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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2012 in all areas
3 points
Do the blacks want a reason to riot? I’m sure some do. I’m also sure Jesse and Al need a reason for a payday. But is this about race? I think the only reason race is a factor in this is that the black community was appalled at the fact that an innocent kid walking down the street could be murdered and his killer was not charged, even though the cops wanted to charge him. A DA decided not to even have him stand trial. A jury will decide if what happened was right. Anything less will be unacceptable to many blacks and whites alike. I carry a gun to protect myself from criminals that may attack me. Not so I can engage in a reckless confrontation and then kill someone because I get scared in a situation I created.2 points
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My thoughts? They're a bunch of idiots with some of the worst scripting in reality tv. They make knowledgeable gun owners look stupid with their ridiculous carryings on, and they lead unknowledgeable people to believe the ridiculous things they carry on to be the lifestyle of every gun owner. They have NOT done the rest of us ANY favors.2 points
I'm not uncomfy carrying openly, I just don't want the attention. I don't even want "good" attention, like between fellow carriers, folks who you can educate about handgun laws, 2A, etc etc. I don't want any attention at all related to a heater on me. - OS2 points
i will give you a press i am out of town but i have one that i can let you have get in touch and we will get you fixed up david1 point
No excuse. Buy more. Be normal...or at least like the rest of us here.1 point
Loading your guns. Mine remain loaded at all times or at least the ones I owuld use against zombies. Dolomite1 point
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I have. Gourmet to home brew. It's the greatest disappointment in the beverage world. It smells divine, and then, sip, it's bitter cråp. Try to fix it with creme or sugar just makes it worse. I've tried it several times, I always pour it in the trash and get a YooHoo.1 point
There is a point in which smacking someone's head against the ground isn't self defense. If Martin were just trying to get off the "x," there was no need to start head smashing. Knocking him down and then leaving would have been self defense, but once you're on top beating someone it's not.1 point
We should host a Black Panther rally here in TN. Anyone own a field in Pulaski we can use?1 point
NO confrontation short of an outright PHYSICAL assault justifies bashing someone's head on the concrete. Most folks' heads aren't hard enough to take that without endangering their lives. Based on the medical evidence, it wasn't a fight... it was an attack. Why do you think getting into someone's "space" justifies attempted murder?1 point
I'd like to donate a bag of skittles to all the Trayvons of the ghetto. Each bag has a secret surprise of HCN.1 point
In 1272, the Arabic Muslims invented the condom, using a goat's lower intestine. In 1873, the British somewhat refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the goat first.1 point
If I had the money, I'd have Manson reamers make me a custom reamer; A 308 case, but with a long neck length like a 30/30. Forming them from 30/06 would be a breeze. The long neck would be awesome for cast boolits.1 point
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I am all about getting away if possible. Sometimes, though, getting away means shooting everyone first to clear the path. It should be 100% up to the victim how to play the situation, not mandated by law. The guy writing a law cannot write one that makes any sense in all situations --- it is a pointless effort. Every situation is unique and the only person qualified to make decisions is the victim.1 point
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You mean people try to commit heinous crimes with weapons OTHER than firearms???1 point
I can't think of anything that O could claim as a qualification even after 3+ yrs in the WH! I'm more qualified than he is because I can prove that I'm a citizen of the US!1 point
How is it these idiots think I have a duty to run from an attack but a criminal has no duty to not attack me. It's no wonder our country is in the shape it's in. So many people are IDIOTS! Glenn1 point
Why is Paul better than Romney? That should be pretty clear. Here is a snapshot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWjWjOk3KCk&feature=related1 point
Seems like these people that sing the mantra of "anybody but Obama" begin to back pedal when the choice becomes RP. Just dosent' sound like they are as committed to their philosopy as they would have you believe. As long as we're willing to vote for a candidate because the other side's candidate is worse, we'll keep getting what we've been getting for the past 4 or 5 election cycles. That goes regardless of which side of the isle you stand on.1 point
Add the 36. I have a 19, 23, and 36 now. They are all basically the same size, and use the same holster. I had to put a +0 extension on the 36 to stop pinky bite.1 point
build the darned guns and stop shooting at tea sets that explode. You don't build cars and run them through a brick wall. the problem is we are the minority who want to watch the building of a firearm. the majority want all the drama1 point
I ditto what TGO David said. I love my 19. It's the perfect size for me whether I'm carrying or at the range.1 point
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Fraud is pretty much how Bush won in Florida, whats the difference?1 point
Nice to start the day off with a laugh. Those clowns are not a threat. Its all about fund raising. Ask all of the people donating to the Nation of Islams three year economic plan that has been going on for thirty years.1 point
I don't see them bringing it in this neck of the woods. They'll keep finding defenseless folks. I HAVE upped my projectile weight to 230 grains. I'm swearing off bunny farts until things settle down a little.1 point
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When I did alarms, I ALWAYS installed them in the master bedroom. You do not want to be wandering around the house during an intrusion.1 point
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