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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2012 in all areas

  1. I got a right to life and a got a right to death. and I got a right for no one to tell me when it all should happen.
    3 points
  2. I thought I'd bump this since it's about a year old. We had estimates of $3.14 to $7.00 by summer in this thread and in case you haven't noticed the cheapest price per gallon around me is $3.37 today. BTW it was under $2.00 when BHO got elected. I suspect this will continue to creep up since once again there is turmoil in the ME and BHO is clueless about doing anything about anything.
    2 points
  3. I say BS... he is a wanna B in alot more ways than one. This video is all about him.
    2 points
  4. There's a deeper rooted evil here too. Religions aside, who's business is it if someone wants to kill themselves? Why do people make a federal case out of someone wanting to bow out? It's BS. I'll tell you why. They want the appearance of caring, but they don't want to lose any taxpaying, potentially voting, sheeple/slaves. I'll never understand it. It's not like abortion where you are murdering a child, this is YOUR life. It should be an eye opener just like land taxes. You're NOT free. You're only free to do what someone else wants. It's your life to do with as you please....as long as they say it's okay. Mr. doctor needs a beat down in the parking lot.
    2 points
  5. Hmm.. No wonder they can't afford as many cops... If all of them are driving Hummers with sunroofs. Glad to hear Detroit is embracing the 2nd amendment. Maybe they'll wake up to the other stuff that killed their city soon.
    2 points
  6. Truly feel that if Newt, Mitt and BHO are the brightest and the best we have to lead the free world. We're screwed anyway....
    2 points
  7. Ever wanted a PDF on something that might be useful after SHTF? Well are you in luck, apparently someone decided to upload 11 gigs of information on Pole Shift Survival Information website. Some of it is interesting, some of it is eh, but enjoy the read... http://www.pssurvival.com/
    1 point
  8. Picked up this New 6 year old Desert Eagle .50AE in titanium gold today. Yes I like BLING when its this big.
    1 point
  9. If the Obammunist can go after the First Amendment in such a blatant and arrogant manner, imagine what he could do to the Second Amendment if he had another term? *************************************************** Whom the Gods Would Destroy, by J.R. Dunn It seems that Obama, in a classic act of hubris, has created the means of his own destruction. Through his great historical contribution, his health care bill, he has struck what was surely intended to be a lethal blow against the oldest organization on earth -- an organization with something on the order of a billion members, with a cadre of hundreds of thousands of highly trained and dedicated personnel, and a history of overcoming political threats that make Obama look like a kindergartner. I'm referring, of course, to the Catholic Church. Now, I don't mean that the Archangel Gabriel will appear out of the East to scourge the administration with a blazing sword, though I would pay to see that. What I'm saying is that Obama has at last taken the step that we all knew he had in him, the ultimate act of arrogance and contempt that will bring the forces of history down upon him. Read more: http://www.americant...l#ixzz1mCs4tOWr
    1 point
  10. I had no idea this went on during September 11th until now. Why wasn't more mentioned about this part? http://www.youtube.c...bed/MDOrzF7B2Kg
    1 point
  11. If the item that I want to purchase is significant, my philsophy has been to take a picture of the item with my cell at the local store or show with price, after I touch it feel it, etc. Then research, research, research, the best possible price. I factor in sales tax (sorry Tennessee), shipping costs, other fees i.e. FFL transfer fee, ammo tax, fuel cost and my personal time (driving to and from), and then I bake all of this into the final price. If a local business wants to sweeten the deal with adding value without adding cost, then that sways my final judgment some. If a local business has a no hassle return policy, this sometimes sways my decision providing the local price preimum is within reason, i.e. <10% max. I dropped the loyality to a certain business thing many many years ago. Great business people are very shrewd. Great value shoppers are equally shrewd, if not more. It all goes back to what you consider to be significant. Look at prices in comparison to the number man hours it takes to buy something. If you want to buy a $800 Sig, and you make $30K per year, then your Sig will cost you 14 1/2 hours. In my line of work, that is a lot of stress, not necessiarly alot of money. So I am going to make sure I have exhausted every possible lead for the best deal for me before I make the purchase. The descision to buy has already been made, its just where to buy at the best possible value is the most important remaining issue. One final example, if I could buy a new car in Atlanta $800 cheaper than the same exact car in Knoxville, I will definitely drive to Atlanta to buy it. Then take that $800 that I saved and by the $800 Sig. Do your homework. Don't let impulse or thin patience mold your purchase. (Dave Ramsey eat your heart out)!
