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After all the evidence is finally examined, I believe the charges against Zimmerman will be dismissed because there was insufficient evidence to sustain them in the first place and that the prosecutor will be investigated for misconduct by bringing those charges and by withholding exculpatory evidence. Almost since the charges were filed this has smelled like another "Duke Lacrosse Team" case - as more evidence has come out, the smell has become almost overwhelming. If this prosecutor is violating FL's laws and/or acting out of political pressure or on a personal vendetta then I hope she winds up just like Mike Nifong (Duke prosecutor).2 points
Yes. If the situation was reversed, I would vote for Paul. As with Romney, there are things I like about Paul, and things that I don't like. Up against Obama, I will vote for whoever is the Republican nominee. I know it sounds bad, but our main focus this election has to be to vote Obama out, and we need an electable candidate to do that. Ron Paul is not electable to a national office.2 points
Paul has no hope. it is a fantasy just about unequaled to think he can pull this out. Unless you want Obama again everyone needs to get behind Romney. Right or wrong he is the only option.2 points
Yep, you've pretty much got the nuts and bolts of it in the responses here. Like as was stated, the burn-out rate is very high. I spent a few years on the unit and then another year and a half as a FF/EMT before going into law enforcement. I don't think you could pay me enough to get back on another unit. I keep my license current (just the state license, not the national registry crap) just because the city I work for pays me extra for having it. My wife is a paramedic, but after several years on the unit, she was beyond burnt out as well. For the last 6 or so years, she has been working in an emergency room as a paramedic and is much happier. Of course, in the hospital setting you will notice that you do more than the RN's but get paid much less, so she's working (slowly - ugh) on getting her RN. I would never advise against getting your EMT license. Like WD said, you'll gain knowledge and skills that will be practical for the rest of your life. Just be prepared for what it's going to be like. Ride along on an ALS unit in a 911 setting or, better yet, watch "Bringing Out The Dead" with Nicholas Cage. That'll give you a little insight! Good luck with it if you decide to go for it.1 point
Gotta mention barrel length & penetration on a gun site at some point in time.........1 point
Imagine what the Thomas Jeffersons and John Adams of the late 1700's would think of the 3-ring circus in DC. They envisioned gentleman farmers going to the capital and doing their duty for a term or 2 for the benefit of the country. The burdeon of leadership would make going back home to make money and be with family a sweet relief. Don't trust anyone with aspirations of a life of politics!!! We need term limits in Congress!!1 point
1 point
I do seriously believe there are folks who will write in RP even if he croaks before the election. - OS1 point
This is the type of mentality that doesn't help either side and only paints RP supporters as selfish close-minded drones. Wake up man, it's obama that's the anti-christ, not Romney. Hi Robert1 point
This is just one case, imagine how many liberal nuts that aren't being caught. Government run schools are a cancer on society1 point
Because the owners don’t want to walk up to someone openly carry a gun and tell them to get out. What’s the big deal with giving property owners absolute immunity for a shooting that takes place on their property? Well….. the attorneys are never going to go for that. Therefore the state doesn’t have the authority to tell them anything. The state can pass all the laws they want about carry and private property. But the fact still remains it’s a crime to carry a gun in this state, and having a permit is a privilege not a right. Until that changes, the only one with any rights in this debate is the property owners.1 point
Yup! Exactly. We were united on 9/12/2001. Started coming apart a little bit by the media hammering GWB non-stop for 8 years. Really exploded after 1/20/2009. Can anyone tell us who the great divider is? In all of history? Think back to Sunday school. Satan. His job is to divide and cause strife. Obama is doing a very good job of helping him out. Obama promised to be a post racial President, but he has been the most racial president. He is intent on dividing us by Black vs White, Men vs Women, Christian vs Non Christian, Gay vs Straight... and ALL of the others, just like Greg said.1 point
I see the race problem to be a symptom of a much larger problem. America is being divided: Black vs White Men vs Women Christian vs Non Christian Gay vs Straight Producers vs Takers Civilized Humans vs Envromentalists Ford vs Chevy... You can go on for hours with the list. The thing is that a united people aren't as easy to control and manipulate as a people fighting mongst themselves.1 point
1 point
caster i have 2 brand new 6.5 grendels come get tham work up loads i cant seem to find the time i think they should shoot like my 6.5x54 ms which shoots very good with a 16 inch barrel1 point
After some of this, I'm not sure if I'm more concerned by the sheer lack of big picture vision on our side or the straight up socialism on theirs. Paul will give us Obama like Perot gave us Clinton.1 point
WE are the idiots for allowing the welfare system to continue. This is a consequence of that system.1 point
That might make ME feel the need to draw as well. Of course, once he asked me what I was doing, I would put my gun away. I refuse to believe that Zimmerman set out to kill Martin. I refuse to believe that Zimmerman attacked Martin and wasn't able to land one good lick.1 point
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If you're willing to settle for Romney,You deserve Obama.1 point
Maybe my post didn't clearly state that I believed there was no "cop bashing" from this thread. We are government employees and should be held accountable.1 point
