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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2012 in all areas
I like the up and down buttons better. It is nice to click the red one so i don't have to call anyone a dumbass4 points
3 points
I started to post about this the other day. No one seems to be using the "Vote post up/down" function. I think it's much better than the old "like" button. Now you get to show your malcontent as well as your approval.3 points
I don't put gun related bumper stickers on my car for the same reason I don't open carry: I don't want the attention. But thanks for the offer.3 points
Id say the M60 is a little large for CC. Might I suggest this instead? M249 SAW. Far more compact but still i think you might need a really big purse for CC. Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using Tapatalk3 points
Well, I'm thinking the Green up arrow is a lot like the "like" button, and you also get a "dislike" button with the Red down arrow, on the far right of the posts. I'm good with that . . .2 points
Little baaaasterd. I hope the EPA discovers his mansion is built on a wetlands and he has to bulldoze it to the ground and pay a million dollar fine for being an ashhole.2 points
Wow, really? Look up infringed in the dictionary. It's an eye opener. Wow2 points
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"Hypocrisy" and "left" in the same sentence is redundant.1 point
Actually....yes. That is true too. They are the cheapest gun in the pro circuit. Another reason is that the GSSF really makes competition easy and the members of team glock have a lot of money thrown at them. So yes. Nice try trolling, but please take that stink somewhere else and stop making it in this thread. ################################ O.P. - Get what feels good in your hand. The Beretta is a gun gun and will serve you well. You will like it if that is your choice in a .451 point
Don't get TOO excited, yet. Some of my craziest lib buddies are avid gunnies. Liking guns isn't a guarantee of the superior intelligence required to be conservative.1 point
Ok, let's say police departments pick the cheapest handguns on the market........if you want. But why is the pro circuit covered in Glock 34s? Sponsored shooters who don't even pay for their guns or ammunition choose Glock as much or more than police departments. I guess they have to pick the cheapest gun on the market too.1 point
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With excellent gun control laws and low gun crime in DC, why would anyone need an armed guard?1 point
Many times we have a rather jaded view of LE. Some (...me included...) are pretty quick to "third base" and or call into question the motives of some. This story gives a great insight into the character and convictions of two men who i believe fimly simply cannot stand to see the wrong thing done. They didn't compalin about it; they choose to do something about it. Story here: http://usnews.msnbc....ext-to-his-boys . After evidently finding out that doting, misguided, childish, grieving relatives who wanted to bury this murderin b*****d next to his kids as if nothing had happened; they decided to put their convictions on the line. Not by whining in outrage; but by simply buying cemetary plots on either side of these children murdered by their own father to prevent another outrage. I believe they are, indeed, men of conviction that simply cannot stand to see another outrage perpetrated by the descrecation of the ground in which two innocent kids were to be laid by the presence of the bones of the deranged b*****d that murdered them -- their very own father. They are Pierce County, Washington Sheriff Segeant Ed Troyer and Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor. They simply could not stand the thought of a murderer being buried next to the two kids (...his own, by the way...) he murdered. Thank you Sergeant Troyer and Sheriff Pastor for your actions in this matter. Thanks for your service and conviction. leroy1 point
It probably would get more attention in the news but legally I think the rules of self defense are still more important. In Tennessee it's essentially reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. Worry more about that than about what weapon or ammo you're using. Keep in mind too that in a self defense shooting your weapon will be collected as evidence and it could be a long time, if ever, til you get it back. If you have an expensive registered NFA firearm you'll be saying goodbye to it for a while.1 point
If you like the PX4 better, get the px4. I have sold 2 glocks, and I kept my px4 (subcompact 40). Glocks are just sort of the default gun that people recommend when you ask "what gun should I get" because they do not know what you want but they do know that a glock is reliable, reasonably accurate, and modestly priced. The glock is not better. The px4 is not better. The 1911 is not better either. All these things are subject to opinion only. A few guns have a reputation for jams, malfunctions, breakage, and so on --- and if you see those same remarks about the same brands/models over and over, you should take heed. The rest of the time, select the gun you want and ignore the commentators. However, if you are new enough to guns to be asking this sort of thing, be sure before you buy anything at all. Test fire them if you can, or if a buddy has one or you can rent one. If not, if allowed, dry fire it in the store. The grip, the weight, the balance, the trigger pull, the sights, the controls, those sorts of things are what you want to look at. If you buy that px, for example, then discover afterwards that a sloppy DA trigger is annoying and that you really wanted a single action, it is too late. If you get the glock and then realize that the thing is too light and recoils too hard, same deal. Find out as much as you can before buying because guns are not easy to return at most shops. Even if they allow it you may have to eat the background check fee.1 point
One thing to consider besides a gun feeling good in your hands is if you want a consistent trigger pull or a double action to single action transition. I like a consistent pull, but opinions differ on this. I like Glocks but if you don't like the feel of them you should definitely get something else. I like Sig Sauer best among the DA/SA guns I've fired but I prefer a consistent trigger pull for simplicity. If you like DA/SA look at Sig Sauer and CZ in addition to that Storm. If you want a consistent pull look at Smith and Wesson M&P, Walther PPQ, the new FN Herstal FNS. There are too many guns out there to buy something you don't like. That said, I like Glocks because parts are cheap and youtube can help you modify on or completely take one apart very easily. I love the simplicity. If I didn't like the Glock feel I'd check into Smith & Wesson M&P. *One thing I'll add is that among the 4 Glocks I've owned, I've never found any ammo that would make them choke. This includes steel cased and some funky JHP stuff I found cheap.1 point