    1 point
  12. Share PageDon’t just take a few courses.Change the course of your life today.Connect via Meebo “The morning of the Grammys, the world should pause and pray for the memory of a gifted songbird,†Rev. Al Sharpton said. This yo-yo wants a world day of prayer for her. Haven't heard him ask for prayers for any brave service members who fell while keeping his fat a$$ safe and free.
    1 point
  13. 26" overall. Unless you're just going for looks, I wouldn't reccommend the pistol grip. Nothing renders a shotgun more useless than a pistol grip. It interferes greatly with the aiming part. If you want a short shotgun I would take the money you are going to be putting into this project and pay the $200 stamp for a short barrel shotgun. Well worth it.
    1 point
  14. You know, I really should be offended by that remark. But for the life of me I can't think of why.
    1 point
  15. Excellent tutorial, great pics, and solid info! Thank you for taking the time Caster.
    1 point
  16. So a famous drug addict OD'ed. Who gives a flying F..K? Mike
    1 point
  17. i agree with what he did in general but it should have been kept private, and instead of shooting it just give it to someone who could use it
    1 point
  18. Classic misdirection tactic. Get the populus focused a completely differnt issue, then attack another thru subtrufuge and smokescreens.
    1 point
  19. If a Doctor, Cop or hospital worker wants to talk guns with me; we are going to talk. I have absolutely no fear that I am going to find myself in a mental hospital for observation. And I doubt that’s what happened here either. But it does make a good story doesn’t it?
    1 point
  20. I recently purchased a stainless tactical model (108411) SW1911TA and think it is a beautiful & reliable 1911! It has many premium features included that I was looking for and is made in the USA by S&W! Here are a few pics of mine...
    1 point
  21. Personally, I think looking at your 200 yard target you are having some fun with us. But… the only suggestion I can make is that you put a good scope on and bring all those shots into the X ring.
    1 point
  22. I have loaded this caliber in the past. Norma Brass Nosler ballistic tip 150gr 48grs. H4895
    1 point
  23. I'm confused , as usual. How do they pay a commission , no one ever asks who waited on me ?
    1 point
  24. Hello. I'm the police. I'm here to take the report on your....insert proper crime here.... How can I help you today?
    1 point
  25. Yes, RP is scary.Just like Obama...no way in hell. You could take the absolute worst traits/positions of all four remaining candidates, mold those worst traits into one candidate, multiply by 1000 and the what you get would still be 1,000% better than Obummer on even on Obummer's best (i.e. least objectionable to us) day. We need to understand; whoever is the next president will very likely get to appoint two to four new SC Justices (not to mention hundreds or thousand of lower court justices...do you REALLY want Obummer making those nominations? Heller and McDonald laid a half-way decent foundation of solidifying our second amendment rights but turn the SC to a liberal one and you can kiss our rights goodby. Elections matter, not just for Pres but for Congress as well...if you actually value your rights and if you want to leave a decent country to your children then you don't have the luxury of sitting this one out just because whoever is running isn't the best that could have been offered. Just my $0.02 anyway.
    1 point
  26. Some general observations…. As a cop in Illinois I had to try to have a couple of people committed. It was no easy task and usually ended with them voluntarily committing themselves. Even when we were called out on attempted suicides; we couldn’t act until the person made some kind of attempt. We couldn’t haul them off to the ER or Psych Ward of the hospital just because they were threatening to kill themselves. Do they allow Tennessee cops to haul you off because you talk about suicide? On here, some really don’t care if he has mental problems; they only care that someone wants to take his guns. (He says his guns have not been confiscated.) If you are crazy you will get a lot of people’s attention; if you are crazy and openly carrying deadly weapons you will get everyone’s attention. Maybe this guy is crazy. I went to his YouTube channel and watched some of his videos; I think he is as crazy as a loon. I saw him pull a gun, wave it around and make threats, and his talk of killing children is not that of a sane person. (And I didn’t watch but parts of a few videos) Just like someone else we all know; his internet ramblings and his videos will probably be his downfall. He doesn’t show what that letter is that he is waving around and carrying on about. Is it a response to a firearms purchase denial appeal? If so it could be as simple as having some incorrect information changed; happened to me. But as I said before the only information we are going to get is going to come from him. I doubt Harris is going to tell us why he refused the case. The Doctors and the Cops can’t make any statements about medical or mental health issues. He doesn’t appear to be a reliable source for what’s going on. Why pro bono? He has people from all over the country making comments and he has asked for donations for a legal defense fund. It sounds like he may have (or will have) the money to get a good lawyer. .
    1 point
  27. I agree, however, when this moron decides to post it for the rest of the world in order to make a point it becomes everyone elses' business. His choice. For him to complain about the negative press regarding this would be like Kim Kardashian complaining that everyone makes fun of her oversized butt. No one would know if they didn't advertise it to everyone that'll watch.