I do not advocate a third party. The US system of elections is not set up for third party candidates. We would have to develop somthing more along the lines of the French for anything other than a two party system to work. The RP folks know this and I know this and realize our best hope is to change the party from within. This was Campaign for Liberty's tatic beginning just after the 2008 presidential debacle. The establishement repbs. are scrambling to hang on. They've have even gone through many of the state and county party bylaws changing them to try and keep tea party and RP folks out. They re-write the rules if necessary to remain in power. the only way to take this country back is to flush out the existing Republican party leadership and replace it with leadership and candidates that believe in the constution and will up hold it. The big question is: Is the country ready for it? Have we been in the wilderness long enough to make this happen, or do we need another 4 years of the medicine Big O is handing out before we're ready for the only real cure, which is liberty?1 point
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The most efficient thing to do would be to let them take the money. If the business cared that much about preventing robbery they'd hire armed guards. Either way, I ain't getting in a gunfight over someone else's money.1 point
1 point
Sorry, but this is going to make me sound like a cop basher. The only role of law enforcement is just that - enforcing the law. Anything else subjects them, and rightly so, to harsh scrutiny as WE are the ones who pay their salaries. They don't get to make laws on the spot to feed their ego. They don't get to abuse citizens who have done nothing wrong. They don't get to stomp on the God-given, constitutional rights of the law-abiding citizen, though it seems many of them try to do just that. There are more videos of this kind of thing on the interwebz than there should be. Actually, there should be NONE. We EXPECT them to act honorably and treat law-abiding citizens with respect, and we should not be expected to give them a medal when they do. You give medals and commendations for going ABOVE AND BEYOND the call of duty, NOT doing what is expected. If the job is THAT hard, then they need to find other lines of work. If I'm out of line with those comments, then I'm sorry, but that just how I see it.1 point
I don't care for any of our choices. I hate having to vote for Romney but he needs everyone who doesn't want to see O re-elected to get behind him. If Paul is really concerned for our country then once he is officially eliminated from being the R candidate then he needs to throw his support to Romney. If he runs as a third party candidate then he is doing nothing more than handing the election to O by spliting the vote.1 point
Uh, yes Sir, Mr. President! Ummm, I'd like to suggest my new hero Dolomite_supafly for the cabinet position of Secretary of State!1 point
How about we trade him and his 30 children for 30 hard working illegal aliens. Swap them one for one. Give the illegals his and his offspring's citizenship then dump this POS off in some thrid world country where he belongs. Dolomite1 point
And they both should be responsible for their children, NOT THE TAXPAYERS.1 point
I hope so. The northeastern progressives have been running the GOP way too long. We need more Reagan's and fewer Eisenhower's and Hoover's.1 point
1 point
They would have to wait if they wanted to talk to me. I'd be the ER with chest pains and shortness of breath. Someone else would be on the phone to the lawyer's office! "I have no comment at this time officer". Dave1 point
Same here, I'm all for a new republican party and I think it's slowing happening due to the Tea Party, not Ron Paul. Sure, some of his ideas are good ones and supporter by the TP but If all of his ideas were really as welcomed as they want you to believe then he should have done better on the primaries. Like the guy said, 2014 and 2016 is where we should really see signs of a movement. By then maybe Ron will give the reins to Rand.1 point
Sounds like an excellent opportunity for the liberal establishment to prance this guy around to all the talk shows and work up a book deal. After all, he looks like he could be one of BHO sons. This could be just the story to divert the attention away from the crumbling Trayvon case.1 point
Sad.. really sad.. and the woman who spread their legs for him , know that it just means another check for them.1 point
You know what's really sad about this? The fact that this irresponsible, unenviable cretin has all these kids that will never have a caring, responsible father for a role model while men (like myself and several others I know), who would have been good dads were, for whatever reason, never able to produce kids. And you know what's even sadder than that? The fact that - precisely because of cretins like this and the current state of society in general - I no longer regret not having kids. I think, however, that the state should help him. I think it should give him a free surgical castration, and then set up a big mean @ss case worker who will guaran-damn-tee that he works a minimum of 100 hours a week with Sundays off so that he can spend time - a minimum of 12 hours each Sunday - with his children. In short, he'd either be working, sleeping or raising his kids - no movies, no bars, no I-pods/I-pads, no more screwing like a rabbit. Either that, or we could take him and all his women and kids and just drop them off somewhere out back of beyond and let them fend for themselves, because I for one am God-damn tired of society supporting and even encouraging this kind of morally reprehensible, irresponsible behavior! :wall: Note to liberals: I don't mind helping folks out. And I don't mind you helping folks out. BUT, when you start helping folks out by giving them my freaking money... Well, yeah - then I get a little god-damned irritated! Ok, rant off.1 point
