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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2012 in all areas

  1. Yeah that might be the most troubling part of this story, that the officer is standing there holding a gun that he thinks is unloaded.
    3 points
  2. Anyone who bothered to listen knew what Obama was before November '08. And he still got elected. That tells me the problem is not Obama. The problem is the folks who voted for him. I have not seen that the electorate has gotten any wiser. I hope that I'm wrong.
    2 points
  3. Can you imagine the trouble if doofus shot and killed himself with your handgun while you're standing on the side of the road? There is no reason for an officer to disarm a HCP permit holder unless they're being arrested... It's safer for everybody involved that officers not handle firearms they're not trained to handle. The sooner we can get rid of that silly disarm law the better.
    2 points
  4. We've worn out the pithy lines, such as, "When seconds count, the police are minutes away", or "I carry a pistol because a cop's too heavy." But I carry for two reasons: (1) Because I can; and (2) because both my father and father-in-law fought a hard war in the 40s and lost a lot of friends. If my wife and I ever came to harm because we were too stupid to defend ourselves with the rights we have, I could never forgive myself for dishonoring their sacrifices. My user name is simply my opinion that arming yourself in these perilous times is the most rational thing you can do.
    1 point
  5. Point was not to correct your English, but to re-emphasize the fact anytime you modify a gun it will take some fine tuning to get back your reliability. I wasn't trying to put you down. The Meaningless Detail Minded Freak
    1 point
  6. Wrong header for post. Should have read "Modified Glock 21 jam" Anytime you modfy a a factory made weapon, you assume the responsibility for the changes you have made to the weapon's original design. I did modify my Glock 23 and put in a NY#1 trigger as I was uncomfortable with the 5 # pull of the original. However, I am well aware that I cannot ever blame the Glock if that trigger fails. "It didn't come that way."
    1 point
  7. People will undoubtedly lust after gold but simply because it is rare and shiny. The only useful purpose gold serves is the conduction of electricity, as it is excellent for this. These things being said gold is completely useless in a disaster situation, except to barter to any lucky morons who have managed to survive for items and materials that can actually serve a purpose. As for the other topic, vampires can only be killed by decapitation. The wooden stake was simply to keep them on the ground to make the job easier.
    1 point
  8. I'm waiting for someone to say, "I named it Doris, after my wife. It's a life-sucking bitch from which there is no escape." Mac
    1 point
  9. It is not understandable. So if they don't use drugs is it understandable if they don't know the drug laws? I understand that they are not all gun guys. It's not like that LEO was asked the difference between 5.56 and .223 or if the first M16 was made by Mattel or if Hipoints are good to go or 9mm vs .45 etc... Law Enforcement Officers should know the Law, it is after all their job....right? I know these laws, not because I'm a gun guy, but because I don't want to break them. How can someone enforce the law if they are ignorant of it?
    1 point
  10. Your premise is flawed. You presuppose that having all Republicans is better than any Democrats. I'll take ONE Democrat like Zell Miller over a thousand Republicans like Mitt Romeny. I don't vote by political party. I vote by candidate.
    1 point
  11. I would understand if they didn't know some obscure law about walking a pig down main street on the 4th of July, but they should know firearms laws. Unacceptable.
    1 point
  12. That was the law....over two decades ago. You carry anything you dang well please.
    1 point
  13. Maybe it's 11 lbs. of bricks ! The crazy email would stop me from any future dealings.
    1 point
  14. My Uzi model B is self aware. Calling it anything other than Uzi brings its wrath.
    1 point
  15. I am very glad she did not get convicted of a felony. Hopefully she will not have to give up her guns for any period of time. The financial hit I am sure she took in this deal is punishment plenty enough. I do wonder why NYC backed off of the felony charge though.
    1 point
  16. I gave a brief interview this afternoon on the Memphis Fox station about this case, it'll be on tonight at 10. We talked about deadly force laws and what might happen in this situation under Tennessee law. I think dude will get indicted. Like someone said, he accosted the kid, kid fought back, dude shot him. That's just not self defense. You can't seek the threat out then claim you were in fear for your life.
