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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2012 in all areas

  1. It's only cop bashing until it happens to someone in your family. And to many of us, our dogs are our family. Unless you're a heartless prick, you'd be crying like a bitch if a cop were to shoot one of your family members for some BS reason.
    3 points
  2. The whole country has their collective panties in a wad over some Floridian ghetto trash, but not a soul cries foul when this dog or that soldier went down. If anyone is crying foul, it falls on deaf ears.
    3 points
  3. Mike McNulty, producer of "Waco - The Rules Of Engagement" and David Hardy, "Of Arms and the Law" are producing a new documentary about Fast and Furious, Gunwalker/runner, etc. Follow the links for details. They are using Kickstarter (link to fundraising page) to raise funds for the project. Basically consists of taking pledges for the next month, which will only be collected if their goal is met. After researching the project, I contributed... (I am not affiliated with this project, just passing along info to those interested.)
    1 point
  4. I met a guy today at Sportsman's Warehouse today in Chattanooga on unrelated business and decided to go in. While I was there I picked up some Sierra bullets (.223), primers, .22 ammo, and a Sierra reloading manual. Hopefully going to get some powder when I get home and start learning to reload.
    1 point
  5. George Zimmerman: Prelude To A Shooting (A Deep Look Into Zimmerman's Background) http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/25/us-usa-florida-shooting-zimmerman-idUSBRE83O18H20120425
    1 point
  6. Under the General Police Powers of the State, statutes barring property owners from prohibiting storage of firearms in locked vehicles on their property are rationally related to legitimate State interest of increasing public safety. They do not result in a permanent invasion of the property, and reduce crime. Property owners and employers are usually required to recognize a state-protected right of their employees and invited guest, as laws meant to support the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the entire community are generally upheld even if they destroy or adversely affect private property interests. The Kentucky Supreme court in this case did exactly that.
    1 point
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/AVE-RTS-type-Front-Rear-45-Degree-Rapid-Transition-Iron-Sight-Airsoft-AEG-/280866733466?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4164f63d9a These will work also for what you are wanting to do. Dolomite
    1 point
  8. Well, since you opened the door for the comparison... Stalin might have been 'better' than Hitler but I don't think I could have brought myself to 'get behind' ol' Joe, either. Just because candidate A doesn't suck as bad as candidate B that doesn't mean candidate A doesn't suck plenty in his own right. Some people like mayonnaise on sandwiches. Some like mustard on sandwiches. People could argue the virtues of mayonnaise or extoll the virtues of mustard all day long but when the choice of the main filling of the sandwich is a dog turd or a cow patty, at the end of the day - regardless of mayo or mustard - you are still being compelled to eat a sh*t sandwich. Maybe it is the only choice we have (which really isn't much of a 'choice' when it comes right down to it) but don't tell me I have to eat a sh*t sandwich and expect me to pretend it is a porterhouse steak.
    1 point
  9. Obama has proved to be a fine enough prez to deserve another four years, yes? You'll help him get that, yes? That's your only meaningful decision in Nov. - OS
    1 point
  10. I told people around me years ago that O'douche would pave the way to making it illegal to grow your own food. Everyone laughed at me. The harder you make it on the farmers, the more farmers will say screw it and do something else. Remember, you can have all the guns you want but if you control food, you control people.
    1 point
  11. Chilling, is what I'd call it. He's spot on unfortunately.
    1 point
  12. I tried to talk to people about this a few months ago when Glenn Beck was talking about it and everyone said I was a nut and that this would never happen.
    1 point
  13. If it wasn't official before, it is now - Obama HATES America AND small business.
    1 point
  14. Unless you can afford to put a 12 grand Magma in your backyard, you are right. Casting is not necessarily a labor of thrift, it's a labor of love that, if you LOVE IT like I do, saves you a lot of $$$ but will cost you a fortune in time. I have a lot of time, so what do I care?
    1 point
  15. This has nothing to do with how many dogs get shot every day. It has to do with a cop acting irresponsibly. Watch the dash cam video. The cop pulled his gun on the first human he sees, the shoots a dog after it barks ONCE. he clearly does not have the mindset or restraint to Serve and Protect Austin. If that were me he would have seen rage, unlike anything he had seen. I might not have been physical but I couldn't make any promises either.
