About This Club
A group just for folks in the greater Memphis area to gather.
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I'd like to stay away from enclosed areas. Restaurants since I have trouble eating and I know I'd get hungry smelling their food. Bars since I don't/can't drink anymore but would want one or a few. A park or open air meeting place where we can set up a canopy or 2 if needed. Bring your own drinks and chairs. Chat and take notes, face to face and names instead of a screenname.
I didn't know about the McIvor Shooting Range in Sardis and looked it up. Looks like a really nice place. But I'm guessing that, like MSSA, it will be crowded on weekends. Plus its about a 1.5 hour drive for me. I'm just not sure if I wanna do that. Will also depend a lot on when. I have things going on right now and its not a good time for me to take a full day away from home. I'd really prefer something in the Memphis area. Just a meet and greet for a few hours. I don't really care if we shoot or not. But see if you can work something out. I'm open to suggestions.
Hope to get a release Tuesday so I can drive again. I'm ready to get out, fish and shoot. I'll check at the gun range at Sardis, it's open on Friday thru Sunday noon till dark or 6 pm. Can set up at 11 am by what I've seen on signs. See if we need to set up at the field house or if we can at the range. It's a bit of a drive for some, going to northeast Memphis is far for me. Being driven to Baptist East every 2 to 3 months wears me out.
Like I said MSSA is possible, but I'm not sure its worth the hoops to jump through. Last time we meet at Top Gun, but many folks work and can't get there until 5:30-6:00 or later. They close at 8:00. So there wasn't a whole lot of time. However, they did give of the use of one of their private classrooms. So there's that.
I’m more interested in talking and meeting folks. Top Gun has a restaurant on-site for those who want to socialize, and those who want to shoot can do that too. MSSA limits range use to members and their guests. That complicated matters if you want to have a lot of non-members show up and shoot. It may be possible to have some sort of sanctioned gathering (picnic, etc.) but we’d have to clear that with range management.
Memphis Sport Shooting Association Like I said, doable, but not ideal.
Shelby Farms, north side of Walnut Grove is where I asked about second time. Some place in Collierville, the train station, railfan viewing center? It doesn't have to be in/near Memphis. What is MSSA and where is it located?
Deep South: as mentioned before, the Shelby Farms range closed over 20 years ago. Not an option. The only other outdoor range around here is MSSA. I suppose that's doable, but they close at sunset and weekends are very crowded. Scheduling could be a big problem. I'm free most evenings and weekends. Just set a time and place, I'll be there. Frankly, I don't care if we shoot or not. I'm more interested in meeting the people. A restaurant, coffee shop or similar would be fine with me.
Shelby farms would be better for me. Don't care for indoor ranges.
Top Gun seems like a good location. Are weekends or weekday evenings better for everyone?
Memphis area Meet & Greet
Thearmededucator replied to DeepSouth's topic in Memphis's Memphis Chatter
Id be interested, but with young kids Im entirely dependent on time and place -
It was in 90 to 92 when I went to the penal farm range, We hardly ever travel east on Walnut Grove past Humphry anymore. I lose my driving restriction April 1st and ready to get back on the road. I just can't go far now without a nap.
I'm up for it. Last time we met at Top Gun on Whitten rd. However, the turn out wasn't much and it kinda flopped. Only 5 people showed up. I'm willing to try again, but hopefully with more people.
The covered range at Shelby Farms, west of the Agricenter closed up 20 years ago. Not sure if you're talking about that one, or something else. There is a FOP range around there but it's open only to members. Meeting at a restaurant or somewhere like a brewery tap room would require less organization and no reservations or commitments - people could just come and go with no purchase required. The tap rooms tend to have a fair amount of outdoor seating and plenty of space.
Anyone near go to the Penal Farm gun range? It's been ages since I went there. Wondering if we could set up canopies, tables, grill for a few hours. I hate to drive that far to check on things. Figure someone close by could do that. Maybe mid April would work.
Don't see why not.
Any plans for a Meet & Greet this year?
dgzero joined the club
untilThe Coronet formerly Al Chymia Shrine Temple 5770 Shelby Oaks Dr Memphis, TN 38134 https://gunshowtrader.com/gun-shows/memphis-tn-gun-show/
I did show up Sunday for a bit, long enough to see something I had to have. Oh well, I hear having a retirement fund is overrated anyway
Thanks to our friendly neighborhood hurricane, it was pretty slow. Mostly ended up being a bunch of old guys sitting around BSing and watching it rain. Oh well, we got out of the house, had a good time and made a few bucks. I'll probably do the next one just for fun.
I've got a few things I'd like to move. I think I'm gonna set up there. Feel free to stop by and say howdy.
Iceman927 joined the club
Thanks Ken, guess I won't be there.
It's a quarterly swap meet that is held at MSSA, for MSSA members only (sadly). It runs all 3 days in the clubhouse but you have to be on premises if you have a gun there for sale. They have a couple dozen tables set up and it's 75% dusty old junk but occasionally something worthwhile can be spotted there. I usually forget about it until the last day when everything's already been picked over.
Need more info.
I'll put it on my calendar.