First off, I am not a cop hater. I posted the video because I can't stand it when People in authority abuse their position of Trust. In this particular case the criminal had already gave up as evidenced by him laying flat on the ground with his hands on the back of his head. There was no need for the physical punishment that was dished out to him. Please explain where it says that Police Officers have a right to beat up a suspect who is not resisting . I don't remember seeing that regulation anywhere. Do you really want them to decide to administer street justice as they see fit, I don't. We have already seen a Homeless schizophrenic man get beat to death in CA ( Kelly Thomas). This stuff can go to far to quick and people get hurt... We have to rely on LE to be professional, so that our interactions with them will be safe and secure for both sides. When Officers are abusive whether physically or verbally, they are denigrating all other officers as well as the public. Yes, the job is hard and dangerous, but no one makes anyone become a Officer. They are their to Protect and Serve and most officers do a very good job and get little thanks for it, but surely they knew that before they joined the force. It is truly a thankless job but Wyatt Earp syndrome needs to be controlled and not allowed this ain't the old wild west...1 point
Check with Kandros Customs, I know he does it but don't know the price. He is in Hendersonville/Gallatin.1 point
Remember you said that as you live under the BHO Supreme Court for the next 30 years. With any luck you'll still be able to have a 10 shot .22. Maybe -- with all the pertinent permits of course. - OS1 point
1 point
Like the rest of the bull**** we deal with from our government, this will continue to be business as usual until the American people make a stand. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch using Tapatalk 21 point
Maybe it’s how they do things now…. I don’t know. As a Police Officer I seized many vehicles, and worked the cases to even have homes seized of criminals. But they were people that were arrested, and ultimately convicted of drug offenses. I don’t have a problem with that. I do have a problem with a Police Department or District Attorney seizing assets of someone that is not charged with, or even accused of a crime. I have a hard time believing this is the fault of cops on the street. We had to submit our arrest reports to Command Officers or a Shift Commander along with the evidence we seized. Those reports had to support the charges we had charged a person with. Do they not do that anymore? Did no one question why $22K was taken off a citizen and no arrest was made? Please fill us in on what the media is not telling us? I fell for this hook line and sinker, I never ask anyone I stopped if they had cash on them, and don’t know why a Police Officer would do this unless it was part of a drug possession investigation. I saw the dash video of the 23 rd JDDTF surrounding the Dice Officer and in a different incident saw the heated exchange between a JDDTF Officer and a DICE Officer. I’m sure News 5 edited that video to make it look as bad as possible. I’m sure the six vehicles could have been meeting for coffee and donuts in the middle of the interstate, but I can’t think of a good reason the heated exchange between the two Officers. Anyone that has been here for very long knows that I support the cops when they are right. But this is wrong, and I am amazed that it’s went this far without anyone in this state’s law enforcement doing anything to stop it. I didn’t think I would ever say this…. But it’s time for the Feds to step in.1 point
I hope you get better results. Ever Pro-Mag product I have tried = Ya get what ya pay fer. Spend that $$$ on a Pmag and be happy when DON'T have any feed issues.1 point
I have the H&R pardner pump. It is just like the 870, everything (except barrels) that fits the 870 will fit it. It is a chinese gun if that kind of thing bothers you it may not be for you. That being said, mine runs great, I love the 18.5 inch barrel.1 point
Most cops would not do that. It’s armed robbery by Police Officers. The state Attorney General and the Tennessee Legislature support it. It needs to stop. When you have cops out on I-40 fighting with each other over “Territory†so they can steal money from travelers…. It needs to be prosecuted criminally. But of course it won’t be because the only people that can bring charges are involved in it. It’s appalling.1 point
As far as I' concerned theres only one accesorie we need to fix this country. What the polticians have done, and continue to do to this country and its founding principales and values is a crime on the level of high treason, and theres only one response to that http://image.shutter...se-60472024.jpg Hang 'em high, and let them swing till the sun goes down.1 point
George Norry is alright. I usually enjoy his shows. Alex Jones is a nut job and Infowars is a website for those with more than one screw loose.1 point
It's become more like "far out, man" wing than merely right. He makes George Norry seem rank and file most of the time. - OS1 point
This is a lot of unsupported hype. First, the "special permit" the Infowars article talks about has almost nothing to do with individual gun rights. The "special permit" that could be revoked is a permit that would allow transporters to have approval to avoid certain safety requirements in commercial transmodal shipping. Shipping of guns could fall into that category, but a revocation of the "special permit" only means that the transporter would have to go back to meeting the safety requirements that already exist. Second, the issue of the passport revocation also isn't as easy as Infowars makes it out to be. The passport cannot be taken simply by the IRS "accusing" you of owing the debt. The passport revocation can only occur after the IRS has filed a lien or notice of levy for the debt. Even then, there are some restrictions. IRS liens and levies do not just happen. There is a lot of notice to the taxpayer before any of that happens. Unfortunately, Infowars has become very unreliable on these issues. No doubt the goverment expansion of power is a problem, but this is just not what Infowars says it is.1 point
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