    1 point
  28. Everytime I have called the police,their response is " there's nothing we can do". I'm sure it's no different there.
    1 point
  29. Bad iPhone pic but that's my 12yo rocking the AR last range trip. He loved it.
    1 point
  30. Poor kid. When I read things like this the first thing that I do is thank God for the parents that I was blessed with!
    1 point
  31. Why wait for a real attorney? Haven't you realized we're a bunch of know-it-alls?
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Then the ones that have no intent to follow the Constitution with respect to Firearms issues just need to say so, instead of giving lip service and then not honoring their statements.
    1 point
  34. you need a lawyer, not a gun forum. best wishes for the child
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Immature dumass. There are ways to accomplish your goals besides that.
    1 point
  37. Nailed on Wikipedia. Wasn't me, I swear! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Rossen "In 2012, Rossen was named National Investigative Correspondent. He will lead a new investigative unit titled "Rossen Reports." According to an NBC News press release, Rossen's investigations will appear on all platforms, including TODAY, NBC Nightly News, and Dateline.[citation needed]. Rossen will provide information that isn't substantiated and tends to lean towards violating constitutional rights. He is supported and funded by Michael Bloomberg and writes articles aimed at supporting the anti-gun community in collaboration with the Brady Campaign. His articles provide no factual data, and consists mainly of unsubstantiated quotes from the coffers of the Brady Campaign."
    1 point
  38. The article is very telling about the times we are stepping into due to the failing economy. The Detroit PD claim that the rise in justifiable homicides are unrelated to response times/less police; the rationale they use is that the shootings take place before 911 is even called. But this is a very flawed logic. The criminals obviously know that there are less police on the street and their response times are so slow, so they are more brazen in their crimes. Makes sense that this would lead to rise in SD shootings since the crime is up and the citizenry is more aware and prepared. What I don't like about this article is that it uses phrases like "vigilantism", "retribution" and "taking the law in their own hands". I think they miss the point completely. If someone shoots in self-defense they are not doing it for "retribution", they're doing it to protect themselves. It goes to show how the average person (even the "well informed" press) don't understand the role of law enforcement. They are there to enforce the law, not provide protection.
    1 point
  39. Moving right along. Break down that pistol and pour some oil down the barrel. Remember the bullets we cast and air cooled? You didn't lose them did you? Drop one nose first into the chamber. Gently drive it through. You should only fell real resistance the first half inch as the rifling engraves upon the bullet. You should be able to lightly peck it on through. What you DON'T want is to pound it. You want it to spin through the barrel as it would if fired. Now measure the bullets major diameter. Add.001-.002 to that and select the appropriate sizer. Many is the time that the figure you get is the as cast diameter. If its on the undersize there is a fix for that. I will address this if there's interest, later as it is a bit involved. Still with me? Now we tumble lube. In the interest of my tiring patience I will say there are great YouTube videos on this. Just follow the directions. I use an old plastic coffee can. They don't need to be heavily coated. A light coat is fine for anything under a thousand to 1100 fps. Go heavy if you like. It won't hurt a thing but it will smoke like a black powder pistol if you get them too heavy. My first loads were heavily lubed and loaded with unique. Unique is a touch smokey anyway. I could empty a ten round mag real fast and could barely see the target by the last shot. You'll figure it out. That's the fun of handloading. I also, contrary to many, like to dump my freshly lubed bullets on a plastic sheet and using a pair of hemostats, stand them up. Reason being, some lube will run down into the micro bands and when dry there won't be clumps on the sides. Wait 24 hours and load them up. Be sure when you load them to flare the case enough. After they are loaded ready to go, you may wanna wipe off the bullet so the dried lube doesn't build up in the gun. That gets labor intensive, but I do it. If you don't, you'll just have to clean it out of the gun. Revolvers need not worry. Now for you Lee factory crimp die users, try this: load an unsized bullet in a case and run it through the FCD. Now use a kinetic hammer to pull it back out. Measure it and compare. If it's close to what your original figured dimension was, try shooting 50 and look for leading. Hey, works for me. It will save you a step too. I know I left gaps in information. I know you all got questions. Lets keep this thread on topic & nail down some definitive steps for those interested in getting started. I've had lots of PM's recently and love to answer questions. But I fear answering the same questions repeatedly will cheat some folks out of a proper answer as I get sloppy or in a hurry. That's not fair and it's rude. I will answer here, any relevant question on the matter. If I dont know it. We will find it. My fingers are tired and I need a beer. Y'all be safe whatever you do, please!
    1 point
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