    1 point
  16. Hell, Amazon is cheaper than even Wally on some stuff. So local, my ass. I have simple policy on TN sales tax: don't ask, don't tell. Since TN Dept of Revenue hasn't asked me, I don't tell them. I did recently file three years of amended income tax returns with the state though, to recoup some taxes I shouldn't have paid if I had had decent tax prep. Let's see how Dept. of Revenue is about coughing up what they owe ME first. - OS
    1 point
  17. i hope you get something worked out what kind of gun does this guy have must be nice
    1 point
  18. Woooowwww... No, it's just my pet crow I taught how to play dead.
    1 point
  19. This ain't cop bashing, this is Friggin' moron bashing. D-bag bashing. Idiot bashing.
    1 point
  20. So, say an officer shows up to my house by mistake, my dog barks at him and he shoots it. Nothing happens... Ok, now say an officer shows up at my house with a K9 who barks at me, and I shoot it. Nothing happens, right? I mean fair is fair......
    1 point
  21. Im not shy. Here I am a few years ago:
    1 point
  22. ...and I need to let this go before I type something I will seriously regret but I will say this. Where ever my dog gets shot, there too will I make my final stand. I have no problem leaving here and being off to the next life over something like my friend.
    1 point
  23. I've been treated very well by the folks at the Lebanon Gun Shop. The two times I've went in the Armory in Lebanon, I was made to feel as if I were imposing in some way. I'll not likely return a third time.
    1 point
  24. If Romney loses, the GOP will go even more "centralist" next time around. And they're probably right that a true conservative simply can't win in today's electorate (which is a far far far cry from TGO, btw). Irony is we can still thank Dubya for a good bit of that, and he wasn't even any more conservative than Mitt is, really -- just generally somehow perceived to be. Dumb ass grin under a cowboy hat I reckon. - OS
    1 point
  25. Hmmm. Seems to fit the definition to me.... retroactive [ˌrɛtrəʊˈæktɪv] adj 1. applying or referring to the past retroactive legislation 2. effective or operative from a date or for a period in the past
    1 point
  26. Naw. He wiped the grass off the back of his head with Trayvon's hoodie. EDIT: Come on -1
    1 point
  27. 97% of the time it's my Gen 4 G26 carried IWB in a CompTac MTAC....1 extra G19 mag, flashlight and knife 2% of the time it's my Gen 3 G19 carried in the same IWB MTAC....1 extra G19 mag, flashlight and knife 1% of the time I'm attempting to try carrying something new.....ie. yesterday I tried carrying a Ruger LC9......with my G26, 1 extra G19mag, flashlight and knife.
    1 point
  28. It appears you cannot up or down vote posts of moderators or admins. Which makes sense.
    1 point
  29. Somebody needs to put these judges in their places. I swear they assert more authority then they were ever meant to have. Most have a serious god complex when wearing their frilly black robes. Those black robes don't instill a lot of respect for me, only fear. Much the same fear I would feel if I were to see another [similarly evil] set of black robes. I'm all for law and order but judges from top to bottom are completely out of hand.
    1 point
  30. But...but...he's explaaaaained all that in his campaign speeches. He explaaaaained that, even though he backed Romneycare as governor that isn't what he wants for the entire country. He explaaaained his past record of voting against gun rights in a campaign speech to the NRA. Surely everything will be okay and everyone should be throwing rose petals at his feet now that he has explaaaained it all. After all, politicians never lie when they explaaaaaain such things in their campaign speeches, right?
    1 point
  31. The only words I trust in are found in the Bible. The ones coming from politicians have an expiration date.
    1 point
  32. This is a lot of unsupported hype. First, the "special permit" the Infowars article talks about has almost nothing to do with individual gun rights. The "special permit" that could be revoked is a permit that would allow transporters to have approval to avoid certain safety requirements in commercial transmodal shipping. Shipping of guns could fall into that category, but a revocation of the "special permit" only means that the transporter would have to go back to meeting the safety requirements that already exist. Second, the issue of the passport revocation also isn't as easy as Infowars makes it out to be. The passport cannot be taken simply by the IRS "accusing" you of owing the debt. The passport revocation can only occur after the IRS has filed a lien or notice of levy for the debt. Even then, there are some restrictions. IRS liens and levies do not just happen. There is a lot of notice to the taxpayer before any of that happens. Unfortunately, Infowars has become very unreliable on these issues. No doubt the goverment expansion of power is a problem, but this is just not what Infowars says it is.