Thou hast answered thy own question. For ME, Glock feels better. For YOU, that's not the case. That's why there are different brands.1 point
That has potential. Otherwise it would be like Garufa said, you would have to explain it. So we have a person paying with obscure bills, rambling on about how the "2" represents the 2nd Amendment to someone who likely thinks that is the one where the govt has the power to give us the right to have a warrant when they search our houses for Prohibition. Or is that the one where the press has freedom to speak? And didn't Lincoln come up with that when he crossed the Mississippi in our war with Canada over Mexico in 1492?1 point
Simple to operate and maintain due to so few and reliable "cheap" parts. Guns are all merely variations on a pipe and nail. The more complicated they get I suspect reliabity suffers whether it is due to hard use, weather, etc. I like Glocks because they are simple and you don't have to look hard for accessories or parts. If you break it or mar it who cares, its a Glock. Easy and fast to clean too. Requires little care. Sort of like the hammer I have had for 50 years.1 point
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Nope, clearly gun bans are working, as indicated by the fact that the robber didn't use one. It's quite obvious that we aren't doing enough to support the down-trodden, otherwise this poor misguided individual would not have been forced into a life of crime. It certainly was not his fault. </sarcasm>1 point
It's a good thing you weren't in Rutherford County. The deputy's there won't even let women bring in their purses, and ANY metal at all will set off the detector. I took off my belt and all change in my pocket, had no other metal except the zipper on my pants. I even took out my wallet. It ended up being a dime I missed in my pocket. Kinda overboard if you ask me.1 point
My vote is for the G19 as well. The ammo is priced right. It is easy to conceal. It is not to small for me to shot well. It holds 15+1 rounds. The list could go on and on.1 point
Stolen from someone who commented on the story. "You can't sell raw milk across the PA state lines. But you can sell illegal guns across the border in Mexico. Just ask DoJ Eric Holder how he did it. And he's not even "in trouble"....."1 point
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Same here....just think how dangerous that place would be without the gunbuster signs and Barney Fife security staff.1 point
Taking care of that lack of experience is what training is for and training should be encouraged. Unfortunately, a lot of "adults" who were raised around firearms need but don't get training.The way I see it, if you are old enough to die for your country you ought to be old enough to protect yourself from the thugs and two-legged piles of crap that walk around preying on people.1 point
If that were true, wouldn't students be irresponsible off campus as well? However, I don't remember hearing of a significant number of people being shot by 21-yr old college students off campus, if there were any at all.1 point
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Aren't they awsome?! I finally got to shoot mine a couple days ago and I love it! However, I hope your front sight doesn't snap off after a couple hundred rounds like mine did A quick call to Ruger though and I had a new sight in the mail within three days. Other than that one issue it's a sweet shooter!1 point
1 point
Thank you! That's ridiculous. And since you opened the door, I'll come right on in: I'l start by saying, "Hey, if it turns you on, go for it." But who are you kidding with hanging crap on everything? Every gun out there doesn't need a god forsaken picatinny rail on it!!! Likewise, lasers and AR15 stocks on shotguns and AK's look ridiculous. Half that stuff is for show and no-go anyway. What's the point? That I can make my otherwise classy little 10/22 look like a mall ninja spent his paycheck on Ebay? Half that crap will break under the lightest of use. What's sad is that many of these people are "gearing up for SHTF" and what do you expect to do with a pimped out .22? No real professionals in the business would use that crap, why are you? BUT HEY! If you're happy....go right ahead.1 point
FWIW, the lady I spoke with yesterday said she's never had a complaint in the 4 years she's worked there. WHY am I always phuckin' # 1?1 point
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I used to let situations such as these really upset me. Now, I couldn't care less. Why? As long as there are politicians willing to exploit our differences, whether it be race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic, etc..., to strengthen their influence or power, it will never end. Therefore, I refuse to allow a segment of society, who is so shallow that they would vote for an individual solely based upon their skin tone or any of the aforementioned examples, to upset me. Getting worked up over an issue that I have absolutely no control in changing just isn't worth it.1 point
Don't listen to the other guy. The only difference between a "good" AK and a "bad" AK is generally canted front sights, gas blocks, or a poor finish. All those are easily fixed. What most people look for is a "dimpled" reciever and time period correct parts and or original furniture. You are off to a fine start and as you get better AK's you will notice the difference in asthetics and finish work. That being said the order of what is best changes with who is stating it but here is the general way it goes. 1. Russian - Saiga conversions or the extremely rare and expensive imported Rusky AK. Aresenal, Legion, and many of the top builders use these. 2. Bulgarian - Aresenal, Legion, and many top builders use these. 3. Polish - Tantals (careful with Century builds) and standard AK47 4. Yugoslavian 5. Egyptian/Norinco (Chinese) depending on when they were imported. Otherwise send them to the bottom of the list. 6. Romanian Again the list order can change and speeks to the eveness of com-block AK kits. Century builds are hit and miss and many builds these days are using American recievers and barrels. Sometimes that is good and sometimes that is a bad thing. Like I said before, if the front sight and gas block are straight, the action is smooth, and it looks good to you it is a good AK regardless of the origin or builder.1 point
"...the TSA insists the searches are purely randomized." That's their answer for everything. I was traveling this past June and out of my group of 4 I was the only one picked to go through a Body Scanner and I was picked every time we came to one. I've shaved my head and I'm growing my beard out so I can dress like a muslim and avoid all that hassle next time I travel.1 point
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