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AK "Tabuk" rifle

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I have no need for a rifle like this but what the hell......I am starting to amass the parts and pieces for what will eventually become a kalashnikov "semi" precision(laughable I know:rolleyes:) rifle. IMG_0695Medium.jpgtabuk12028large29zc2.jpg

Here is the parts list:

Yugo M70 fixed stock kit

Tabuk Barrel from Cope's

Flash hider from Nodak

Stock set from Ironwood Designs

Gas Block

Rear sight (RPK)

Scope Rail

Cleaning rod from saiga shotgun - (So I am told)

SVD "cheek rest"

I may not see the need that this rifle would fill(that my VEPR wouldn't) but I still want one. icon_biggrin.gif And I might as well build the damned thing!

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Guest sling

Looks like an RPK with no bipod and a standard stock...with a scope on it.

Have any idea what the difference is? Im curious.

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Guest The Cat

Looks like the one pictured does have the beefier RPK style trunnion, plus the adjustable-windage sights that the RPKs have.

Definitely has Yugo wood and pistol grip too.

Edited by The Cat
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Guest c_o_jones


Congrats on the new addition.

That's actually the second Tabuk patterned rifle I've seen this year.

The first was built off of an AES 10B. Nice Job.

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Guys the pictured rifle is NOT mine. It belongs to a member of www.theakforum.net I have been collecting the parts and pieces and currently have about 97% of what I need to complete the build. If I build the rifle it will end up costing about $1200 total. If I get a "professional" to build it then it will be $1500+. I will keep you posted.

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Guest c_o_jones
Guys the pictured rifle is NOT mine. It belongs to a member of www.theakforum.net I have been collecting the parts and pieces and currently have about 97% of what I need to complete the build. If I build the rifle it will end up costing about $1200 total. If I get a "professional" to build it then it will be $1500+. I will keep you posted.


I guess you need to get started if your going to make it part of your sig.:D

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