it on. TSA Guy: Yeah but you can't use it to take over the plane. You don't have bullets. Soldier: And I can take over the plane with nail clippers? TSA Guy: [awkward silence] Me: Dude, just give him your damn nail clippers so we can get the f--k out of here. I'll buy you a new set. Soldier: [hands nail clippers to TSA guy, makes it through security] This might be a good time to remind everyone that approximately 233 people re-boarded that plane with assault rifles, pistols, and machine guns -- but nothing that could have been used as a weapon. " Sent from my HTC Inspire using Tapatalk 21 point
I can see were this one is going .............. ahhhhh ahhhhh big brother ahhhhh!1 point
I don't really like them but don't speed and you won't have a problem.1 point
I dunno, you do okay in English as a second language. What was your first? Back on point, seems to me if another language is required, should be Spanish. Hispanic-Mericuns will be the majority race in 25 years or less, and we all know how well they've assimilated into our culture, what with all the bilingual usages most everywhere. As a matter of fact, this very year was first time that white births were not the majority of all births in the US. Of course, for business purposes, Mandarin Chinese is a wise choice for the future. Seriously. - OS1 point
And remember his generosity when you have the ability to do the same for others. Dolomite1 point
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Just about all of them... I would suggest reading them in order of date published.1 point
i used to but the reloading supply buisness takes all my time now i did it in a pan of water1 point
From the time I was little, I remember my uncle saying people that do stuff like that to others are worse then animals. Animals if they kill it is for a reason, but when people do that, they are lower then animals and should be treated as such. Personally I would tie them to a chair and turn Shannon's Dad lose with them. Anything they get is too good for them.1 point
If WV, KY, and AR is any indication, people are starting to wise up.1 point
Eh, I don't care what laws they make. I'm a free man and will defend myself against criminal aggression. If that lands me in jail then so be it.1 point
This is good news for the families. No one should have to go through that twice; especially because of a dirty Judge. Now get on to the business of revoking Richard Baumgartner’s pension. No other public servant would get their pension after being fired for misconduct; why does a Judge get to keep his?1 point
If they wanted to make sure everything was legitimate with the judge's decisions they should not do it with another trial. They should just hire in a few attorneys to review the trial transcripts for errors. It would be cheaper for the citizens and less stressful for the families. And honestly if the judge had committed errors it would have been addressed during the initial trial so there should not be a reason for a new one. People have said they should be put to death but I want them to feel the daily misery and fear of being in jail for the rest of their lives. For most criminals being put ot death is an easy way out I don't want them to have. Dolomite1 point
Of course it’s going to happen. Black gangs have declared war on whites and are using the Zimmerman incident to justify it. Obama and Holder have failed to act when a black gang openly put out a hit on Zimmerman; they were afraid to act and so the radicals think they can do whatever they want. Eventually, these black gangs will pull this where they have targeted the wrong people and there will be nothing but dead bodies of thugs lying around. It will ignite riots. The problem with that is that when whites start dropping bodies of thugs; they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They will be made examples of, and we will all stand by and watch it happen and do nothing. Because he doesn’t care about your vote. He will get elected without your vote or mine. Anyone that thinks they are going to get a handout from the government or free heath care, anyone that wants to vote for him because he is a minority and anyone that doesn’t want a republican in office will vote for him. Those groups have people making sure they vote and busing people to the polls. Too many people that are still making a good living are complacent and either don’t care, or don’t think their vote will make a difference.1 point
Amen! This is a flag I photographed over the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor exactly 25 years ago.1 point
If you're reading this, thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English, thank a soldier.1 point
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If Paul wins the primary he gets my vote. Obama wins. If Paul gets on the ballot as an independent, Romney gets my vote. Obama wins. High and mighty ideals have nothing to do with this election. That all went out the window when the Republicans put up their pathetic candidates at the first debate last year. Obama must go and Romney is the only way for that to happen, as much as it sickens me to say.1 point
Ron Paul lost in KY, his son's state and in Arkansas. Came in 3rd under Santorum in Ark.. I'll make a bet with you, if RP loses in TX you will have to stop with the videos. If he wins, I won't mention Ron Paul again.1 point
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i have had 2 s&w 1911s both lightweights both frames split s&w stood behind them and gave me new ones but needless to say i sold them and went with another one1 point
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i use blc2 and use the load data in the sierra loading book .i like the blc2 because its cheap and a ball powder .i use 150-155grain bullets1 point
i only have 2 rounds of rimfire i need to keep them in my display i will call a collector and see if she has any she wants to sell1 point
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how many do you want i think i have a few do you need the center fire or the rimfire it will be monday before i can check1 point
i went down thursday got 2 rifles rack grade and a collector 5 cases of ammo and 4 1903 springfiels striped recivers lots of stuff to pick from1 point
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