    1 point
  33. I feel for you. Years ago my next door neighbors had two idiot sons who each had boomcars. Usually on Saturdays they would either do yardwork or clean up their cars and the bass would literally rattle the windows in my house. I tried asking them politely, and it just pissed them off, including the father. They actually turned up the volume from that point. There was nothing I could do since there is no county noise ordinance, and apparently disturbing the peace did not apply. I did a happy dance the day the last one moved away from home. To this day I cannot tolerate the "boom-boom" of someone's car stereo, no matter where I am. I can feel my BP going up. I just can't comprehend some people's complete lack of consideration for others. Seems like our society is becoming increasingly and exponentially insensitive and selfish.
    1 point
  34. No. The simple solution to this problem would be to give my business to someone else.
    1 point
  35. I am not close to Nashville, but if you will trace the blade and guard and mail the tracing to me, I'll make your sheath.
    1 point
  36. We've had quite a few folks buy guns that said they had expungements. Some went straight through, most get denied and then overturned on appeal. Now, that is taking them at their word on the expungement and everything else, but there have been enough that at least a few were true. The other issue is like what Metalhead said about how to answer the 4473 question and how the law views those Q&A. All that to say ... ask a real lawyer versed in gun law. Stegal comes to mind. He's a supporting vendor here.
    1 point
  37. Three girls or three big guys makes no difference to me. They invade my home, attack me and put my life in danger, they will get the exact same response from me.
    1 point
  38. This is why the sign posting law is unconstitutional... because the state only has the power to restrict carry "with a view to prevent crime" How does a business being able to post prevent crime? It doesn't, does it? What our constitution does (is only supposed to allow) is the state to restrict really who can carry (criminals), not really where. Allowing businesses to post a sign that is an automatic punishment is unconstitutional (at least in regards to arms.) A business can post any other sign (no shirt, no shoes, etc) and just because you walk past that sign doesn't mean you are automatically breaking the law. Only until you refuse to leave, if they ask, are you breaking the law. So yes, they should be allowed to post, but legally, according to our constitution, any no guns sign should have no more power legally, than any other "no whatever" sign. You understand that most states are like this and because there no legal footholds for a no guns sign, there aren't many posted (look at GA.) BTW, when you actually apply what the constitution says, you realize that school carry ban is unconstitutional, so is the local parks ban, etc. Seems like the only places that crime could be prevented would be carrying inside a jail, and maybe a courtroom.
    1 point
  39. What's unconstitutional about signage per the TN Constitution? Are you saying that no business/corporation/private property owner has a right to restrict firearms in/on their property by displaying their policy in the form of a sign? I hope not. When it comes to "2d Amendment rights vs Private Property I'm all for reasonable accommodation and have argued the same, both here and with a few select TN legislators...however, accommodation doesn't mean forcing businesses/property owners to allow carry (open or concealed) on their property. I would like to see are some changes made... 1. It should not be a greater crime for a TN HCP holder to carry past a sign than for someone who doesn't have a HCP to do so 2. Type/size/verbage of the signage should be uniform and the rules about where it must be posted/how visible, etc. more specific and less up to interpretation. 3. Same rules apply to ever entity, including government buildings, city parks, etc - no different "signage" laws for one entity compared to another, etc.
    1 point
  40. I occasionally open carry but not very often. In general, I see far more potential downside to OC than to CC. I am happy that we can OC in Tennessee and I don't want to lose that option but I don't think openly carrying a firearm wins us very many friends...although it should not be, carrying a firearm is an emotionally charged issue and few good things happen when emotions get involved in an issue.
    1 point
  41. That's a nice sentiment but nah... People bristle up when they see guns. Even on LEO. I bristle up when I see guns. OC definitely sets the cause back. It creates a dialog that you don't want and mobilizes the opposition. "People are carrying guns around like it's the Old West...!" I'm happy to CC and also that I don't get in trouble if I accidentally OC. Best of both worlds. It also allows me to Open Carry when I am locking up my business at night if I choose.
    1 point
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