    1 point
  17. Thunder Barrel ... oh, wait, that's something else... - OS
    1 point
  18. If you hold a TN HCP you may carry a rifle in your vehicle with a loaded magazine but without a round in the chamber. Of course you can carry a chambered handgun.
    1 point
  19. If you don't live in the immediate area you could file a complaint. Your best bet is to let it go. Cops are not attorneys. Few of them actually KNOW half the laws they are charged with defending. Don't get mad, but I fault you a couple of things. First, why weren't your door locked? Second, it's none of their business that you had a rifle. You also stated there was no ammo in the truck. That doesn't mean anything. As a carry permit holder you can have the magazine loaded also, you just can't have a round chambered. Overall you did good. Don't get in a fussing match on the side of the road. Keep the door locked, have all your papers ready before they get to the door, keep you hands in plain sight and be courteous. I would not have told the officer about the rifle and as far as the pistol, they DO have the right to take you weapon until they determine the situation is safe. There was never an unsafe condition in the first place but that's a bunch of he said she said. When they back you against a wall, cooperate as best you can and demand for their supervisor. The lack of knowledge is almost understandable, but the non professional conduct and being rude is NEVER acceptable. Like I said, even though it boils you blood, it's best to let it go.
    1 point
  20. Hopefully that officer learned a thing or two. Actually you can go so far as to have a loaded long gun in the car w/ carry permit, just no round in the chamber unless you're about to defend yourself. Sounds like you handled it well.
    1 point
  21. Some 17 year old kids walking home from the store are no threat at all...some are murderers (or at least are willing to be). I've looked "deep into myself" and I'm fine with "me". The only thing I'm "predisposed" to do is not snap to ANY judgment about anybody's guilt or innocence. You weren't there...I wasn't there...the 911 operator wasn't there but I'm fairly certain that if the DA feels he has enough evidence to get a conviction he'll proceed with charges; if he doesn't then I suppose I'm predisposed to think that the shooting was justified.
    1 point
  22. Its a freakin' shake-down by the New York corruptocrats. I wonder how much of a "fine" she had to pay? Did she get her weapon back? If she lost her weapon to the New York thugs, I'll kick in $20 to get her a new one.
    1 point
  23. Glad to hear that but wish they would have just dropped the charges rather than have to plead guilty to reduced charges. I guess it would be hard to prosecute locals if you let the visitors go scot free. You simply must do your homework and know the laws where you are traveling if you plan to take your gun with you.
    1 point
  24. Carrying a gun in Tennessee is a crime…. Period. And until that changes it’s an Officer Safety issue and he can do what he likes. Your legislators don’t recognize the 2nd amendment as a right for you to carry and that’s all the cops can go on. You are not required to notify an Officer in this state if you are carrying a gun. Many times it has been asked here for peoples opinions on what they should do. You now have the opinion first hand from a cop that stopped you. I’m a former cop and I’m notifying. I can also tell you that cops make the decisions they make based on the situation that is in front of them. I don’t care how many HCP’s you have or what the cop thinks about HCP holders, the best cops out there are going to disarm you if their senses tell them something isn’t right. As far as your friend’s story… If I was the Officers Command Officer I would want to know what in the world was going through his head when he put him in his car. If he thought he was a potential danger the last place he needs to be is sitting behind the Officer in his car, unless he has been searched and handcuffed. As far as your paranoia about being on list. Yes, you are on a list. You paid a lot of money and signed a bunch of paperwork to be part of our small club “the chosenâ€. No rights were involved and you did it because you wanted to buy the privilege of carrying. There is no record of what guns you have so give us a hint of what you think the scenario would be where someone would be persecuting you for owning guns and who do you think it would be. Don’t get me wrong, paying to buy the privilege is better than not being able to be armed. But don’t fool yourself for one second that Tennessee is a pro-gun state or that any rights are involved. Had you "notified" your story might have ended with “He was cool, I was fine, and I didn’t get a ticketâ€.
    1 point
  25. I have both an LCP and a 238. The 238 wins every time. Single action makes it way easier to shoot, and it just is better built.
    1 point
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